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Namjoon finally had what he needed ; a bottle of lube in his left hand and a handful of Jin's thigh in the other.

"Da-ddy," Jin said barely above a whisper. He was already crying, tears slipping out of his eyes silently. "Pl-lease, please touch-ch me."

"Of course, Jin." Namjoon smiled fondly and leaned down, chest to chest with Jin as he nuzzled his jawline. He gave Jin's thigh a pat. "Open your legs for me, sweetheart." Jin obliged with a whimper, and slowly dragged his thighs apart. Namjoon left small pecks on his jaw. "That's a good boy." Jin couldn't help but squirm underneath him, whimpering desperately and grabbing onto whatever he could to pull Namjoon closer.

"Daddy," Jin's voice cracked, tears continuing to slide down his tan face. This was all so overwhelming for him, but he wasn't scared. Almost like the first time you go on a rollercoaster. You know what to expect, but you still have no idea what's to come. That's how he'd put it, although he'd never been to an amusement park and even if he had, that's probably not what he'd be thinking about during an intense situation like this one. He just didn't know what would happen, and maybe that's why he cried. He wasn't scared, or sad, or angry. He was just overwhelmed by everything going on. He was so needy and yearning for touch, his heart beating in his throat, and Namjoon hovering above him with love and lust sprawled all over his face.

"Shh, Jin, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, kitten." He wiped some of the boy's tears off of his cheek. His other hand already had lube on it, slicked up and ready. "This might hurt a little bit, okay, honey?" Jin nodded, before squeezing his eyes shut.

Namjoon teasingly ghosted his index finger around the rim, earning an almost silent cry from the boy on the receiving end, before finally slipping it in to the knuckle.

Jin cried out quietly, clasping his hand over his mouth to silence himself. The tears only continued. "Are you okay, baby?" Namjoon asked him, using his free hand to caress Jin's cheek. "You say the word and we stop. Just tell me, Jinnie. You know I could never be upset about it, alright, dear?"

Jin just leaned into his hand, nuzzling his face into it. He hummed in response to Namjoon's question and held his own hand over Namjoon's on his cheek, before pressing himself down onto the finger inside of him. He yelped at the pain, and turned his face into Namjoon's hand, clasping it against his mouth with his hand that'd already been over his the other man's.

Namjoon was too shocked to respond for a few seconds due to the sight before him. Jin was crying and whimpering from the pain, but grinded against the finger nonetheless. "M-o-ore," Jin's request was barely audible, but it was definitely loud enough to slap Namjoon out of his daze.

"This will probably hurt, Jin. I'm sorry, baby boy. It'll feel good in a little, I promise" He kissed Jin passionately to help distract him from the other finger, and decided to use Jin's painful yelp to both of their advantage. His tongue had now slipped past his lips and snaked around the boy's mouth. Jin squeaked, but came to and moved his own tongue. Namjoon scissored his fingers, trying to get it over with as quickly as possible so Jin could only feel good from then on. What'd caught Namjoon off gaurd, like many things that night, was Jin pulling away from the kiss and sucking on his tongue. He groaned feeling Jin's plump lips sucking, and the whimper Jin let out made it greater. If he didn't know any better, or was so hopelessly in love, he would've already broken Jin's back. But he did know better, and this, well, this was fantastic, too.

"Daddy," Jin swallowed thick. "An-no-ther, hah!" He panted, rolling his hips. He was still in a lot of pain, but he'd just not let Namjoon know his kinks yet. Jin loved pain. This was fantastic for him.

Namjoon pressed in the third finger, groaning at the feeling of Jin clenching around him. Jin had another wave of tears fall down as he squirmed underneath him, wiggling against the fingers inside him. When Namjoon laid them still so he could adjust to them, Jin just would not have it. Jin grabbed the wrist of the hard inside him and rolled his hips onto them. Namjoon was in awe at the sins unfolding centimeters away.

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