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"Hey, baby." Jin turned to his right, a car was following him, slowing down as a man stuck his head out the driver side window. "How you doin'?"

"My papa says I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." Jin answered quietly.

"Would you listen to him or your Daddy?"

Seokjin gave him a quizzical look, "He is my daddy, isn't he?"

The stranger chuckled and shook his head, "No, but I could be." He flashed what Jin thought was a pretty grin at him, he had big lips. "I'd treat you right, baby. Rub you all the right ways."

"I-I don', don' wan' a stranger rubbin' me."

"Then let's get to know each other." He stopped the car. "Let me give you a ride home, it's dark out here. We don't want a pretty boy like you getting hurt out here now, do we?"

"N-no, I don't wanna get hurt." He bit his thumb nervously, "Is it okay?"

"Of course, honey. Here," the man stepped out of the car. He was tall, and kind of lanky. His brown hair looked soft, and he was just big. Big and cuddly in Jin's eyes. He walked around the car and opened the passenger side door. "Come on, I'll get you home."

Jin bit his sleeve, "O-okay." Jin walked around the car, the man had his big hand on the small of Jin's back. Jin sat down and buckled up. "Thank you." The man shut the door and got in on the other side.

"It's no problem, sweetheart." Jin couldn't help but look at him as he drove. Everything he did just seemed so effortless and intriguing. "You can feel free to take a picture, it'll last longer." The man winked at him, Jin snapped his head back to his lap, fiddling with his soft pink sleeve. "I'm just kidding around, love. Unless you want to."

"What's your name?"

"My name is Kim Namjoon, but you can just call me Daddy."

"But I already have a dad."

"No, you have a father, that's different." The man-Namjoon, chuckled. "But okay, Namjoon is okay, for now."


"Anyway, where's your house?"

"1××× Couper Terrace." He answered, at least thats what Jin remebered his papa saying.

"Oh, I've heard that's a nice place." Namjoon smirked. "What's your name, sweetie?"

"I'm Kim SeokJin."

"Can I call you Jin?" Jin smiled at him and nodded. "What about Jinnie?" He nodded faster and grinned. He loved when people called him Jinnie, but no one really did call me that as much as he had liked for them to. "You like that one, sweetheart?" He nodded again. "Jinnie it is. How old are you?"

"I'm nineteen."

"I'm twenty-five. Don't you think you're a little young to be walking outside by yourself when it's this dark?" Jin shrugged. "You should really be more careful, Jinnie."

"Sorry, Namjoon."

"We're here." He got out of the car and opened the door for Jin.

"Thank you." Jin spoke to his feet, he couldn't look him in the eyes, he though Namjoon was just too handsome and it made him nervous.

Namjoon's long fingers curled under Jin's chin, pushing his face up to meet his. "You can say it to my face, darling. Don't be shy."

Jin scrunched his eyes shut. "Sor-ry."

Namjoon laughed quietly, "You don't have to be so shy." He dropped his hand as Jin opened only one of his eyes. "When can I see you again, SeokJin?"

"I-I'm, I'm never really, really busy." He sheepishly stammered.

"Can I get your number?" Namjoon handed Jin his phone, and the other typed his number in, his hands trembling a little. He was just so intimidated, but he also kind of liked it. "Thanks, sugar. Text me?" Jin smiled at the ground and nodded. "Great, bye for now, Jinnie." Namjoon winked at him, Jin couldn't hold back his giggle.

Jin walked up to the door, where he rang the doorbell, as he waited for the door to open, he turned around for one last glance at Namjoon. Namjoon smiled and winked at him again, Jin just smiled and waved at him.

"Hello, master Seokjin." The maid replied.

"Please don't call me 'Master' Hyunsa." Jin replied.

"Sorry, Seokjin." Hyunsa apologized. "I brought you something to eat, it's in your room. Don't be too long or it'll get cold."

Jin smiled at her, "Thank you, Hyunsa." Hyunsa had been their maid for as long as Jin could remember. His Papa said she'd been around since before he was born. She was kind of wrinkly, Jin thought she reminded him of a prune, but a pretty prune.

Jin walked up the stairs, his small pink kitten heels clicking and clacking as he walked up the wood steps.

He entered his room with a smile on his face, afterall, he'd just made a new friend.


This is a little short, but it is the first chapter, so, yuh.

This'll be like all of my other books ; updates at least once a week but usually every four days


K Thanks! :)

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