Chapter117: The Copycat is a Bad girl

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As Garmadon headed away from the campsite with dreary tired eyes, he yawned and picked up the pace. He intended to go on a walk this morning, a little stroll by the quiet streams of the riverbank they had encountered yesterday.

With his hands behind his back, he hummed, his eyes turning in every direction. Assuming this jungle had more than one deadly tree, it sure was quiet.

He stepped on a cracked branch, the silence going away in a matter of secrets. His head lifts up at a small screech he heard from nearby.

"Garmadon!" His eyes widened in surprise as he had recognized the white haired girl calling for him. He finds her hanging from a breaking branch from a tall rain tree.

"How did you get up there?! I thought you were back in the tent!" He growls, his mind instantly thinking of escape plans. He climbs up the tree, his canines poking out as sweat ran down his palms.

"I wanted to scout out the area more. Collect more wood too." She huffed, slowly edging her way towards Garmadon. Her hands were delicate as she inched a millimetre away from the branch she was hanging on and into Garmadon's arms.

Watching her every move, "Be careful, it's a broken branch." He warns her.

However, she misplaced a hand. Her fingers felt the sharp wood as she knew she had just encouraged the branch to break even more. She gulped and down she fell from the tree.

The oni lord narrowed his eyes and hopped off, his four arms edging forward and his legs braced themselves for impact. He reached for the girl, his arms wrapping themselves on her small form a little too tightly and almost flung the both of them into the river.

Harumi, who was now being carried by him, "I uh...I'm sorr-" she muttered for an apology.

Her face met with the dirt on the ground. She gasped and spat out the debris.

"That's what happens when you run off. How foolish have you become? Have you not seen what happened to you yesterday, it's fortunate that you survived." The Oni lord pulls her up by the hair, his bloodshot eyes staring deep into hers. He glared down, no light in his eyes. No surprise.

Wiping the tears and dirt from her eyes, Harumi faced away from him, a little unsure on how to act. What happened to them? Why did he become so harsh with her? This reminded her of that time...

When she was still his second in command, how he'd give her tasks to do around Ninjago city and she was always the silver platter as when something went wrong. But this also reminded her of when she being trained by him. Their training was harsh but that's because Harumi knew she needed a tough master in order to learn.

Or maybe Garmadon wasn't the problem, but her? Did her heart suddenly decided to soften up and stay weak all while hiding behind the excuse of her traumatic and injuring battle with the oni prince?

It was time to move on, from whatever she was feeling—she didn't want to be weak anymore.

"You know what?!" She revolts, pushing a strand of hair away from her face as Garmadon began to walk away from her, expecting her to follow. He hums and turns a heel to look at her.
"Don't speak to me like that." He scoffs.

She crossed her arms, her eyes not daring to look into his. Yet, the beautiful jade shade that represented her goal faded into an eminent purple glimmer.

He recognized those eyes, he stepped away from her.

"I'm done! I don't know why I can't just stand for myself, I don't know what happened! But I'm trying and you don't understand that!!!" She approached him, anger fuming out of her.
She needed to prove herself, that she wasn't just a weakling that needed to be carried. That she wasn't a selfish hero that wanted the ones close to her to be doing her work after she saved an entire city.

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