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Namjoon woke up to his body being shaken.

"Wake up, hyung!" His younger brother yelled. Much too loudly for nine in the morning, might he add.

Namjoon sat up and rubbed his eyes with his small fists. A yawn espaced his lips while he stretched and yawned. "What, Jihoon?"

"Let's go play outside!"

"Okay!" Namjoon jumped out of his bed and grabbed his brother's hand before they both giggled down the stairs. They ran through the house until they made it outside, stumbling around on their tiny, bare feet. "Wanna play airplanes?" Jihoon quickly nodded and began to run around flapping his arms up and down. "No, Johnson. That's a bird!"

"Oh!" Jihoon corrected his flapping and continued to run around with his brother. Their smiles mirrored each other's and their soul's did, too. Each one shining brightly as a child's should.

"Hoonie, your hair looks, looks so f-funny blowing in the wind!" Namjoon giggled.

Jihoon laughed while he tried to flatten his hair. Even when he wasn't trying, he could make his hyung smile.

"Hyung, wanna race?"

Namjoon taunted him. "Hah! I'm faster than you!" After all, thats are older siblings are for.

Jihoon pouted, "No, you just got long legs!"

"Then let's race!"

Jihoon stood next to Namjoon, lining them up. "Ready....set....go!"

They took off, small 'pitter patter' trailing them on the concrete of the driveway. They huffed and puffed but ultimately, Namjoon's long legs pushed him to the finish line.

"Not fair!"

Namjoon caught his breath and stuck his tongue out at his brother.


Namjoon rolled his eyes, "Sorry for winning!"

"One day I'm gonna be faster than you."

"Will not."

"Will, too."

"Will not!"

"Will, too!"


That was when the gunshot ripped through the air.

Namjoon faced Jihoon, catching a show of the bullet being fired and hitting his younger brother in the chest. He covered his ears and screamed when the sound went off. He was a child, it caught him off guard.

His face dropped and paled, time freezing as his eyes stared wide at the scene infront of him. The milliseconds were ages long. It took two seconds before his soul came back to his body, and he screamed.

He shrieked at the top of his lungs and cried with his mouth hung open. Drool dripping past his lip. The door swung open and his parents rushed to the scene while shots fired from the men working for his Father.

"Jihoon!" Sohee screamed as she ran and fell to her knees. The blood from her scrapes were nothing in her eyes compared to her son lying on the concrete. "No! My baby! No! God, please, no!"

Hyunmin rushed to Namjoon and hugged him tight, pressing his wailing face into his torso and holding him as close as possible. "I'm so sorry, Namjoon-ah." Quiet sobs were heard from above him, but his own cries and his mother's shrieks drowned them out.

Namjoon pushed himself away after a bit and knelt down next to Jihoon. "Jihoon, wake up." He shook him lightly as he spoke brokenly through his cries. "Jihoonie." His small hands held Jihoon's shoulders tightly and shook with more force.


"Jihoon-ah!" He slapped the body across the face, prompting his father to step in and pull his small, struggling body away. "Let me go! I need to wake him up!" His father blinked back his tears as much as he could so his focus could stay on Namjoon. But his son was a Kim. He'd go down kicking and screaming. "Jihoonie! Wake up! We're gonna race again! You're faster than me! Jihoon!"

Hyunmin picked him up and walked inside, knowing his wife would need her own time with the corpse.

He walked into his bedroom and laid down on the bed with Namjoon on top of him. Just holding his son close as they both cried. Their bodies had given out. They couldn't move. Together, they'd mourn and cry together.

End of flashback ~

Namjoon pulled his hand out quickly from under Hyunsa's and leaned back in his chair. "With all due respect," he cleared his throat and avoided her gaze, "You don't know anything about that week."

She pulled her hand back and gave a sympathetic smile. "I know you were a child suffering from something a child should never suffer from."

"You don't know anything about me."

"I know that Jin loves you." At that, Namjoon's face softened. Hyunsa took that as a sign to keep talking. "I know that you're the reason he's experienced more of the world than I've ever seen. I know that as gruesome as it is, you're the reason I raised Jin as my own. I know that you apparently love Jin so much you've been a bit of an alcoholic as of late."

Namjoon remained silent. For some reason, he was taken aback that this was who Jin talked his ears off about. She wasn't normal. Not necessarily in a bad way. But more so in the fact that no one else lived a life like hers. One that no one would ever hear about in full. Was that saddening or the way fate intended? She was unique. She probably knew it, too.

"I've never seen Jin so empty on the inside. He reminds me of my younger self before I met him. I wanted to claw my way out of my body." She reached for his hand and held it tightly in her own. "Please, don't let him leave his own body." She began to cry quietly. "All I've ever done was love him as my own. I'd give him the world if I could. If it meant he'd be happy." With a hiccup, she added, "He's my sun but twice as bright." Hyunsa took in a deep breath and giggled. "Jin shines brighter than the sun could ever hope to. It's also a pun because if you count both his birth mother and I, he's got twice the moms." She cleared her throat. "But it's mostly because he's the light of my life. I've got the sun in the sky but life was dark before he got to me. He brightened my world up more than the sun ever could."

"That's beautiful."

"I know, and I know you think so because it's the same for you." Hyunsa giggled, "Minus the mother part."

"So....what now?"

Hyunsa wiped her eyes, "I'm sure I could arrange a call."

Oh wow twice in one week I updated???

I've been learning more kpop dances and today I learned dumb litty by kard big flex

Yall please give me more bottom hobi and namjin book recs bc I love hobi being cuddly and babie uwu


K Thanks Xoxo

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