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Jin woke up in Hyunsa's room, a room he'd never been too familiar with, as they both preferred his colorful one to her dull abode.

He was cold, and feeling void of any contact. It was then that he realized Hyunsa was no longer with him. He was scared, so he began to call for her. "Hyunsa!" He repeated. "Hyunsa!"

She rushed up the stairs and followed his tired voice. Upon entering her room, she ran to her bed and sat by his legs. "Yes, Jinnie?" She asked hoarsely.

He lept up and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. Although caught by surprise, she returned the gesture equally as tight. "Jinnie got scared without you." He mumbled. She smiled at him and opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by Jin's finger flying up to her mouth and shushing her. "No!" He cried worriedly, "No talking! You're sick. Jinnie take care of you!" He said confidently with his fists on his hips.

Hyunsa moved his finger off of her mouth. "I have to work, Jinnie. But that is awfully sweet of you."

"No! Stay here!" He demanded. She didn't know how to tell him that if she didn't, there'd be big consequences she didn't want to face.

"How about you help me clean so I can get done faster, hmm?" She bartered with him. She smiled when Jin nodded eagerly, agreeing to be her little assistant for the next few hours. He wouldn't ever do much when he'd try to help ; scrubbing, sweeping, and cooking just weren't his thing. Not that they were for any rich kid. But Jin would move the little cart she had around. It made him think he was helping, and the smile he had on his face as Hyunsa praised his hard work, well, she'd let him keep it.

Jin scrambled up from the bed and went to the hallway, where her little cart sat. Hyunsa quietly followed behind him.

"Here's a duster," she said, handing him a fuzzy pink tool, "You run it over stuff lightly so all the dust comes off."

Jin nodded eagerly, "I'll do best!" He said, running to the picture frames and swiping the duster across the surfaces.

Hyunsa giggled and began to hum quietly to herself as she swept the floor. Jin skid across it in his socks as he ran around the hall, dusting everything he could see.

"No, don't dust the walls, honey." Hyunsa laughed.

"Hyunsa," Jin wrung his fingers with his other hand timidly.

"Yes, Jinnie?"

"I-I have a date tonight."

Her face lit up, "Really?"

He smiled small and nodded. "With Namjoonie."

Despite the fact that she was a little uneasy at the mention of his name, and that he was the one taking Jin out, she kept the smile on her face. "When?"

Jin only shrugged and answered with, "He said to text him."

"Then you should definitely go do that instead of helping me."

"But you're sick!"

"I've been sick before, sweetie." The cough contradicted the tough demeanor she was trying to keep up, but she powered through it, "You go ahead and text him so you can go on your date." She smiled at him.

"Okay, but you need tell me if you need any'fing." He protested.

"Okay, sweetheart." She gently pushed on his back in the direction of his room. "Now go!" She smiled again, excited to see him so happy, but scared that he was the reason why.

Goodmorning Namjoonie!

Its past noon, Jin

Good afternoon, hun

When can we go out?

Whenever you want, doll

Can we go out now?

I would absolutely love that

I'll swing by in five minutes, k?


Jin dropped his phone onto his bed and ran to his closet, desperate to look his absolute best for Namjoon. Not that Namjoon would really care if Jin even showed up outside in a sack of potatoes, but he wouldn't mind this, either.

He pulled on a sweater and some jeans, opting for a more simple outfit as to not overdo it. He felt proud of himself, running to Hyunsa to show it off.

She put down her broom and leaned it against a wall so she could use both hands to cover her mouth, "Oh my god!" She squealed, "You look so cute Jinnie!" He giggled and ran to her for a hug which she obviously accepted.

"Up!" He demanded, and who was she to deny him? Although she struggled a little because Jin was nineteen, she picked him up and held him on her hip. "Room!" He pointed to his room and she of course complied.

His phone buzzed and he dived for it, leaping out of her arms before she could even react. He smiled, as it was a text from Namjoon, alerting him that he was outside.

Jin gasped, "He's outside!"

"Same drill as last time?" Jin nodded and Hyunsa stood up to walk down the stairs. "Would you boys like some lemonade?!" She called, sending a wink Jin's way and mouthed 'be safe'. He nodded and ran out the door as soon as he was given the chance.

He ran into the car before Namjoon could step outside and open the door for him. "Namjoonie!" He yelled happily.

"Hey, babydoll. You ready?" Jin nodded.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, sugar." Namjoon answered.

Normally, Jin would protest because as much as he loved surprises, he only liked them if he didnt know about them ahead of time. But Namjoon's silky voice calling him 'sugar' was just too much for him to focus on anything else. He sat quietly as his cheeks turned pink, fiddling with his fingers in his lap.


Omfg im so sorry this took so long ive been busy but like i said school ends in two weeks and afterwards ill be fucking it up on here aaayyyy


Im sad but im finna blow jin a big smooch all the way from my crappy seats


K Thanks

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