Chapter26: To wake up a master

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This looks bad." was the only words spoken by someone in the room for the past twenty-five minutes. Taking a closer look at the poisoned master of amber was the water ninja with a concerned expression. Lloyd who was behind the raven-haired girl tilted his head in confusion. "There's been silence for what? close to half an hour and that's all you have to say?" quite astonished for the words Nya chose, Lloyd commented with mighty disappointment. However, the water ninja didn't let herself back down to a comment like this. "I was examining her and I think I've came up with a conclusion." She turned around to face the other members of her team.

"Let's hear it, mad genius." The white haired girl crossed her arms with a teasingly smile on her lips. Soon, the individuals surrounding Nya and Lloyd quiet down. They waited for the vice-leader's conclusion from her observations. They'd just hope that her choice of words wouldn't be something along the lines of: 'Glowing magenta eyes, that's very intriguing.' Next thing that was heard was something under the expectations of what the team expected for someone as intelligent as Nya. Pacing back and fourth, staying close to the unconscious Skylor, "I don't have enough proof to what this is. That's why I'm planning to spend the whole afternoon trying to figure out a way to awaken our friend. I have a few suggestions on what to try today but if you do have some yourself, feel free to contribute."

The first one to interject was Killow. "So you're telling us you don't actually have a straight answer on how to wake up Skylor?" He asked with crossed arms. Nya immediately answered with an overwhelmed expression. The comrades all around her have just pulled off disappointed and unsatisfied expressions, she instantly knew that she had proven to 'not always be smart.'
"No I don't. That's why I need your help to wake her up." Nya implored her teammates. As a serpentine member was gonna answer, Lloyd did so Instead.
"Guys leave it. It's no big deal right? We can try to wake up Skylor. Well Nya? Tell us your ideas." He declared.
Sitting on a wooden crate was the brown ninja with an impatient expression.
"Why does witchcraft always have to be the first option in awakening someone!" He questioned annoyingly. The green ninja, who was beside him,
"For the last time, it's not witchcraft. It's simply tea. But magical tea if you want to put it that way." He encouraged the adult to support in make-believe. What he didn't know was that Dareth was already quite acquainted with Mistaké's teas. He shook his head in disagreement. "I've already drank some of that tea. Wasn't very magical, Lloyd." He told him his opinion.

The green ninja simply shrugged and turned back forward to face the victim of this whole operation. That they soon called: 'Operation: Amber'. His eyes locked with Skylor's magenta ones. Some could say that she's entranced right about now. But if they just lowered down to see the full expression on her face, they see a frown. That wasn't delightful at all. Harumi was in the room with them, spoke softly. "I really hope this works." She reminded that she still had faith for this mission. Both boys in the room nodded. It was only the three of them inside of there. The serpentine were guarding all over the ship for any SOG break-ins, the previously marooned pirates were by the control centre, the former SOG generals were fixing the bounty's mats and finally, Nya and Mistaké were by the kitchen, boiling the tea.

"When Skylor's awake, what's the next part of the plan, Lloyd?" The white haired continued. If he had to be honest, Lloyd really didn't know. After all, he was just pretending to fit in and ressemble as much as possible his old personality. He couldn't disappoint father. Then again, he was pretty impressed that he managed to get this far without getting the others suspicious of anything going under-way in their small resistance team. The blonde sighed and carelessly responded: "To be honest. Haven't planned that out yet. Any ideas? R-" he stopped himself. Even though the was pulling off the biggest lie in the history of Ninjago so far, he realized that he just vocalized a truth to these enemies of his. He resumed what he had to say. Thankfully, to the ears of Dareth and Harumi, it was just a stutter or possibly he chocked when swallowing. "-Rumi."

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