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"We'll be back in a few hours, alright, darling?" Namjoon kissed Jin's forehead.

"Be safe, Daddy."


Namjoon, Yoongi, and some of his other men (Jin couldnt remember all of their names), left the house. Leaving Jin there without company, as the maids were either working or had already gone home. He decided he might as well help some of them. It's what he always did with Hyunsa. Maybe, if he helped they'd have a little time to spare to play with him.

He walked to the end of the hall where one of the maids struggled to dust the higher picture frames. "Can I help?"

She jumped with a yelp before she held her chest. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

Jin felt bad. "Sorry."

She gave him a smile, "It's alright, Seokjinnie." She turned but stopped, only to turn back towards him. "You said you want to help?" Jin nodded. The maid, Chaeling, tapped her chin until she got an idea. "Can I lift you a little so you can dust those pictures? I hate when I have to dust over here," she giggled and leaned down to whisper to him, "Sometimes I blame the dust on those pictures on someone else because I can't reach them."

Jin laughed, "That's not right!"

"Neither is making a short person do this." Chaeling shrugged. She handed him the duster, "Do you know how to dust?" He nodded, "Great. I'll pick you up for a few seconds and you clean those." She wrapped her arms around his hips and pushed up with her knees. He was surprised by how fast he made it up there, but quickly dusted them off.

"I'm done!" He cheered. Chaeling put him back down and stuck her hand out for a high five. The little slap from their hands made Jin happy. All the maids there were so kind to him. It made him miss Hyunsa a lot.

"Thanks for the help, Seokjin."

"Jinnie!" He corrected her, hopping up and down a little.

Chaeling cooed, "Aw, you're a cute one, aren't you? Namjoon-ah's taste has really improved." Jin just smiled, not really understanding what she'd said.

Jin thought he'd heard someone walk into the hall, although it was really his mind playing tricks on him. Nonetheless he chose to believe himself. "Namjoonie?!" He whipped his head around, only to be disappointed with the lack of a tall, clumsy man. "Where's Namjoonie?" He whined.

"Don't be upset, Jinnie." Chaeling spoke up, "He'll be back soon. He's just of doing a d-,I mean," she scratched her head while she tried to come up with a better phrase. "He's doing some work! Yeah! It's work. Nothing you should worry about! Let's go find you something to do, huh?" She guided him through the large halls towards one of the laid back rooms.

Jin smiled at the plush bear laying on the couch. Namjoon had thought that out before, thinking Jin would like some more 'Jin'-like touches around the place. He smiled at the thought, and gave the seat next to him a pat. The expectant gaze on Chaeling made her feel a bit bad.

"I'm sorry, Jinnie. I have to go continue working. But you can watch a movie with Mr.Bear." Jin only pouted, tears filling his eyes. Right now, he just wanted company. Not of the inanimate object kind.

"Okay." He answered quietly turning towards whatever movie Chaeling was putting on.

She gave in quickly. Namjoon can't get mad at her if she's keeping Jin happy. At least that's what she told herself.

"Alright," she sat down with a sigh. "But I'll only stay for a little, okay?" He nodded happily, hugging her arm. She smiled at his actions. Maybe she could stay awhile afterall. Kids were a joy to spend her time with. She knew Jin wasn't exactly a kid, but she liked him all the same.

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