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"Oh, it's just awfully hot outside. I made you boys some lemonade. Why don't you all come inside for a minute?" Hyunsa called to the gaurds. Without hesitation, they walked indoors, leaving the front of the house ungaurded.

Jin took his chance and tiptoed outside, just in time for Namjoon to arrive and open the door for him. "Where to, honey?" He asked. The pet names always sent chills down Jin'back.

As he drove out onto the road, Jin got an idea. "Can we go get pizza?"

"Of course." Namjoon smiled and drove to the nearest pizzeria.

As they ate, Namjoon felt antsy, as the question he wanted to ask burned inside of him. He just had to ask.

"Why were you sad earlier, doll?"

Jin sighed, "My father won't eat with us anymore. I barely see him. I think it upset me that he's sort of leaving. I don't feel he cares about me anymore." He held his face in his palm and used the other hand to sadly swirl his straw around in his cup.

"Gee," Namjoon gave him a look of sympathy, "That does sound like something that would make someone sad. Would it make you feel better if I told you someone who does care is always around for you?"

"A little," Jin replied, hope shining in his eyes. "Who?"

"Me," Namjoon smiled, proud to care about his Jin. "I care about you a lot."

Jin's cheeks immediately turned bright red as he tried to come up with an answer. "T-thanks, thanks, Namjoonie."

Namjoon didn't know if it was a good time to ask the other question that ate him alive every time he thought of Jin. But Jin seemed a little sad, so he figured if it worked out, it'd make him happy.


"Hmm?" Jin hummed around his straw.

"Can I take you out on a date?" Jin choked on his apple juice, startling Namjoon as he coughed. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Jin squeaked, "I'm fine." He cleared his throat, "Namjoonie, you wan' take me out?" Namjoon nodded. "Why?"

Namjoon's jaw dropped. "What do you mean 'why'? There's so many reasons!" Namjoon slid out of the booth. "I'll be right back." He left to pay the check, leaving poor Jin absolutely dumbfounded by his reply.

Joonie wan' take Jinnie out for a date! Why? Should I tell Hyunsa? Jin thought to himself as Namjoon walked back.

Namjoon pulled his jacket on and nodded for Jin to follow. As they walked out of the restaurant, Jin reaches for Namjoon's hand, but hesitated, and dropped his arm limply to his side. He didn't want to take the risk of Namjoon finding his action to be odd.

"Why are you so quiet all of a sudden, bean?" Namjoon asked at a red light, steeling a long glance at Jin.

"Why Namjoonie wanna take me out?"

Namjoon scoffed, "Why wouldn't I?" He smiled at the road, "You're so smiley and cute. I like the way you smile so easily, as if you can just bring joy to yourself on command. Your lips spread into that bright smile and I feel my heart stop. That's just the tip of the iceberg, baby."

Namjoon hadn't looked at Jin the whole time he spoke. It was a good thing, too, as Jin was breathing heavily, too flustered to respond.

Namjoon turned to him, "Aw, is baby embarrassed?" He teased. Jin brought his hands to his face and covered himself, overwhelmed by Namjoon's compliments. He laughed, "I'll take that as a yes."

"W-when, when can we go?" Jin mumbled.

Namjoon was startled by the muffled question. He figured he'd shoot his shot, but he didn't expect Jin to accept so quickly. He thought it'd take some convincing.

"Wait, you want to go out on a date with me?" Sheepishly, Jin nodded. "Well, whenever you want. Just let me know. I'd stop the world to pass the time with you, dear."

Namjoon pulled up infront of Jin's house. The gaurds weren't anywhere to be seen. He walked out of the car and opened the door for Jin as usual.

"Thank you, Namjoonie."

"Of course." Namjoon scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Um, just, just let me know when you want to go out."


"Tomorrow? You want to go out that quickly?"

"I-If you don't want to we don't-"

"No!" Namjoon cleared his throat. He was embarrassed to be losing his cool for the first time infront of Jin. "I'm just a little surprised you wouldn't want to wait. But I'd love to go out tomorrow. I'll text you details, yeah?"

Jin nodded, "Thank you." He smiled up at him. "Bye, Namjoonie!" He said before leaning up and planting a quick, soft kiss onto Namjoon's cheek.

Namjoon could only wave, flustered from the unexpected action. That wasn't to say he didn't love it. He wouldn't mind having it happen every day.

And Jin, well, Jin was proud to have finally flustered Namjoon. Although, he wasn't really sure how he did it. After all, he did kiss Hyunsa's cheek. However, he wasn't going on a date with her, so maybe that was why.


Twice came back today i think it was cool but i thought the song would be better but still a bop

Have y'all bought map of the soul yet?
I haven't but my sister did and its so cute agh


K Thanks

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