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Namjoon decided on calling Hyunsa, maybe she'd have the answers. Jin did mention that she gave him the sex talk because of Ryunjoon.

So, he carefully moved Jin away and left the room while dialing her. He leaned against the wall and smiled when she answered.

"Hello?" She asked. Her sounded like she was smiling on the other end. He smiled as well. Namjoon was glad whatever Hyunsa and Jiyong had going on was there.

"Hello, Hyunsa. It's Namjoon. I was wondering if you could tell me about something?"

"Oh, what do you want to know?"

Namjoon sighed. Should he be prying like this? To be fair, Jin had already explained. He was just getting clarification. Yeah, that was it.

"Can you tell me about Ryunjoon?" He heard her sigh on the other end. "Jin mentioned him briefly, said they'd, done things, together. I just, just wanna know how deep it went, I guess."

"Are you sure he's okay with this?"

"Well," Namjoon needed to defend himself. He wanted the info and a clean conscience. "I asked about it a few minutes ago but he was sleepy and only said a few basic things before he passed out. I wasn't going to wake him up just because I'm curious. I'm just getting clarification, is all."

She sighed, "Alright, just because I feel you should know a bit more about his life before you." Namjoon felt he was going to hear something he didn't like. He'd be right. But he already knew he wasn't going to like it because Jin had already told him they'd been sexual. Whatever was new information to him couldn't get any worse. "Ryunjoon was one of the very, very few friends Seokjin had. He was the son of some rich guy friend of Minsu. They met at a banquet when they were around twelve years old and hit it off. His other friend, Jimin, was the only person he'd gotten to play with continuously. This was huge. I'd gotten used to having him visit for the day around once a week, as Jimin did as well."

On the other end of the phone, Hyunsa was pinching the bridge of her nose. Man, this was weird to talk about. She hadn't spoken about it in a long time.

"Ryunjoon had an obvious crush on Jinnie but, well, you know the boy. It's not hard for things to fly over his pretty little head. But Ryunjoon was a great kid, he really was."

Namjoon hummed, not very content with hearing praise for someone else involved with his boyfriend. He just needed her to keep explaining.

"Minsu actually hoped they'd get together. Ryunjoon was one of the few people who'd won Minsu's approval to be so close to his son. He was a strong boy, polite but stern, smart and charming, everything he wanted in a son in law."

Namjoon chewed on his bottom lip to keep himself from raging. We get it, he was great.

"However, one day, the boys got, curious, and something ended up happening between the two." Namjoon clenched his jaw but held his tongue, nodding along to what he heard. "Jin had gotten a random erection like many growing boys do around sixteen. So, confused and not knowing what to do, he asked Ryunjoon for help since he was there. Now, I'm not one hundred percent sure what happened because I only know this from Jin telling me what happened, so keep that in mind. Anyway, Ryunjoon....helped it go away, by uh, touching Jin. Ironically, they never kissed. That's why Jinnie said, that they never kissed. Crazy, right?" She chuckled. Namjoon wasn't laughing.

He sighed. He had no right to be angry at Jin. In fact, he wasn't. Namjoon was angry at Ryunjoon for seeing Jin so intimately. Something he felt only he was allowed to see. He swallowed his pride and decided he needed to know more. "Then what?"

"Well, Jin said it happened once or twice more afterwards on different days. He said it felt good and kept bugging Ryunjoon to do it since neither of them really knew how to wrap their heads around the situation. The fourth and last time it happened, Minsu walked in on them and went berserk. I'm not sure what it was about it that set him off. Maybe he felt he was loosing the last he had of Mina too early since they were only sixteen, who knows. To be honest, I'm actually glad it happened with Ryunjoon so at least he wasn't absolutely taken advantage of by someone else." Namjoon cleared his throat awkwardly. "Oh...sorry. Anyway, Minsu immediately whipped out his gun and shot Ryunjoon in the shoulder. No insane damage but you know, he hurt him as little as a bullet wound could hurt someone. Said he'd kill him if he ever saw him around Jin again. Jin was depressed for a while since one of his only friends was taken away for reasons he didn't understand. But yes, ever since then, we haven't seen Ryunjoon. So, I guess that's everything. Are we good now? I was doing something."

Namjoon scoffed lightheartedly. "You're too busy for us, Hyunsa. What could you possibly be doing that's more important than talking to me?"

"Well, playing monopoly with Minsu and his men." They both chuckled at that. "Well, good night, Namjoon."

"Wait," Namjoon added. "I just wanted to say, that I know the way our lives connected wasn't good, and that the impact I've had on your life has been a shitty domino effect. Maybe you'll never truly like me or anything, but I'm thankful for your approval. Most importantly," he sighed, he rolled his eyes at himself for getting glassy eyes. Kim Namjoon has shot people for mildly inconveniencing him and now he's getting sappy? Jin didn't turn him into a softie. He just broke the softy out of it's cage. "I just, wanna thank you for taking such good care of Jin until I got to him."

Hyunsa smiled, she respected that he had the guts to say all of that too her. "Thank you for taking such good care of him since you've met him and forward. You're giving him the life I wanted for him. So, thank you, Kim Namjoon."

Namjoon sighed, "Well, Goodnight, Hyunsa."

I lied 1 more chapter left then it's over


idk what else to say I hope y'all enjoy what I write I really hope so :)



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