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"How're you, Jin?" Namjoon asked calmly, his small smile directed at Jin sent fireworks off inside Jin's chest.

"Good," Jin gulped.

"There's no need to be nervous, hun." He said with a chuckle, but he was definitely being a hypocrite. Namjoon was so nervous he was basically shitting his pants. Jin was so cute, and he snuck so many glances at him, he was scared they were going to crash because he was so distracted by the soft boy in his passenger seat. "We're here!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands together as he parked the car.

Jin stepped out of the car, quietly thanking Namjoon for opening the door for him. He stared at the building infront of him. It read 'library'.

A library? Jin thought to himself. We're going on a date at the library?

"I know, I know," Namjoon spoke, "It look boring but I figured it was a strange place for a date. Not a bad one, just a strange place." He kept his hand at the crook of Jin's back as he lead him into the building. A sweet librarian smiled at them, and continued to read.

"Wow," Jin whispered to no one in particular as he stared in awe at the massive space infront of them, covered in shelves of books, movies, even VHS tapes.

"I know," Namjoon replied, startling him out of his thoughts. Namjoon walked to a random section and browsed through the books, Jin following behind very closely, as he'd never been to a library before and was a little scared of a new place he'd never really thought much about. "Do you like to read, Jin?" Jin nodded, twisting the ends of his sleeves in his hands. "What do you read?"

He shrugged, "Whatever pops up in my recommendations."

"You read online?" Jin nodded again. "Have you ever been to a library?" He shook his head no, feeling a little startled as Namjoon's jaw dropped. "What?!" A person browsing nearby shushed him, "What?" He asked again, this time at a whisper.

"My papa didn't let me leave the house." He wrung his fingers, feeling a little guilty, "I-I'm technically not supposed to be outside right now."

Namjoon smirked as he stared at Jin's big, brown eyes, "So, why'd you break the rule today?"

"To see Namjoonie," he replied with his gaze fixated on the ground.

"Aw," Namjoon's heart was beating rapidly at the sweet answer, "I'm happy you broke a rule just to see me."

"Hyunsa knows, but that's it." Jin said as he stared at the spines of the books, curious as to how someone could aquire so many books in one place. He thought libraries were funny.

Namjoon picked out a few books for himself, he figured any spare time he had could go into reading, well, only if Jin was busy and couldn't respond to his texts.

"How long have we known each other, Jin?"

"Four months, I think?"

"And yet, I have no clue who Hyunsa is to you." Namjoon smiled, "Why don't you tell me about her on our way over there," Namjoon pointed to a small corner with a study room in it. The walls blocked the view from the main common area, with just one clear wall.

They began to walk as Jin began to talk. "She is our maid, I think. She's been there since I was born. She takes care of Jinnie like a mom!" He smiled as he threw his arms up excitedly, startling Namjoon and causing a few people to shush him. He shrunk back quickly.

"It's okay, that's why we're going into the study room. We can be as loud as we want in there." He added a wink. "What happened to your mom, if you don't mind me asking and poking around."

"I don', don' know." He answered sadly, Namjoon felt bad for asking him. So when they arrived at the study room, he offered to get him a snack from the vending machine.

"Pick a book," he spread some of the books he chose on the floor, "I'll read it to you when Ii get back." Namjoon walked out the door, leaving Jin by himself in an unknown area.

He focused on choosing a book, and went with one with a cover that spoke to him. Three pink kittens were sprawled out on the cover with a blue one infront and the title 'kitten's big adventure' was in big font.

But once he was done choosing it, he realized he was without Namjoon. He was in an area he'd never been before, and he was alone.

He began to panic, but he couldn't embarrass himself infront of these new people. Not that any of them could see him in this little study room, but Jin didn't know that. His breathing sped up and he sat on the ground, clinging the book to his chest. Jin couldn't tell what was happening, but he knew he had to try and catch his breath. As soon as he took his first attempt at a calm breath of air, Namjoon opened the door.

"Oh my god, Jin, are you okay?" He said as he rushed to his aid. He was on his knees immediately holding Jin's head against his chest. "Breathe, honey. Breathe with me." Each breath Namjoon took was mirrored by Jin's lungs. "That's it, you're doing so good." He rubbed Jin's back soothingly, and Jin couldn't help but lean his head on Namjoon's shoulder.

"Can, can Namjoonie read, to me?" Jin said shakily.

Namjoon gave him a small smile, "of course." He scooped Jin up and sat him on his lap in the beanbag chair. Jin snuggled up to him, laying his head on his chest.

Namjoon began to read the book Jin handed to him. As he read, he couldn't help but swoon every time Jin smiled and made a comment, or when he wrapped his arms around Namjoon.

He enjoyed hearing Jin giggle at the funny voices he made for the characters, and Namjoon liked the feeling of knowing he was the reason for his laughter.

So when Namjoon dropped Jin off at his house, his heart ached. He wanted to hold Jin like that again, and Jin wanted that, too.



"Can, one day can you come inside?"

Namjoon looked at him sadly, "Oh, I don't think they want me inside."

"You can sneak in, one day?" He said with big eyes.

"Yeah, actually," Namjoon smiled. "That's not a bad idea."

Jin spread his arms excitedly, "You can nap with Jinnie!"

"I'd love that, sweetheart." He smiled.


Sorry this took so long but school is out on thursday it'll be easier to update

Yall i saw bts last sunday it was glorious namjoon slipped in the rain and i cried during epiphany, hobi was so happy agh

Im gonna do everything i can to see twice live over the summer ÙwÚ


K Thanks

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