Chapter35: Revelation

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Lloyd was meditating in his room, he sighed as he went deeper into his thoughts. A image of the stone Colossus' foot coming down onto his friends. He gasped as the Lloyd from the image ran towards his friends, pushing them away and he was crushed. He let out a scream. Meanwhile with every else, they were all eating breakfast when the light bulbs burst. Harumi gasped, "what happened?" she asked. "It's just Lloyd. Something must've spooked or scared him." Kai explained. Killow raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" He asked. Kai sighed. "You see, an elemental master's element is controlled by his or her emotions. Don't worry this happened all the time when Lloyd was a kid." He gave a proper explanation.

"Still we should go check on him right?" Harumi asked concerned about Lloyd. Jay nodded, "yeah this hasn't happened in a while, so we should make sure he's alright." He said. "-Especially with what's been going on with garmadon." Cole cut in. Uv nodded as they all got to the room where they heard Lloyd breathing heavily on the ground. "Uh no..."Harumi rushed in and saw Lloyd on the floor tangled in his blankets. She  walked over to him. "Lloyd are you okay?" She asked as she knelt down. "Who's there? What's going on?" Lloyd asked her. Harumi smiled. "It's just me. What happened?" She asked as she started unwrapping the blankets around Lloyd.

Lloyd smiled as he popped his head out. "I'm a taco." he said comically. Everyone burst out laughing. But Lloyd took it as a chance to escape. With his covers still on, the boy took off and ran. "I'm a walking taco and you can't catch me!" he challenged. Everyone looked at each other. "He's awfully happy for someone who you know?" Killow stuttered. Harumi nodded. "It is strange but let's not focus on that. Let's focus on the fact that we have our leader back and we aren't prisoners anymore."  she declared to her comrades. "I agree let's go catch that taco." Kai said with a laugh. Everyone nodded as they ran after the blonde boy. Meanwhile, Lloyd was laughing as he dashed away from the taco hunters. When suddenly, he smacked right into a figure and fell to the ground.

He groaned in pain while he managed to get his hand free and held it when a dark voice spoke: "Ah, If it isn't the runt." Lloyd's eyes widened in fear, no it couldn't be.. He lookied up, his Suspicions were correct. There was Bizarro Kai,Cole, and Jay but Bizarro Zane was nowhere to be seen. He gulped, he didn't like this, he only liked Bizarro Zane, not them. Noticing Lloyd's silence, Bizarro Kai smiled evilly, "What's the matter? Afraid?" He cooed. Lloyd struggled to get out of his blankets, the three dark ninjas laughed. "Look at him he can't get up how pathetic!" The evil Cole said with a laugh.  Lloyd growled as he managed to get up with his arms sticking through. "Awe look! he wants to fight! how adorable!" the evil Jay cooed. Lloyd growled. As he managed to get out of the carpet. "Bring it on." he challenged.

The three smiled, "you're  gonna regret that." Evil Cole told him as he jumped up,  kicking Lloyd in the chest, he sent him back. It caused the green ninja to  hit the wall. Lloyd groaned in slight pain. Seeing this, Bizarro Jay smiled. "What's the matter? Too weak to fight back?" He remarked. Lloyd growled only growled, "I am not!" He said to him not knowing a fireball was coming towards him. He gasped. Luckily, Lloyd  jumped out of the way and regained his footing. He exhaled a sigh of relief since he managed to not to get hit.  However Bizarro Kai was annoyed he didn't hit him and as his two other comrades were distracting the ninja, Bizarro Kai charged at Lloyd. He jumped and kicked him in the back, sending him flying into a surprised Ultra Violet.

The two fell to the floor with a thump,  Lloyd groaned as the impact was harsh. Although it probably wasn't as harsh as it was for ultra Violet. Carefully he got up and got to his feet, "Sorry ultra Violet." he apologized as he helped her up. "You okay?" He questioned. The girl nodded, "I'm good. I'm used to taking a tumble. But why were you thrown at me?" She asked him. She couldn't let that injury slide just like that. Lloyd was gonna answer when a fireball was chucked at the two. "Watch out!" He yelled tackling Ultraviolet from being hit. When ultraViolet turned her head, she was shocked when she saw figures that looked like the ninjas minus Zane. "Lloyd? Are those the-"  she started to asked but the blonde cut him off. "No that isn't the ninja. It's the Bizarro ninjas, my father made them to destroy the real ninjas." he explained. Uv was shocked. She didn't know there were evil ninja in the world. She was brought out of her thoughts when a chair was thrown at her. But Lloyd punched it away, resulting in breaking it. When she looked up, she saw Lloyd holding his hand. Since she knew one of Lloyd's arms were broken.

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