Season 3 Teaser (Bonus Chapter)

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Dear Diary,

It's been hard.

All I can think about is Din. His voice. His presence. His touch.

Grogu was just as sad as I was but I could tell that having me around him does in fact help. Grogu being around me helps as well but no one but Din himself could feel the void that he had left. For some reason I keep thinking that Din is going to just burst through the door, but he never does. I knew that this was the right decision but it still hurt in the end.

Luke gave me time to calm down before approaching me about training. As he knew that pushing me wasn't going to get anywhere. He recommended having a diary or journal would help, until I was ready to talk to him. At first I was a little skeptical of Luke's idea, thinking that he would just try and find my journal to read it. But then he assured me that if he really want to know what I was thinking he could try and tap into my mind. He mentioned that it wouldn't be easy by any means, as I had some pretty thick walls built up.

So here we are.

"This is dumb," I said out loud as I closed the book shut before putting it under my pillow. I sat in my bed as I looked down at my hands. Using my fingers on right hand I twirled the ring that was on the ring finger on my left.

Should I even be wearing this thing right now? Technically speaking Din never asked me to marry him. I still wanted him to ask me, just for now I'd wear it for save keepings. As the best place for it was on my finger.

I heard a knock on my door causing me to look up. "Come in," I called as I got up from the bed. The door opened beholding Luke as he held Grogu. Grogu's eyes were closed causing an alarm to ring in my head as I approached the two. "Is he okay?" I hastily asked Luke as I took the child from his arms. I turned away from the door and walked towards the bed, laying him on it before pulling the covers on top. "He's fine, just got overworked in training." Luke spoke from the doorway. I watched the child as little snores strung from his mouth.

"Maybe we should train together..." I hinted even though I knew Luke was going to say no. I didn't hear anything from him making me turn around towards him. The look that he had across his face said it all, but he still decided to speak. "You know I can't allow that." I looked away from him as he continued to speak, "Having you around him as it is hinders his abilities. Because of his at-."

"I know I know. Because of his attachment to me. But I'm not going anywhere." I said as I shrugged my shoulders. Luke smiled lightly at my reaction before he nodded. "I know Calyptra. Shall we begin your training for today."

The face fell as I honestly didn't feel in the mood to train today. Considering how Grogu's training went today, Luke was going to give me hell. Luke didn't wait for me to say another word before turning around and out the door. I debated for a moment as to whether I should go or not before agreeing that I had no where else to go at this point. I looked one more time at Grogu before leaving and closing the door behind me.


"You're not focused enough." I heard Luke say from in front of me as I had my eyes closed as I was sitting crisscross but not touching the ground as I was levitating in the air. I squeezed my eyes tighter as I tried to focus but nothing was working.

"Calyptra, you need to concentrate, feel the force."

"Maybe if you would stop talking I could." I snapped as we had been doing this for an hour. I opened my eyes as I had officially had it. This caused me to fall towards the ground slowly. Luke watched with no expression on his face. "What's on your mind?"

I shook my head as I got up from the ground. "Nothing," I said I as turned away from him and back towards where we were staying. We were on top of a mountain. Luke never told me what planet we were on. It was probably because he assumed that if he told me I'd find a way to leave the planet and find Din. He wasn't exactly wrong, but then again I had no idea where Din was.

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