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Jin woke up sad the next day. To make matters worse, his father had to go to 'work' early, meaning he wouldn't join them for breakfast. Not today, and apparently, not again. His father said work needed his full attention, and he wouldn't have time to eat breakfast with them anymore. Besides, Jin was nineteen, he didn't 'need his company.'

Does he even love me? Jin found himself asking this question a lot in his little brain. He began to question that four years ago, when he almost forgot Jin's birthday. Almost, because Jin asked him what they'd do for his birthday the next day, to which his father replied, "Oh wait, yeah, I forgot that's tomorrow."

Was it really love if his father only sheltered him from the world? He never interacted with him besides breakfast, which was always tense for some reason unbeknownst to Jin. Can you love someone who is a stranger, and you know nothing about? Whose only show of love was telling you they loved you?

At this point, Jin doubted his father's love. But he'd never tell anyone that. After all, who did he even have to tell?

Jin whined and refused to go downstairs to the dining room for breakfast. But of course, Hyunsa would not allow for her precious Jin to go without the most important meal of the day.

"Jinnie?" She said calmly, opening the door with a tray in her hands. He only hummed in response. "I know you're upset, but you need to eat. I don't want you to be unhealthy, honey." She set the tray down on the nightstand, before sitting down next to Jin's pouting figure. Scooping him up into her lap, she pressed his head against her chest. "I'm sorry about you father, sweetheart."

All Jin could do to answer her, was simply shrug against her. Jin wrapped his arms lazily around her neck and cuddled close. A whimper escaped his lips, and Hyunsa's heart ached at the sad sight in her lap.

Jin began to cry, a sight Hyunsa didn't like all that much. Not because she found it to be a nuisance, but because she didn't want someone as precious as her Jin to ever experience the hurt the world could offer. Even if he wouldn't be exposed to the world, that didn't mean the evils of it wouldn't seep into his walls.

She rubbed his back as his tears fell against her clothed chest and collar. That bastard is going to hear from me later. She thought to herself. A father is no father without a presence.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Jinnie." Even though she hated him, Jin didn't. At least to her knowledge. "He's just busy, but he does it for you. He loves you and he wants you to be safe."

"No, doesn't." He sobbed into her chest. She really couldn't argue there. She didn't know if he loved Jin or not. Frankly, she didn't care. Because in her eyes, it didn't look like he did. Although, she'd never let Jin know that.

"I'm sorry you're sad, Jin. But you've still got me. Plus," she leaned in and whispered into his ear, "Since he can't yell at us to stay and eat at the table, that means we can go sit on the floor and watch cartoons." She didn't expect much, but when he smiled slightly, it was more than she could ask for. "Not only that, but maybe, we can even go outside."

He perked up in her lap. They both knew that was a lie. A goon of his father's would surely rat them out, but it never hurt to dream.

"Hyunsa?" Jin mumbled into her chest.

"What is it, Jinnie?"

"If, if I tell you som'fin', will you tell anyone?" He couldn't look her in the face as he spoke, after all, he was nervous. Hyunsa seemed to be his only friend in the world, and even the thought of losing the only person he knew he loved, would crush him. He didn't understand why, but it seemed like confessing this to anyone would result in their departure from his life.

She smiled as she ran her fingers through his dark hair. Hyunsa was even careful to not tug on the knots in his hair from his bed-head. "Of course I won't tell, dear." She held her pinkie out, Jin wrapped his own pinkie around it. "Pinkie promise."

Jin played with Hyunsa's fingers and hands, trying to seem calm, although already failing since his honey toned face has spun from tan to rosey from only the thought of what was left to come out of his mouth.

"B-boy-s, boys are kinda pretty."

At first, she didn't know what to make of it. Jin screwed his eyes shut, only to peek with one eye for her reaction. He didn't know what he was expecting, but the small smile and tears in her eyes were definitely surprise to the boy.

Tears welled up in his eyes, and he began to cry again. Sobbing pathetically as he held her hand tightly, "I-I'm so-rr-y! Jin-nie sorry!"

Hyunsa used her fingers to wipe his tears away. She thought back to every time Jin would get a cut or a scrape and she'd wipe his tears away.

"No, Jinnie. Don't apologize to me, you didn't do anything wrong."

Jin whimpered, rubbing his eyes harshly with his fists, "N-No wrong?"

She shook her head, "No, no wrong." She smiled. Jin's father would always accept his son no matter what. She knew that because he'd expressed that Jin was 'rather flamboyant' but still his son. He'd told Hyunsa that 'Jin is definitely gay', but followed it with, 'that's okay, I love him however he is.' Which surprised Hyunsa. As controlling as he was, he did 'his best' for Jin.

"I still love you, sweetheart. Boys being pretty is never going to change that, because it's okay." He smiled and hugged her close, happy she wouldn't go anywhere. "Is there anything else, hun?"

"You, you said you won't tell?" She nodded, and he continued, "Then Jinnie can jus' talk?" A nod followed suit once again.

"Go ahead, Jinnie." She spoke encouragingly to the boy in her lap.

"Namjoon is really pretty."


It was my birthday yesterday and it was super depressing i actually cried by myself and then slept the rest of it away i fucking hate life whatever


yeet dawg

Txt really is coming to chicago the same fucking day im gonna see BTS bighit eat my ass its not like i have money to go to it but still bighit eat my tiny flat ass

Fun fact ; did you know native americans used to use beads as currency i think it was called "wompog" or something like that i dont remember but bc of that the colonizers where like 'lmao primitive bitches....gimme dem beads tho'


K Thanks

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