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Jin woke up to a lot of noise. It startled him and caused him to ball up under his sheets, cowering in fear. Was there someone robbing the house?

He ran out of bed and slammed his door shut, locking it immediately and ducking for cover under the comforters once again. His phone was in his hand, and dialed Hyunsa, shaking as he did so. "Hyu-Hyunnie?" He whispered.

Hyunsa was minding her business and finishing up breakfast at the time. She answered, a tad bit confused as to why Jin would be calling her. Why didn't he just yell for her? "Yes, Jin?"

"I think there's someone in the house!"

Her eyes widened, and she instinctively whipped around, but laughed once it dawned on her. "Oh, silly! No! Those are just your father's men. They're moving his stuff out."

What?! Jin hung up quickly and angrily threw the door open, startling the men. Soon, he stood infront of Hyunsa, enraged. "What?!"

"Yeah, our free day was to get us out of the house. Did he not text you or something?" He shook his head, tears building up in his big doe eyes. It was just as instinctive as breathing for Hyunsa, when she reached out and scooped him into a big hug, tucking his head under her chin. "I'm sorry, Honey. He decided it'd be best if he kept work a little more sperate from home. He said he'd visit now and then, but for now, this is just our house. You can visit whenever you want." She could feel his tears going down his chin and onto her collar. "What's wrong, honey? Now we can go out whenever!"

Jin pulled away but kept his arms taught around her waist, "Really?" He sniffled.

"Mhm, and now I won't have to spend all day cleaning. More like every other day." Jin smiled brightly.

However it did pass through his head that maybe ; this was because his father didn't want to be around him. Jin liked that idea, but couldn't help but feel hurt from someone he thought cared about him deciding he didn't want to be around. "He doesn't like me."

"That's not true, Jinnie." She used the end of her sleeve to dry his cheeks. "If anything, he cares enough to do what will make everyone happiest. He gets to know you're safe, since family is a bit of an ego thing for him, and you get to be with the best momma in the world, twenty-four seven."

Jin beamed. Hyunsa would be his guardian now. Not just his housemate whom he loved and cherished. No, because now she was his full time companion, with a bit of chores on the side.

There was really more to it, but she didn't want to bore him with the logistics of it all. The gaurds were now stationed in any possible danger zone ; which really meant everywhere. Some where inside, but could be told to leave by Hyunsa. She'd done her share of work around the business, they knew she was in charge of this house now. She'd already conjured up a plan for letting guests in, she'd just makeup a lie about hearing a sound from the backyard and send them over.

Hyunsa and Jin were now granted permission to leave, with the rule of letting the gaurds know where they were going and carrying a button that sent them their location if they needed help. Of course they had trackers in them, not that Hyunsa needed to be told that. They gave them these along with a list of many, many new rules, because they would not be traveling with gaurds from then on. A work friend of Jin's father's had recently had an accident. His wife was targeted because of how easily accessible she was and how blatantly she stood out in a crown. The six foot five gaurds aren't hard to spot. Rather than letting his only remaining family member be attacked, along with his ego I might add, he decided to try and cut the chances of targeting. Not that Hyunsa cared, because for her and Jin all of these new rules ironically meant more freedom.

"Hyunsa?" Jin asked her, "Can I go to Namjoonie's house today?"

She was a little startled at his request, which she definitely had no say in. This was just a way to let her know he'd be gone. "Of course, but be careful."

"I know, 'said he'd come get me."

"Alright, just throw a rock out the window like you know how to do."

Jin whipped around, "What?"

"Just throw a rock out the window, the gaurds should get distracted."

"Okay." Jin skipped off, agonizing over what he should wear to see Namjoon.

Of course Namjoon had seen him in what Jin and his lifestyle would call 'inappropriate' clothes as they were not something he'd want to present himself with. But this was a bit of an occasion on the rarer side ; seeing Namjoon was every now and then. He wanted to make sure he looked nice for his Daddy.

That was something he got comfortable with quickly. Every sentence was "Daddy this", and "Daddy that". Of course, not that Namjoon could ever get tired of hearing that fall from his pretty pink lips. But Namjoon couldn't help but think about the way he'd love to hear it fall from that sweet mouth from underneath his weight.....-

-Jin settled on an outfit Hyunsa had said made him look 'like a muffin so sweet she'd develop cavities'. How did Jin feel about being compared to a muffin? He didn't know either, but then again, who knows how to respond to a complement like that anyways. What part of his outfit made her say that?!

I'll be there in five jinnie 😘

Those agonizing minutes went by quickly, contrary to both of their beliefs.

"Daddy!" He yelled eagerly as he threw a rock out of his window and sprinted towards the car. He dived into the passenger seat and leaned over to give Namjoon a hug. Namjoon leaned over him as well to buckle him up, an action Jin didn't expect but greatly appreciated. Namjoon could tell by the blush creeping around his face.

I just started school today was my second day and both days were so bad that my ma is actually considering letting me do school online im so excited i need the help and this will be so great for me

I really hope oneus gets big this year they're so great ÙwÚ

I love reading yalls comments it brightens my day ÙwÚ ×3

Who do you think is the best female rapper from a girl group (that is active rn)?
I'd probably say Soyeon from (G)I-dle or Dami from DreamCatcher

Also out of curiosity how old are y'all? I won't give my age bc i like the mystery im not 13 but im not 23 namsayin


K Thanks

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