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A few days later, Namjoon brought up a very important question. "Baby boy?"

"Yes, Daddy?" Jin looked up from his lap where he'd been petting Pinkie's soft head.

"When you looked into littles, did you read about rules?"

"Uh huh," Jin replied, gaze glued back to Pinkie.

"Would you be comfortable making some with me?" Namjoon asked through the phone. Truthfully, when Jin whined on their last date, Namjoon had wanted to scold him. He liked to have some control over a little's behavior, it made him feel good about his role as a dom. But since they'd never talked about rules, Jin wouldn't have listened, as it's not Namjoon's place to tell Jin how to act, yet.

"Yeah!" Jin replied, surprisingly excited about it.

"You wanna go run and get a piece of paper to write on, Jinnie?"

Jin nodded and jumped from his bed, sprinting over to his small table in the corner of his room. He sat down and plopped his phone against the wall. "Okay! What now ,Daddy?"

Namjoon laughed through the camera on the video call, as he thought it was funny how quickly Jin sprinted to write some rules.

If Jin was being honest, he wanted the rules. He never got disciplined, besides growing up. Here and there, a child does some misbehaving, and Jin was just like everyone else. Hyunsa and his father, sometimes even gaurds, would scold him if he yelled or threw a tantrum when he was really young. Jin had learned not to misbehave, and when he did, it was just because he didn't know any better at the time. Although, he did miss it. Would he ever sau it out loud? Probably not, but he did like the attention it brought to him. As a child, Jin was not the main focus of the Kim household, as his father had 'business' to focus on instead. So the house remained a place centered around his work, and even though Hyunsa, his father, and some gaurds were giving him that attention he craved, that wouldn't stop him from whining or pouting every once in a while.

Jin had read about little being brats, and he liked the sound of that. A lot. But once again, that wasn't something he would ever admit to. He was also a bit paranoid it would drive Namjoon away. He'd waited for love and now that it was right in his lap, he wasn't going to risk it running away.

"Okay, now, can you grab a black marker?" Jin nodded eagerly as he rushed to find one in his bin of markers to his right. Namjoon smiled when Jin held it up infront of the camera. "Write 'Daddy's rules for Kim Seokjin' at the top of the paper." Jin immediately did as told, using his very best handwriting as he did so. "Good job, honey. You're doing so good." Namjoon praised softly, which had Jin's cheeks on fire.

"What now?"

"Number one," Namjoon spoke as Jin ducked down to write again. "Always be honest with Daddy." Jin smiled, happy to be here ; given rules and being praised. Past Jin would be dying of jealousy. "Number two, Daddy knows best." Jin nodded again, he wanted someone in control of his life, to an extent of course. "Number three, no whining." Jin felt he could do this, although sleepy Jin might have a problem with it. "Number four, always be respectful. Number five, always tell Daddy if he makes you uncomfortable. I always want you to feel okay, and if I ever overstep my boundaries, then use the safe word. The safeword is 'pineapple'. Can you say it for me?"

Jin nodded, "Pineapple."

"Good boy." Jin smiled wide, he liked that Namjoon would praise him for the littlest things. The list went on and on, not that Jin minded. That's how he wanted it to be.


"Yes, love?"

"What about punishments?" Jin asked politely, already doing his best to follow the rules and be a good boy. There was nothing he wanted more than to make Namjoon proud.

"You can write those on another piece of paper." Jin did as told. "Hmm, spanks, time out, no cuddles." Jin added them all, and the ones Namjoon said next went down as well. When they got to rewards, Jin was already doing his best to get closer to them. He wanted the cuddles he'd written down on the paper. He wanted the kissies he'd written down, too. But most importantly, he wanted Namjoon to be proud of him.

"Daddy, where are they gonna go?"

"I'm glad you asked, Jinnie." Namjoon held his face up with his fist. He was sat at his desk in his nice clothes ; a dress shirt and slacks. His chest always looked nice in those shirts, and Jin would always blush at the first glance he'd get. "Can you decorate them? Make them all pretty how you'd like and next time you visit me, we can hang them up in a frame. Does that sound good, Darling?" Jin nodded happily. "Great! I can't wait to see them everyday on my wall."

Jin's heart fluttered. Namjoon would think of him everyday! Namjoon already did think of him everyday, but Jin didn't know that.

A knock was heard through the phone and Namjoon's attention was now on someone standing out of frame. "Now?" He asked. He rolled his eyes, "God, those guys are useless." He paused for a moment before he replied, "Can we kill them? Sweet, they're been a burden we don't need around and their business isn't too important here. Get Taehyung to take care of them, but leave Yoobin to me. What do you mean "why"? He's the whole reason we almost lost that guy! He's lucky Youngjae was able to save that case. Jesus, Yoobin is such an idiot. It'll make getting rid of him easier for me, he wouldn't know he'd been shot until he'd look down, that fool. But he's even more dead for making me lose time with my baby." He sighed, "Go get this started, Kook, I'll be out in a minute."

Jin sat quietly, he'd heard everything, but  didn't seem too concerned by it. Was this not something every male in power said? His father had said the same things before, especially in casual events, just chatting away like this to gaurds and other men of his. So he waited patiently, like the good boy he was.

"I'm sorry, Jinnie. Daddy has business to attend to. I have to go, but I can call you later like normal to read you a bedtime story, hmm?"

Jin pouted, "But Daddy! I don't want you to go."

"I know, baby. I don't want to hang up, either, but I have important things I need to do. How about you visit me tomorrow, huh? Would that make up for it?"

Jin pouted once again, his eyebrows scrunched together in anger. "Okay."

Namjoon was hurt, he didn't want his Jin to be sad because of him. "Im sorry, baby. I won't be too long, I promise tomorrow we can cuddle all day." Jin perked up at this, sending an 'aw' out of Namjoon. "While I'm gone you can finish making the rules all pretty for me. Okay?" Jin nodded.

"Bye bye, Daddy." Jin smiled.

"Goodbye, Jinnie." He blew a kiss at the camera, "I'll come get you at ten am tomorrow, okay honey? Be a good boy and make the rules pretty for me. I love you, baby."

Jin giggled. Even though Namjoon would call him later, he still felt lonely, so he yelled for Hyunsa.

She made her way into his room. "Yes, Jin?"

"Hyunsa can you help me decorate my rules for Daddy?"

Hyunsa was a little surprised by his request, but she swallowed her shock in favor of a smile and happiness for her Jin. She pulled the tiny chair out of her way and sat in it's spot on the floor next to Jin and his small table. "Of course, honey."

Im sorry for this filler its not too good

Thanks for 30k!!!!! I hope y'all are liking this book

####### i just published the first chapter of a new book its a yoonmin but im really excited for it PLIS check it out its a filler intro chapter but it'll get better i promise plis give it some love!!!!! #######

twice, DreamCatcher, clc, Seventeen, and oneus comeback this month hnnnnnng


K Thanks :)

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