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As lovely as it was to sleep together, Namjoon needed to get Jin home. "Wake up, prince. We've gotta get you home." He said, shaking him lightly and pushing the hair out of his face. Jin just whined in response. With a sigh, Namjoon got dressed in sweatpants and whatever sweater was nearby. He decided to just throw Jin's clothes in a duffel bag and wrap him in a blanket. He made the drive to his house quick, smiling small when he could hear quiet snores in the back seat.

No came the obstacle ; gaurds. So, he just threw a few rocks in the other direction, watching them scatter over to look for the culprit. He took that chance to run around the side of the house and quietly climb in through the back door. This truly was a workout. Jin still remained sound asleep in his arms.

Namjoon watched out for gaurds, creeping around the walls and holding his breath. All of that going to waste when Hyunsa almost walked into him. As she looked up and locked eyes with him, her own went wide. She was scared, and she had every right to be. But he just made a 'shush'ing motion and pointed to Jin, still knocked out.

All Hyunsa could do was stumble backwards with wide eyes before she fell slightly on the counter. Namjoon reached a hand out to try and help her up but she just stuck her hand out and gave him a thumbs up. She stood upright and took a deep breath. Hyunsa motioned zipping her lips and throwing away the key. Namjoon smiled and quickly tip-toed up the stairs.

He pushed open a few doors before finally reaching Jin's, entering and closing the door behind him. Namjoon gently set Jin on the bed, removing the blanket around him so he could tuck him in.

"Daddy?" Jin sat up before he could be tucked.

"Yes, sweetness?"

Jin looked around before answering and rubbing his eyes. "We're in my house."

Namjoon smiled as he pulled Jin's clothes out of the bag. "That's right, Jin."

"What time is it?"

Namjoon looked at his watch, "Eight thirty."  He searched for a laundry hamper, stiffling a laugh when he found it, sitting underneath a rack of socks.. "What's with the socks?"

Jin stood up, quickly realizing he was naked and wrapping the blanket around himself. He walked over to Namjoon, "They're my favorite socks because they're prettiest. So I hang them to look at them."

Namjoon smiled, "That's cute." He sighed, "Alright, baby. Go make a distraction for me downstairs so I cant get outta here." He gave his forehead a kiss.

Jin whimpered, raising his eyebrows and pouting. His lip quivered and tears quickly formed. "Daddy's leaving?"

Namjoon stepped closer to him, wrapping an arm around his waist. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. It's probably not a good idea for me to stay here."

Jin looked down at his bare feet, a tear falling off his face and landing on his toes. "O-okay, Daddy." He gave Namjoon a hug, "Goodnight."

Namjoon cringed as he craned his neck up to the ceiling. This was a risk, but fuck it. Or, as he'd probably say ; butt fuck it. He sighed, "Alright, but I'm locking the door, okay?" If anyone is here, you need to be look out, okay?" Jin nodded eagerly, jumping up and down as he hugged Namjoon.

Namjoon quickly locked the door, and slipped his clothes off, dropping them on top of the duffel bag. He opted to strip naked, to go back to how they were before he brought Jin home. He climbed into the bed, pulling the blankets up and pulling Jin closer to him. Jin happily snuggled his naked body up to Namjoon's and breathed out a content sigh.

"I love my baby boy," Namjoon whispered into Jin's neck, leaving small kisses. Pulling away, he smiled fondly at Jin, who made eye contact. "My sweet Jin." Jin could only blush and give him a soft kiss in the lips. "Goodnight, my Jinnie."

Jin felt his heart flutter, "G'night, Daddy."

"I love you." Namjoon stated, pulling Jin as close as possible and burying his face in his hair, smelling the sweet scent of oranges. Did Jin get a new shampoo? "Did you get a new shampoo?"

Jin smiled, he didn't expect him to notice. "Y-yeah," it suddenly occurred to him that he might not like it. "Do, do you like it? I-I-If you don't then I can get a new one-" he said quietly.

Namjoon cut him off, "Don't worry, baby-cakes. I love it." Namjoon really hoped Jin was only being so quiet because he was scared of getting caught, and not because he was anxious. "Smells nice."


"What's up, my love?"

"Can you sleep over again tomorrow?"

Namjoon shook his head, "You've got me wrapped around your finger, don't you?". He sighed, "Yeah, I'll sleep over, but you've got to be very careful."

Jin smiled wide and laid his cheek against Namjoon's bare chest. "Happy," he mumbled.

"What's that, Jinnie?"

"Said 'm happy." He replied. Namjoon was ready to give it all up just for him. "Daddy makes happy." His speech was slurred and begging to blend together. The sleepier he got, the little-er he felt.

"I'm glad I made you happy, flower. You make me happy, too." Jin couldn't control his face and grinned as he leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Okay, now actually, goodnight, my love."

"G'night, Daddy."

This is a lil shorter than last time but anyway update on time again !!!!!

Skz astornaut is great agh

Idk what to say uh oh yeah there will be a sequel Which will be very different but also not different from this one  but once i finish my other book I'm gonna start a sope ddlb set in the normal world lmk if you'd read it

I love Popeye's biscuits so much


K Thanks

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