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Jin heard footsteps coming towards his room and immediately clamped both his hands over his mouth and nose. Any expulsion of air felt like the only sound in the world. He clamped his eyes shut as well, too nervous to see. Still, he remained motionless in the ottoman.

"Where are you, Seokjin?" He heard a familiar voice, one of his father's men. "We need to get you out of here and to a safe place." The footsteps moved all over but began to make their way into the closet. "Jin, we don't have time for this! Stop playing around! Namjoon is here to take you away! We need to get you away from here." He swat the clothes around and threw open drawers. "Come out here, you little shit! We don't have time for this! Don't you understand? Either I find you or your father kills me!" Jin didn't move. The man sighed. Who could it be? Jeongin? Or one of the older men he didn't speak to much? The man sighed, "Fuck!" And sat down on the ottoman. Jin couldn't stop the squeak. "What the fuck?"

He jumped off and studied it. Before Jin knew it, the lid was ripped off and he was yanked up by the arm. "Ah!" He yelped as he was manhandled by some henchmen he never bothered to talk to.

"I'm gonna get you to the car, and don't struggle. We have to get you away from Namjoon." He spoke, repeating the mantra of Minsu, unknowing of said man's fate.

"Oh, no you don't." Hoseok stood a bit away infront of them, barring them from exiting the closet. His gun pointing right at the man. "Let him go and your brains don't decorate this place. Capeesh?" The man just placed the barrel of the gun against Jin's head. Hoseok scoffed, "Please, you wouldn't do it. Your job is to get him away from here."

He moved the gun and fired, just so it barely scuffed Jin's bicep. Jin shrieked and tried to hold his arm but the man held him tightly in place. "No, but I can hurt him. Now, get out of the way or I blow something off of him."

Hoseok sighed and stepped to the side with his hands up. "Fine, go." His jaw locked as the man pointed the gun at him now.

His attention was on Hoseok, when it should've been on everything. Maybe the hench were to blame for the fall of the Minsu empire. Namjoon ran in and took the opportunity, shooting a few bullets at the man. His heart ached watching Jin cover his ears and scream.  But he was glad he got the man away from Jin. Namjoon ran to him and scooped him up into his arms.

"Oh my God, Jin, my baby." He held him tightly, he was genuinely scared he'd be gone if he loosened his grip.

"N-Namjo-joon!" Seokjin sobbed into his broad chest and clutched his blood stained shirt like it was his string of fate.

Meanwhile, Hoseok had the gun ready to fire if anyone came inside.

"My Seokjin, honey, I'm so sorry." Namjoon cried into Jin's sweaty hair. He was so happy to have him back in his arms.

Yoongi interrupted the moment. Not that they could blame him. He ran down the hallway, "Come on! I've got and exit, get going!" A loud whipping sound grew louder and louder as they ran towards it.. He ushered them out and led the way to a window. "Nice to see you're okay, Jin, by the way!" He yelled as he allowed Jin and Namjoon to climb out of the window. Hoseok fired at anyone on the ground, protecting them as they climbed the ladder to a helicopter. Faster than ever, all four made it on and it began to fly away.

Hoseok took time to gloat as he continued to fire at enemies on the ground. "Ha! Fucking lovers! Ah!-" He ducked when he saw a bullet coming at him. Thankfully, it missed. Yoongi smacked his head. "Hey!"


Jin leaned on Namjoon as he cried. Everything was so scary. They were far enough away to not worry about enemies firing at them at the moment. But of course were still on high alert. Silence and the 'thwack' of the helicopter was all that was heard for the next two minutes until they landed.

"The car is ours, get in! Go, go, go!" Yoongi ordered as they all jumped from the helicopter and into the car.

"Is this so they can't shoot us down?" Hoseok asked, to which Yoongi nodded. "Nice thinking, honey."

Yoongi's face remained serious but his blush said otherwise. "Thanks, Hobi."

They all sighed in the car. Exhaustion finally catching up on them.

"Namjoon?" Jin's voice broke.


Jin had an idea, but refused to accept it without any other information. "Where's Hyunsa?" Namjoon looked at his shoes sadly. "No, no," Jin shook his head and covered his mouth as he yelled. "No! No, she's still in there! We have to go back!"

Namjoon shook his head, a sympathetic look on his blood spattered face. "She didn't make it, baby."

"No!" He smacked his clutched fist against Namjoon's chest angrily. "Lair! Stop it!" She screamed. Yoongi and Hoseok flinched at the sound, but just looked at each other sadly, tightly holding hands. They were thankful they were both still here. Still here, together, that is.

Namjoon grabbed Jin's wrists gently and prevented the smacks. "My Seokjinnie, baby. I found her with some guard and he tried to shoot me when I wasn't looking. She took the bullet for me, baby." He let the tears slide down his face, unashamed.

Jin thrashed in his grip. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Aah!"

"Baby, she told me to leave her there. Told me, t-to take care of you, Jinnie. She said to, t-to tell you, "Hyunsa loves you always." She meant that, baby. She's not with us, but Hyunsa will always take care of you and love you, sweetheart."

Jin stopped thrashing and went limp in Namjoon's grip. Wailing and screaming into his chest. Namjoon could only hold him tightly and kiss his head, whispering sweet nothings to calm him as best he could.


Look who updated early ayeeee

Check out my new book please im having fun with it its cute

Also oneus comeback next week hnnnng I pre-ordered the album already

Anyway I read a TaeKook yesterday called "our secret" and I cried really hard. I wish I could write something that intense and emotional but when I read books that make me cry, it makes me wanna write fluffy, non plot driven books bout domestic stuff bc I hate characters being sad lmao :(

Anyway wear your mask!


Thanks Mwuah

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