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"Where are we goin'?" Jin asked, holding Namjoon's hand as they boarded a small, private plane.

"We're going to a little island resort a few countries away, just to be safe we'll stay a few weeks. I'll buy you some new clothes to replace what you left." Jin squealed eagerly, situating himself in Namjoon's lap.

"Daddy, I'm tired."

"Then sleep, honey." He pulled out his laptop and started typing something Jin didn't care enough about to glance at. "I'll wake you up when we land, alright?" Jin snuggled his face into Namjoon's neck and fell asleep to the soft breathing raising him up and down slowly.

A few hours later and Jin groaned at the large hands shaking him lightly.

"We're here, lovely." Jin sat up and rubbed his eyes, squinting at his surroundings. He saw the car waiting next to the plane and hopped off of Namjoon.

"Oh, wow!" Jin's nap allowed for his energy to renew, jumping up and down. "I get to go on a vacation with you, Daddy!"

Namjoon chuckled, holding Jin's hand and helping him hop off the stairs like the gentleman he was. "Sure, Jin. Let's call it that."

Once they were seated in the car, Jin asked more questions. He was always a nosey one. "Namjoonie, what's happening?"

"Well, we're going to stay on, vacation, for a few weeks and then you'll stay in my house with me. Our hotel should only be another five minutes."

"What're we gonna do?"

"That depends. What do you wanna do, love?"

Jin giggled, "I wanna stay up all night and watch movies!"

Namjoon shook his head, "Nuh-uh, that's not good for you." Jin gave him puppy eyes and a pout for good measure. Of course he'd have to buckle. "Fine, we can stay up late but not all night."

"Yay!" Jin gave Namjoon a peck on the cheek. "You're the best." He squeezed Namjoon's hand and intertwined his fingers with his own. "Where're we sleepin'?"

"The hotel, sweetheart."

"But is it like a sleepover or do we share one bed?"

Namjoon laughed, "Just the one."

"Do we have to buy soap? I don't want to use their soap. I dont know what it smells like. What if it gives me a rash?"

"You're lucky I like listening to your pretty voice rambling, because I don't think this driver likes it all that much."

Jin only cocked his head to the side, "Huh?"

"Yes, we'll go buy our own soap, Jinnie."

The driver dropped them off at the front of the hotel, before parking the car in the designated area and waiting for his own taxi to come get him. Of course, not before Namjoon was able to tip him.

Namjoon checked them in and a bellhop showed them to their suite. The only reason Jin didn't get lost on the way there was his hand firmly gripped in Namjoon's. He ogled the entire area and customers. Everything looked so fancy. The gold and red furniture looked so expensive and the marble floor made every click clack of a foot echo around.

He couldn't help but feel he didn't belong there. But to be fair, in his head, anywhere he'd never been before was somewhere he didn't belong. He was used to fancy, just not to new.

Namjoon opened the door and walked in, pulling Jin out of his thoughts quite literally by pulling him in forcefully and shutting the door behind him.

Jin had no time to process it before he was swept up by strong arms and held tightly as he was spun around. Namjoon laughed loudly, burying his face in the crook of Jin's neck. The now muffled laughter made Jin chuckle quietly. "Daddy, stop!" Namjoon breathed in deeply, and Jin thought for a second he'd get sucked up into his nose by the force. Can that even happen? Jin asked himself. No, I think you'd need a lot of force. But my Daddy is very strong. I bet he could do it.

Namjoon finally put him down, smiling widely as he held him by the waist. "What's on your mind, Jin?"

"I bet if you breathed hard enough you could suck me in through your nose."

Namjoon pulled a puzzled face before bursting out into a fit of laughter. "W-what?" He wiped a tear.

"You're very strong, Namjoon!"

Namjoon just kissed his cheek with a wide grin. "Well, thank you, cutie pie."

Jin jumped into Namjoon's arms, wrapping his arms and legs around him. Namjoon's reflexes were never very good but for once he was glad they reacted fast enough to catch Jin in his hold. "Missed you lots." Jin mumbled shyly hiding his face in his boyfriend's collar.

Namjoon laid his cheek on top of Jin's head. "I missed you, too, Jinnie."

"Can we just, just go nap?" Jin asked quietly avoiding the gaze inches away from him. He suddenly felt so nervous, probably due to the time spent away from each other.

"Of course, but aren't you already energized from your nap on the way here?"

Jin shook his head before laying it on Namjoon's shoulder. "A little, but I just wan-wanna nap with Namjoon."

Namjoon smiled widely and said nothing in response. Instead, he walked around the large suite until they reached the bedroom. There, he closed the curtains and laid Jin on the bed. The only sound heard was a small whimper in protest from Jin when Namjoon had set him down. He walked to the bathroom inside the room and hummed when he found what he'd been looking for ; a robe.

"Sit up, baby." He ordered, Jin too tired to think of a way to mess around with him and too sick of being away from him to be a brat. He sat up, a tired smile shining through the now dark room. Namjoon jumped off the bed and into the bathroom, coming back with what he assumed was a make up wipe. Not the best thing to assume and then rub on your face, but Namjoon didn't know any better.

He smiled fondly as Jin squeezed his eyes shut and allowed for him to wipe the make up off. His lips no longer red but a bright pink from the added pressure and his cheeks the same tint.

"Can I take off your dress, Jin?"

Jin bit his lip before nodding slowly, just embarrassed at being seen naked in a non-sexual way. It seemed so intimate and intense to him. To be fair, he did just run away with Namjoon. He really had put all of his trust into him. So he blushed madly as he felt the cold air hit his chest, midsection, and thighs. His arms immediately shooting up around himself to hide what he could.

Namjoon just hummed a tune, pretending not to notice the blush creeping around Jin's neck and face as he helped Jin put on the soft, silk robe.

"What about you?" Jin turned to ask.

Namjoon just shrugged before quickly tossing his shirt off and making the same fate for his pants. "Naked is better." He joked and pulled Jin down on the bed quickly. The euphoria of the moment was a tad tiring, but that would never stop Jin from giggling at something Namjoon did, or stop Namjoon from the opportunity to make Jin laugh.

With the covers situated over them, Namjoon pulled him close and wrapped his arms around him as tightly as he could. Jin buried his face in his neck and held his hands on Namjoon's toned chest.

"I love you, Jin." He kissed his temple after adding, "I'm glad to have you back."

Jin smiled, "I love you, too."

I didnt mean to take this long my bad

But i saw stray kids!!!! And i managed to snatch a bts ticket so im living life my guys

N e ways monsta x comeback in 2 days and kard came back today yall go check out red moon by kard

Thats it


K Toodles

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