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Namjoon came home as promised, three o' clock was upon them as he walked through the door of his room, and cooed at Jin's sleeping body nuzzled up in his sheets.

"Jinnie," he called, shaking his shoulder gently, "Daddy's home."

Jin opened his eyes and rubbed them as he sat up, "Daddy?"

"Mhm, it's me, love bug."

Jin gasped excitedly and threw himself onto Namjoon, wrapping his arms around his torso and pulling him onto the bed. "Daddy!"

"See?" Namjoon pushed Jin's hair back with his big hands, "Told you I'd be back."

Jin would've been very excited to resume his day with his Daddy, had it not been put to a halt by the blood on his cheek.

He felt a wetness against his skin, and pulled away, "Why Daddy wet?" He tried to rub whatever liquid was on his cheek off with the back of his hand, only to go wide eyed and scream when he was met with blood on his hand. He stared at the sight before him, Namjoon's shirt was stained with red. Blood littered everywhere like an Pollock painting, and Jin didn't like it one bit. "Daddy!" He shrieked. He crawled close and started desperately unbuttoning and tugging the shirt off to assess the damage.

"Jin, baby, calm down." Namjoon tried soothing the frantic boy infront of him, but it was no use. "Jinnie," he finally grabbed a hold of Jin's wrists and tugged them down to the bed. "I'm okay," he shrugged the shirt off. Jin watched with terror on his face as it fell onto the floor. "See?" He took Jin's hand and placed it on his bare chest. The movement of constant up and down seemed to calm Jin. "There's not a scratch on me at all. Daddy's okay, Jin." He gave Jin a kiss on the cheek.

"B-but," he turned Namjoon's face, lofted his arms, searching for any sign of a wound. Where could the blood be coming from. "But the blood! Where, where blood!" He continued to search Namjoon. "It's not yours!"

Namjoon smiled soothingly, "Bingo, Jinnie. It's not mine! So you don't have to worry." He leaned over to his nightstand and grabbed a rag, cleaning the blood off of Jin's cheek.

"From who? Who is the blood from, Daddy?" Jin asked. He was surprised, but also, not too quick to say he didn't expect it. But nonetheless, he was still scared. Goosebumps rose on his honey tanned skin as he tried to subtly crawl away.

"Oh, don't worry about that, sweetheart. He killed one of Daddy's friends, so I had to go teach him a lesson. But he's gone now, so it's okay. Now he can't hurt anyone." Namjoon smiled, sincere with his intent and explanation.

"O-okay," Jin mumbled out a reply. He never really thought about the things Namjoon might have to do, but to be fair, he never asked. "Did you, did you do it? Kill him, I mean." He asked, twisting his fingers in his lap.

"Well," Namjoon rubbed his neck, "I won't lie to you, Jinnie, I did kill him. I wouldn't say I'm proud, but I'm not ashamed either. He wronged me, and I wrong him enough to make sure he'll never wrong me again."

Jin shrugged. He was satisfied with that explanation. After all, it wasn't like Namjoon was ever going to kill him, anyways. "Do you do it, often?"

"Not really, only when I think it's necessary. Even then, I usually send someone else to do it. I don't really like having someone else's blood on me."

Jin laughed quietly. He found it funny that Namjoon's main concern was the mess. "That's good." He replied, something else clearly on his mind.

"What are you thinking, Jin?" He gave Jin's head a soft kiss.

"Daddy should change. I wanna cuddle, but I don't like blood, either." He replied bashfully.

Namjoon chuckled, "Alright, I'll go clean up. Do you wanna choose something to do while I change?" Jin nodded, and scampered off to find something for them to do.

But when Namjoon came back, he was stumped. After all, this wasn't his house, so he didn't know what there was to do around there.

"Did you pick anything, Jin baby?"

Jin shook his head no and looked up, only to go wide eyed once again and immediately drop his head to face his lap. His face burned red and his ears were on fire. Namjoon wasn't wearing a shirt! And, he'd just left the shower! There he stood, shirtless paired with sweatpants while Jin froze, staring off into his lap. "Is something wrong, baby?"

Is something wrong? The nerve of this guy!

"N-no," Jin cleared his throat and looked up, giving Namjoon an awkward smile. "Everything's fine, Daddy."

"I don't think so," Namjoon walked over to Jin, and placed his hand on Jin's forehead. "Are you coming down with a fever?"

The close proximity just made everything worse! Jin was burning up and Namjoon was oblivious to the fire infront of him.

When Jin was unresponsive, Namjoon realized the problem, and laughed. "Aw, you're just blushing!" He held Jin's cheeks in his palms as he continued to laugh, "Am I making you nervous?"

Jin swat his hands away, "N-no!"

"You like Daddy without a shirt, honey?" Namjoon teased, giving a quick kiss to Jin's cheek.

Timidly, as well as slowly, Jin nodded, turning away. It was one thing to admit it, but it was a whole other thing to say it while staring Namjoon in the perfect face. Jin wasn't going to torture himself like that.

Jin quickly changed the subject, "Daddy, there's nothing to do!"

"Do you want to look for toys online at home? Then you can send me the list and I'll keep them here for you." Jin nodded eager, smile wide on his face.

Jin made grabby hands at Namjoon, so he moved himself to lay down on the bed, and pulled Jin abruptly with him. "Daddy!"

"What?" Namjoon chuckled and kissed Jin's cheek. He'd never grow tired of that. "You said you wanted cuddles." He pulled Jin closer until his head was resting in the crook of Jin's neck. He always smelled like fruit, and Namjoon could get high off the odor alone. The citrus scent would forever send Namjoon's head spinning into a spiral of heart palpitations, all because it was a mere mention of his Jin.

He planted little kisses all over the area his face was nestled in, and even though Jin giggled quietly at the ticklish sensation, he didn't want them to be so light, at least, not right now. Not with Namjoon shirtless pressed up against him.


I'll give you smut in the next chapter, sorry this book moves kinda slow :/

I get to meet kard in like twenty days reeeee

Stan oneus or I'll fight you

Oh btw im probably gonna start a hybrid book? It'll have a ddlb dynamic too it but not entirely. I like bts with lil ears and tails so yeah

Oh maybe check out my other book if you want


K Thanks

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