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It'd been two months since Jin had left, and the consequences were still shaking both households.

"Namjoon, come on. You can't keep doing this shit." Yoongi scolded him from the doorway to Namjoon's office. He laid his cheek on his desk and lazily spun his empty cup previously filled of scotch.

Every night, he'd come home to celebrate a job well done by getting black out drunk. Although it did give Yoongi something else to do. As if being a right hand man for a dangerous mob head was already an easy job. In the mornings, he'd come wake Namjoon up from his spot, drooling at his desk, and debrief on all they'd accomplished the day before.

He was getting tired of his shit. Yes, he understood losing the person you love due to a dumb mistake is heart breaking, but it's been two months. Yoongi and the staff have all but wiped Namjoon's ass. Yoongi was surprised he hadn't gotten alcohol poisoning yet.

"Shut the fuck up, man." Namjoon mumbled back, rubbing his eyes with his fists. "Why don't you mind your business?"

"Oh my fucking God, Namjoon." Yoongi sighed at pinched the bridge of his nose. "You are my fucking business, dumbass! If you stray too far from the job we all die. I'm sorry you're heartbroken but your skull will be broken, too if you don't get your shit together."

"What's the point?"

Yoongi huffs and kicks the door shut, plopping himself onto the couch. "You act like your only purpose in life was to be with Jin."

"I had something beautiful!" Namjoon threw the empty bottle of scotch at the wall in his fit. Glass shattered and neither of them flinched. Yoongi, because he felt Namjoon was being a big baby and expected a tantrum. Namjoon, because he's got bigger problems than trashing his office. "I just want him back." He looked at his feet, ashamed for reacting like that. After all, it was his own fault.

He could've been honest. He could've started with a clean slate by confessing a few dates in. He could've explained some of his family dynamics and how they caused him to commit regrettable actions.

But instead, he was quiet. Silence is just as bad as violence. He as a man of the mob should know that.

"If you don't shut the fuck up I'm gonna slap the shit outta you." Yoongi grumbled under his breath.

"What was that?" Namjoon sent a glare in his direction, and Yoongi dared to send it back. They'd been best friends for decades, it's not like they don't tussle and ruffle each other's feathers.

"I said, if you don't shut the fuck up I'm gonna slap the shit outta you."

"Do it then," Namjoon scoffed, "I'm not gonna shut up about him."

Yoongi abruptly stood, "That's it!" He marched over and used both hands to grab him by the collar and pull him so close they were millimeters from kissing. "You listen to me, you dumb son of a bitch. You are Kim motherfucking Namjoon, the leader of the Kim gang aka Bangtan. I've seen you kill your own men for not reacting to a joke you liked. I've seen you torture sex offenders in ways so twisted they'd repent their sins to any God that would listen and cut their balls off if it meant you'd leave them alone. Hell, I've seen you hold people at gunpoint till you got what you want, since you were twelve. You're not a fucking saint, kid. And you're losing focus over some guy you fell in love with?" Yoongi let go and shoved him backwards. "Where's your big brain? Wake the fuck up, Joon. It's not that hard to find a way to get to him. It doesn't take a genius to pretend to be a guard or something. You let yourself mope so long you forgot how to think! Now, if you're not gonna do something to get him back then shut the fuck up!" Yoongi shook his head, "You're driving me crazy! Do something or shut the fuck!"

Namjoon took ragged breaths in anger, "Just who the fuck do you think you are, Yoongi?!"

"The only person with some goddamn sense around here!" Yoongi sat back down on the couch and sighed. "Now, are you gonna move on, try to get him back, or keep crying here? You've been on my fucking nerves all week." He rubbed his temples and shut his eyes, finally feeling better from letting out some steam.

Namjoon was deep in thought. His tongue poked the inside of his cheek. He shuffled backwards into his office chair. "You know what?" He mumbled, "Maybe you're right."

Yoongi threw his head back and laid his arms out, "Oh my God. Finally, I'm so tired of babying you. You know, just because I'm older doesn't mean im equipped to babysit."

"What's the move?"

Yoongi jerked his head up with a raised brow. "Cone again?"

"What are we doing?"

Yoongi scoffed, "Like that narrows my search bar any less."

"To distract me, you idiot."

"Hasn't working every day been distracting enough?"

"Clearly not considering I just threw an empty scotch bottle at you."

"Hmm, strip club?" Namjoon chuckled and took a sip of water, trying to sedate his hangover. "What's so funny?" Namjoon just nodded at the door and kept sipping.

Hoseok stood with his hands placed firmly on his hips. "What's this about a strip club?"

Yoongi's eyes widened, "No, I didn't- I mean, you know," he stuttered. Hoseok just raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms expectantly. "Just to, help ease his mind."

"Mhm?" Hoseok's face softened, walking over to Yoongi and wrapping his arms around his neck.

Yoongi held Hoseok's hips and gazed at his face. "He just needs new people to look at right now. I already have you to look at."

Hoseok moved closer for a kiss and Yoongi of course did the same, just for Hoseok to abruptly crane his neck backwards. "You're sleeping on the couch tonight." He whispered with a smile, and pat Yoongi's neck lightly before walking out of the room. "Go out and get some coffee, its ten in the morning, for fuck's sake." He called from down the hall.

Namjoon pursed his lips together in a failed attempt to hold in his laughter. "Great, now I'm gonna have back pain tomorrow. You happy now?" When Namjoon just nodded, Yoongi kicked the air. "Man, babysitting you should cost you at least fifty-kay my way."

"Then in that case, I'd have to pay Hoseok a hundred-kay for babysitting you."

"Whatever," Yoongi snatched the keys off of Namjoon's desk. "Let's go get coffee and some flowers."


Yoongi turned around with a scowl. "Uh, yeah? Pfft, I'm not gonna sleep on the floor without a fight."


Qwiehaoqk blackpink comeback was cool not mind blowing but still a bop

I have an interview for chipotle soon 👀yayayaya


K Thanks💋

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