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A month time skip oop

It'd been a little over a month since Jin had officially moved into Namjoon's house. He had a luxurious pink room, but of course he didn't sleep in it. Why would he when the man of his dreams was down the hall? In total, it'd been seven weeks since he left.

Seokjin had never been this happy.

Namjoon loved waking up to Jin cuddled into him every morning. Some of his gaurds were a bit confused as to why Namjoon would risk so much for some nineteen year old kid in tights but honestly, they were just happy Jin was nice.

A lot of the people Namjoon would bring home were a pain in the ass. Namjoon's men of course didn't have to approve of said people, but they're a huge part of his life. They're his friends. Except for that one guy. He was a friend of a friend of a cousin of a friend.

A lot of the people assumed the men should wait on them hand and foot. When they wouldn't, since it's not their god damn job, they'd stomp away to Namjoon. 'They won't wash my shoes!'

'Did you try asking the maid?'

'But I don't know where she is and I don't wanna look for her.'

'Well there's your problem.' Something like that is usually how those conversations would go. Although, they people coming over would usually spend more time arguing with the men than Namjoon. He'd give them no reaction. Afterall, those men are also his friends. Some close, some not, but all loyal. He wasn't going to lose that just because of some chic or twink being too lazy to do their own laundry.

So the gaurds didn't question him on why Jin of all people, just smiled at the young boy when they'd see him. They couldn't help it. Every time he saw them, he'd bow and greet them politely. It was refreshing. Namjoon didn't treat them like the help. They were his security. Not his maids. The maid was the maid. But somehow that was still hard for people to understand.

A lot of people came over for meetings, a lot of people came over for personal reasons, a lot of people, a lot of time, a lot of disrespect to anyone who wasn't Namjoon. To Jin, it was minimal. Namjoon didn't want him seeing him do his 'job' all that much, so Jin was mostly out of sight.

Namjoon's team consisted of many people, most gaurds and 'left hands' as he'd call them. Those were the people closest to him. They were who ran him his information, stayed by his side, his cabinet, and so on. There was a lot, some he'd station as gaurds as well.

His number one, was Min Yoongi, a quiet and sarcastic yet kind- well, as kind as you can get in the mafia- man. Jin thought he was handsome, of course, nothing on Namjoon. But he seemed cold to Jin, so he'd avoided him at all costs. Can you believe it? A whole month under the same roof and Jin still avoided him like the plague. So tonight, Namjoon planned on ended that.


"Yes, Daddy?" Jin called from the second floor.

"Dinner's ready, Seokjinnie."

"Okay!" He scampered down the stairs and into the dining room where Namjoon, Yoongi, and a few gaurds sat. He bowed and sheepishly took his seat next to Namjoon, still feeling nervous around everyone. "He-hello," he greeted quietly, reaching for Namjoon's hand.

Namjoon happily grabbed Jin's hand and pulled it up onto the table, holding it infront of them for everyone to see. "This is Seokjin. I'm not sure why it's taken me a whole month to properly introduce you to everyone but you know I've been busy, love." He turned to the boy who just nodded. Namjoon has been busy, so Jin would talk and sometimes play with the maids. They were usually very quiet and calming, a lot like Hyunsa.

"Hi, I'm Yoongi." He gave a sly smile as he looked across the table at Jin. "Are you scared of me?" Jin widened his eyes and rapidly shook his head no. "I don't know, that seems like something someone scared of me would say." Jin's eyebrows furrowed worriedly, he was upset he couldn't lie better about this.

"Stop teasing him, you'll make him even more nervous." The man next to Yoongi spoke. "Hi, Seokjin." The man smiled widely at him, he felt himself ease a bit. He'd never seen this man around the house before. To be fair, he tried to not see the men around the house. How could he trust any of them if they're not his Daddy? "I'm Hoseok but you can call me Hobi. I was more of an outside duty handling guy, if you know what I mean, but recently Namjoonie here switched me to here. Something about 'going overboard' or something."

Namjoon defended his actions. "You killed that captive!"

"He called my mom a whore!" Hoseok retorted.

"Calm down, sweetheart. We know it hurt your feelings." Yoongi rubbed Hoseok's back.

With a pout, Hoseok crossed his arms. "My mom is lovely." Namjoon just rolled his eyes, nodding for everyone else to continue.

Another man cleared his throat, "Uh, hi. I'm Youngjae. I have a wife and a dog whom I love very much and, uh, I like the beach?"

"Are you asking us?"

"I don't know what to say, we don't usually do introductions!"

The rest of the table went around, sharing and just trying to be as friendly as possible. For Jin's sake, yes, but mostly for Namjoon's.

This was intimidating for the boy. Dinner this past month has been the two of them at the kitchen island. Now he sat with a bunch of scary men at a big table. But his scary man was also at the big table, so he knew he'd be alright.

It finally got to Jin's turn. He nervously looked to Namjoon who just winked and squeezed his hand. He faced the men. "H-hello. I'm Kim Seokjin. I like pink, uhm, pink and pancakes, and, and Joonie."

"Joonie?" Yoongi teased raising an eyebrow at the pair. Jin felt embarrassed suddenly and stared down at his lap.

Namjoon rolled his eyes, "Call me 'Joonie' and I'll shove my boot up your ass."

Yoongi laughed, "I'm not Hoseok, but I'm sure he'd enjoy that." Hoseok smacked him on the shoulder.

Jin pouted, turning to Namjoon sadly, "I can't call you 'Joonie' anymore?" He asked quietly.

"What? Sweet cheeks, of course you can. I meant the boys here can't call me that. You wanna know why?" Jin nodded, "Because it's special. Only you get to call me that."

Jin smiled wide. "It's special because of me?" Namjoon nodded and Jin's smile spread to his ears. He dug into the remaining food on his plate, eager to finish it up and make Namjoon proud of him.

This coronacation is kicking my ass because I am a greedy whore who wants to go back to work for my goddamn money.

Okay thats all


K Thanks

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