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"Come on, Jinnie." Hyunsa said quietly, "The party has been going for a little while now." She sat patiently on his bed as she waited for him to leave the bathroom. "We've got to get you out there or your father will be very unhappy with us both."

"One second," he replied, and Hyunsa continued to wait.

A few seconds later, as promised, Jin walked out, looking so beautiful, Hyunsa felt pride bloom in her chest. "Oh, Jinnie. You look so pretty!" She couldn't help but engulf him tightly in a hug, he wrapped his arms around her and did the same.

His black hair was really complemented by the dress, and vice versa. Since his hair was so short, his collar and shoulders were on full display for the world to marvel at his beauty a bit more. If this weren't such an unfortunate situation, Jin would say he wants to be this pretty everyday.

Be this pretty for Namjoon.

"You even put on makeup?" She asked, smiling at the red lips he used to smile right back.

He nodded, "I, I don't want to go but I do like to feel pretty."

She held his hand as she guided him down the stairs and to the back patio doors. "You're pretty everyday, Jinnie." She was about to open the door, when a deep sigh from Jin stopped her. A deep breath from Hyunsa was followed by her kind words. "You can get through this, Seokjin. You are very strong, and Namjoon knows that, too." Hyunsa kissed his forehead. "Remember, Jinnie ; you're my sun, only twice as bright." He beamed at her upon hearing that, it always warmed his heart up.

"Okay, Hyunnie." He swallowed, feeling nervous but overwhelmingly sad. "I can do this, for Joonie." She returned a sad smile, and they made their way to the big garden behind the house.

She kept her hand on his back, giving him comforting pats as people began to notice him and not-so-subtly steal glances his way. Once they were standing behind his father, who was talking to some man Jin didn't know, Hyunsa bent down a little, holding herself up with her hands on her knees. She held his cheek with one hand, transferring the weight of her body to the other. "You can do this, sweetheart. Just be formal and it'll all be over soon. When it is, you can go to sleep and in the morning you can eat fruit loops. How does that sound?" Jin just nodded, which didn't really answer the question, but for now she would take it. "I have to go now, but if you're having an emergency you know to shout for me. Right?" He nodded again. "You're my brave little sun, alright?" She said with a pinch of his cheek, and waved at him as she walked off, attending to the important guests.

He waited, balancing his weight on the balls of his feet and then to his heels, teetering over and over again for what felt like hours but was really three minutes. Until his father finally paid him some attention. He was so into the conversation that he hadn't noticed Jin's presence until his conversational partner cleared his throat.

"Wah! Jin! I didn't even see you there, son." He chuckled, "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. How long have you been out here?"

"Five minutes, father."

"Oh, well then I take it back." He chuckled. This was the father Jin had loved. Perhaps he still did love that father, just not the one he'd been seeing recently.

Who could blame him for being so stuck in the past. Unearthing those memories he'd pushed away set something off in him Jin had never seen in him.

But even before that, Jin would toss the thought of love for his father back and forth. Did he love him? Or did he love his company? Afterall, he was one of if not the only non-staff member that spent time with him.

"I was just about to go check on you to come outside. You look beautiful, son!" He gave him a sincere smile. Jin wondered if this was all for show, but, there really wasn't anyone around. For the most part, everyone was farther back in the garden, away from his position right behind his house. "I've been waiting here for you so you wouldn't have to walk up here alone. I know groups of new people scare you a little." Jin felt himself soften, his muscles relaxing and feeling less tense at his father's words. "But I've been greeting everyone that walks past in the mean time and lost my train of thought." Jin nodded, taking his nice chatter in. He hated to admit he missed it. "Didn't you mention wearing the yellow dress?"

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