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Din was asking me to stay. Not for Cara's or Greef's chances of making it out alive. Not for the child's sake but for him. He wanted me to stay for him. I closed my eyes as I let the thought settle in my mind. I felt his hand on my cheek causing me to open my eyes. With slow movements I nodded my head, giving into his request. I heard him let out a breath as his hand dropped from my cheek and went behind my head to pull me in. We stayed like that for a couple of seconds until I felt something shift in the air around me.

"Wait," I said pulling away.

"What?" I heard Din ask.

I turned my head towards the window as I felt a pull. But not just any pull, I felt the child's aura get stronger. No way, the droid did it. "Call in the comlink." I told Din, he stare at me before speaking.

"But you said-."

"I know what I said. Just do it."

He pulled out the comlink before speaking, "Come in, Kuiil. Kuiil! Nothing."

The glimmer of hope left my eyes as there was still no response, that was until I heard the child's squeal. I smiled at Din due to the noise that was coming from the comlink.

"Kuiil has been terminated."

"What did you do," Din said sternly.

"I am fulfilling my base function," the droid replied back with.

"Which is?" Din asked hesitantly.

"To nurse and protect."

I felt the child's aura getting strong by the second. They were coming to us.

"Get ready. They are coming to us." I said causing Cara and Greef to move towards the window.

"How do you know?"

The shots of a blaster proved my answer as they were heard from a distance but got louder by each passing second.

"Look!" Cara called as we all looked out the window. Out the window we saw the IG-droid shooting down many stormtroopers with the child on his back. The droid jumped off of the speeder causing it to blow up in front of some stormtroopers before shooting some more down. The droid was holding its on, but there was too many stormtroopers out there. We had to get them in the common house.

"Cover me." Din yelled before approaching the door.

"Go," I called back shooting from the window. Cara jumped onto the bar as she sprayed down shots towards the troopers. From afar I could see the IG droid taking many hits, bring it to its knees. The droid covered the child with its metal arms as it took the shots in its back. We are running out of time.

"You think Moff's rule of needing me alive still stands?" I yelled towards Cara.

"Maybe, I don't know. Why you ask?" She said before glancing at me and stopping her rapid fire.

"Guess we'll find out." I said before moving towards the window and jumping out. From my far left I noticed Din using the E-Web to take down some of the stormtroopers. Smart Man. I ran forward before kicking a blaster out of a stormtrooper's hand. He froze causing me to kick his leg causing him to drop to the ground and yell in pain. I lifted his head back exposing his neck before slicing through it. His body went limp against mine causing me to push him back onto the ground.

"Stop it right there."

I turned around seeing a stormtrooper raising his blaster at me. I gave out a scoff before replying.

"What are you gonna do, kill me?" I said sparing a him a look. From the corner of my eye I could see two more stormtroopers approach me, one at each side. From behind me I could heard the crunch of small rocks. Four stormtrooper....perfect.

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