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Starting a new job is always exciting to me. Never quite know what exactly you are walking into until you step inside the bar, house, or ship. It is always different. I love the adrenaline that would come within me when an asset tries to ran away. Key word is tries. Once I have my eyes on a target it is nearly impossible for me to let it go.

The Mandalorian and I made it back outside with only a tracking fob and two units of Beskar. Never in my life did I think I would be working with someone else. It's not that I didn't like others....that's a lie. Well what I mean is having a partner when it comes to bounty hunting can be complicated. Is the reward gonna be split half, even if one does most of the work? How can I trust the other that once we capture the asset they won't try to kill me and take the reward for their own? These are only two of many questions that are up in the air whenever working with someone. Not only are there questions but I have never met a Mandalorian. I use to think that they weren't even real, only a myth. But most importantly for me it is the risk factor I'd have to take. Don't get me wrong bounty hunting is all about taking risks. I take risks because I am not afraid of the outcomes, whether it works in my favor or not, I'm not afraid to die.

I turned on my tracking fob causing it to beep. It took another 45 seconds before it beeped again. This meant that the asset was far but not too far. Whatever planet it is was on would be able to be reached by the next day. The further apart the beeps are from another the longer of a distance you have to travel. I felt eyes on me so I turned my head slightly looking at the Mandalorian.

"Yes?" I asked slightly annoyed.

The Mandalorian said nothing before walking off. I rolled my eyes behind him before following. I settled on the fact that this Mandalorian was in fact a male. Even through the voice of the helmet you could tell a man was underneath there. I heard that there was a time when there was a female Mandalorian walking about. However, that was a time before I was born. We continued walking until we made it to the busy part of the small run down city. Beings were trying to trade anything they could like animals, clothing, or other beings. He abruptly stopped walking almost causing me to run into his back.

"Stay here." He said as a parent would say to their child.

This made my blood boil. Mandalorian or not I'll still kick your ass. I quickly grabbed his wrist before turning it slightly to the point were it would almost pop out of its socket. He snapped his head towards me before putting his hand that was formed into a fist on my waist. There was a gap between my chest plate and my belt that had no protection. He had a taser of some sort that was a part of his arm guard that would shoot out hitting my waist.

"Don't create a scene." He said, even through the helmet I could hear a slight tone of pain. Good.

"Where do you think you are going with my share of Beskar?" I said with my teeth grinding against each other.

"You can not go where I am going." He said.

I cocked my head to the side giving the 'I'm not buying it' look.

He sighed before dropping his fist from my waist causing me to drop my hold on his wrist. He reached behind his back with one of his hands before pulling forward the biggest weapon he had on him and handed to me.

"Here, this is my best weapon yet. If I don't come back you can use it on me. I may be a while." He said as a matter of fact before turning back around and walking off of the busy street into a door opening covered by a thick piece of cloth.

Great. So much for working together I had thought before turning away walking around the streets. There was no way I was waiting for him. He's a bounty hunter, he can find me when he's done. I walked into a bar before sitting at the stools. I looked over towards the bartender before telling him to surprise me. Alcohol was alcohol, I never really was a drinker. Maybe it had to deal with the fact that the man who killed my parents was drunk but, I never understood why people would be shit face drunk only for their issues to go away temporally.

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