Chapter 184: The Search For child Harumi

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Calls could be heard among the streets as a group of people, where in the streets in the middle of the night trying to find child Harumi. Who had been kidnapped eariler by Zephry for some reason.​ they had no idea on why he decided to kidnap Little rumi. But based on what garamdon say: He told them, After he tried to help harumi get ready for bed, She in fear, Ran outside the room, and when he chased after her. He saw Zephry standing over her with a knife. He claimned that zephry was trying to outst little rumi. And of course he had no reason to lie so now tbey all found themself out on a cold autum night looking for little Harumi, and they had no idea where in the name of ninjago where she could be. They felt the cold autum air blow around them, as Leaves floated across their field of vision. They were all bundled up, since No, one wanted to get colds, espicall the girls. Since they had known how bad a cold could get. The blonde girl sighed, she pulled her liliac Hat closer down to her face, as she stopped and looked at the group. "I....I Hope Little Harumi, Is okay" Lilla, who stopped walking after hearing her friends worry's stopped, and walked over to her friend. "Don't worry, Jade" She says trying to assure her friend of her worry's. "I'm sure Little Harumi, Is Ok!" she says as she did her best smile to assure her kid Harumi was okay. The blonde just sighed as she pulled her coat closer to her, and up so it covered her nose. "I Just can't help but Worry!" she says to her friend, as she turned away from them, and looked at the sky. "She's a little Kid, and It's Not, Harumi The person we Went on a crazy adventure to get here with" She says as she startled to fiddle with the clothed gloves on her hand she huffs as a puff of cold air left her mouth.

"She's a small, scared, Defessless Child! And She, is Probally scared out of her mind right now" She says. Everyone went silence not exactly sure what to say. Yes, Harumi had been split into seven versions of herself, and Now Low and behold, the smallest of the seven got kidnapped. They had, no idea what Little Harumi coud do. They hadn't known, Harumi as a child they didn't know, What she could, or could not do. Kaityln sighs, as she turned her head her hair whipping back as she turned to look at The blonde haired Girl. "Lilla, is correct. I'm sure she's fine. Although It dosen't make sense". The two other girls stopped, The two pups did as well, as they turned to look at the girls. It was a small group but a group nonetheless , Opal, Mirage, Mistake, CH, and Acronix Had stayed behind To watch The other versions of Harumi, To make sure, Anger or hatred killed each other. While Cloud, Nix, Lloyd, and the three girls searched for Little harumi. Lord garmadon, Headed alone searching for Little rumi Thinking he'd had a better chance to find her alone. Jade shakes her head, and then looked at her friend with a raised eyebrow. "What do you Kaityln? What dosen't make sense?" she asked as she had her full body now turned towards her friend. Everyone in the group was now facing kaityln To figure out what she meant by that.

The girl sighed, as She took a few steps forward, she shifted her scarf to the side a little more, and after she took a few steps forward, and turned to face The group. She took a breath, and moved her hair away from her face when she spoke. "That Zephry, Kindaped Child Harumi." She says as she startled to explain. Jade being Jade, raised her hand however, lifted her hand, and gave her friend a look. "What, do you mean Kaityln?" she asked as she shifted her scarf. "I mean, zephyr is the bad guy. Of course he;s gonna kidnap people!" She says. As Kaityln sighed as she took a granola ball out of her pocket, and took a bite, after shallowing she says: "Yes, But Why Little Harumi?' She says as she expressed her concerns.

"Little Harumi, is as we established, a child" She says, as she yanwed and stretched. She looked like she had gotten eveyones attention and it seemed they were starting to undertsand what She was getting it. "I mean, He's supposedly all powerful sorcerer" she says, as she does air quotes, and rolled her eyes. It was obviously her being sarcastic, and the group caught in pretty quick. "If he was looking to, Try to get one of the Harumi's to To go his side, If it was going to be one of his powerplays" she took a second to take a deep breath, and continue. "Wouldn't it had made more sense to, Kidnap Oni harumi, revenge, or Hatred, and Not Child Harumi?" They all stopped and thought about that and they had to admit Kaityln did have a valid point. The Raven haired girl, sighed as she put a hand to her chin. "Kaityln has a point, Maybe he possibly has other plans for little rumi. One That we aren't aware of" Lilla suggested.

Kaityln sighs, as she pushes another strand of hair away from her face. "It's possible, but what plans could that be? Like Jade said, she's just a child what purpose could she have with him?". Lilla sighs, as she shakes her head. "I Have no idea, I can only hope we find out, before It's too late". Jade nods, and smiles. "I'm Sure we Will! And Garmadon is searching as well, whos to say he hasn't found her already, and heading back to the bounty!" She tells the group. Lloyd wanted to retort and say Life, dosen't always work that way, but kept his mouth shut, It was late, and they needed get some sleep. They had alot of searching todo tomorrow and they needed rest.

Hey Everyone, Jdizzle here i hop you enjoy this chapter it was currently interesting. Anyways who is excited for this weekend, I Know I am currently excited. But Also sad, But even though Ninjago is ending, this story is continuing, and soon we are gonna have to make another book because we are nealy at 200 chapters. OH MY GOSH! I cannot believe it. Anyway, Are you Guy's gonna check out the 2023 series I know i'm gonna be. I'm Gonna be giving it a chance because I wanna see how it is. But anway I'll see you all In two weeks! Bye guy's Jdizzle sighing out peace!

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