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Namjoon fell back into his young body. Back to the night before.

"You've got to stop treating him like this, Hyunmin." He heard his mother speaking to his father in the other room.

"He's got to learn early. After all, he is a Kim."

"He's a child!"

"A useless one!" His father stood up from his seat on the sofa. "When I was his age, I'd already killed two ducks and a turkey. They started me out with hunting at five because they knew only a Kim could do it. Why are you mad at me for giving him a bb gun of all things, Sohee? He's a defenseless, scared kid and we need to start whipping him into shape."

She could feel her frustration bubbling into tears. But she would stand her ground. After all, he married her for the fire in her soul and the flames in her eyes.

"A ten year old shouldnt even have a bb gun. A six year old can barely tell their left from their right!"

He sat down and sighed, "Kids play with toy guns all the time. It's the same thing. Whats the worst that could happen?"

She scrunched her face angrily as she yelled, "He could hurt himself and his brothers!" Nails digging into her palms, she paused for a breath. "I don't care what you say, it's not going in his hands until he's at least ten."

"And have him vulnerable to everything else? No, not on my watch." Hyunmin sighed and rubbed his temples. Geez, did his wife hate arguing but whenever the rare occasion would come up, he knew he'd have to clear his schedule or give in immediately. "My love, don't you see I'm doing this for his own good? He's a Kim. He can take it. He hasn't even gone on a hunting trip with me, dont you think he's too sheltered?"

"He wouldn't even be able to comprehend it. You know that."

"Yes, he can. I did, my brother, sister, and everyone else did, too. He's the oldest, he needs to start preparing now."

Namjoon couldn't take any more. He stepped out from behind the wall, acting as if he hadn't heard anything. It's not like he really did, since he couldn't understand it well.

"Appa, why is Eomma crying?"

"Oh, she's just telling me about a sad movie she saw." Sohee glared daggers at her husband, but said nothing. "I got you this present." He waved the bb gun in front of him, earning wide eyes from his wife.

Sohee snatched it out of Namjoon's hands right as it was placed in them. "No, you're not old enough to use this, Namjoon-ah. This is for big boys."

"I am a big boy..." he mumbled to his feet.

"Yeah, he is a big boy!" His father argued. Namjoon smiled up at him and it was returned, but out of nowhere, his father leapt up. Sohee gasped, taken off guard and now, she froze angrily. She knew she wouldn't get hurt, but an accident could still arise. Knife in one hand, his wife's waist in the other, he held her tightly against his front with the knife to her neck.

Namjoon's eyes filled with tears as he pleaded, "No! Please don't hurt eomma!"

"Do something about it, Namjoon." His father smiled encouragingly at him. Instead, it came off as menacing.
Namjoon ran up to him and raised a hand to smack him but was stopped by a 'tsk' from the man. "Not like that, though. Or I'll hurt her." Namjoon gave him an overwhelmed and worried look. "Use the gun."

Namjoon's gaze flicked to the sofa and reached for it, but felt instant inner conflict when he saw his mother crying harder. Why was she crying? She was really in danger!

"Do it." His father stated. "Shoot me, right now. Your mother's okay right now. She'll be fine if you shoot." Namjoon aimed with shaky hands and stared. "That's it, son!" He shook harder, tears ran faster, it was too much. "What are you waiting for?"

"I don't wanna shoot my appa." He set the bb gun down just as his father let go of his mother.

Sohee fell to the ground and cried. Of course, Hyunmin bent down to help her. Only earning a slap in the face. "Are you crazy?!" Namjoon ran to his mother while his father sat back down. "Don't cry, baby. Eomma wasn't really in trouble. Okay? Appa wasn't gonna actually hurt me. Im proud that you didn't shoot."

"If it were more believable, maybe he would've."

"Will you shut up, Hyunnim?"

He pretended to zip his lips and throw away the key. His wife could be mean when she wanted to, and he really didn't want to be on the receiving end.

They were snapped out of it by a small, watered down voice. "Eomma, am I not strong?"

"Of course not!" Was heard simultaneously along with ;

"Yeah, kinda."

Sohee reached up and smacked the back of Hyunmin's head."Ow! I'm just being honest, women!" He shook it off and knelt down to Namjoon's level. With a hand on his son's shoulder, he spoke. "You are weak, son. Not for a child your age, but for a Kim. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone needs somewhere to start. I know I'm your Appa but anyone could turn on you in a second. In those moments, you need to be strong enough to pull the trigger if you have to. If I really wanted to, your Eomma could be dead. I didn't hurt her because I love her. But you could've let her die." Namjoon's entire teeny body seized up. "You are weak, but I know you can change that. You're strong, too. Just, well, not as much as you are weak. B-but you can get there." He held Namjoon's face in his palm, "I know you can, son." Hyunmin leaned down and pressed a kiss to Namjoon's forehead before standing up and patting his butt. "Now, go to bed. You can't be strong on little sleep."

Buenos dias muchachalattas

Kang Daniel's comeback was sexy af both waves and who you are. Whew chile I love him

Also dreamcatcher comeback 11days reeeeeee im pre-ordering it agh it makes me so happy to see them grow and the number of insomnias grow too waaahh I feel like a grandma

Leave me a weird comment right here I wanna see em later heehee just a strange lil fact or sum

K im gonna nap


K Thanks Xoxo

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