Chapter138: Stars, shining Bright above you

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In the dark of the night, six figure were preparing to leave for zephyrs island, they had no idea what was going to happen, but one thing was for sure, they had a family member to save. Shadows danced, among the walls as in a room Lloyd was packing for the mission.

He was nervous, he didn't know what was waiting for him, and the other ninja, But he didn't care what happened, he wanted no need to save Harumi. He at this point didn't care what happened to him, he just wanted to see if Harumi was alright.

He let out a sigh, he didn't know what to do, he felt like he was going crazy, he wished he had listened because he felt in his heart Harumi was right and Zephyr was evil. He looked at the mirror, and brushed a hand through his messy blonde hair.

He looked around his messy room, he walked around, until he went over to a chair, and looked at a picture that was hanging on the wall, he smiled as he grabbed the photo, and smiled. "Hang on Harumi, I'll save you"

He let out a hum, as he looked around, and saw outside the moon was rising high, and the stars were shining Brightly in the sky. They were like little lights that were up there with a purpose of lighting up the sky.

"Stars, shining Bright above you" Lloyd started to hum, as he held a Picture of him and harumi, he smiled as he went and grabbed his sword as he put it in side his holster as he was preparing for the journey ahead.

"Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you" Lloyd sings to himself as he looked at the picture of him, and Harumi. They were happy in the picture both smiling, and hugging each other. He headed over to the window, and looked out and saw two love birds were curled around each other, as they were both sleeping.

They made sure each of them were safe, and looking out for each other, it almost reminded him, of him and Harumi. They always looked out for each other, and they always loved each other. "Birds singing in the sycamore tree"

He sighed, and headed over to his mirror and looked at the glass, and saw he had bags under his eyes, he looked tired, and he figure it was probably from trying to figure out Where their missing family was, he groaned from tiredness.

"Dream a little dream of me" he sighs, he had heard the song by Doris Day, he heard it a few months back. When he first heard it, he turned away, not in the mood to be hearing this type of love song especially when he at the time didn't like Harumi

"Say "Night-ie night" and kiss me, Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me" Lloyd at this point felt so upset, because he missed Harumi, and He felt like like he wasn't going to see her again. He felt Iike he never ever should've never doubted her"

"While I'm alone and blue as can be Dream a little dream of me" Lloyd hummed, as he began to prepare even more for the journey to Zephrys Island in hopes of finding Harumi, and he hoped She was there, and safe.

"Stars fading but I linger on, dear, Still craving your kiss I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear" he continued to sing, as he decided to walk to harumi's room he walked over and opened the door, he saw the room was just as he left it.

He walked over, and headed over to her desk. There were a lot of pictures. Among other girl things, he sighed, as he looked over and saw Cloud, wasn't in her dog bed, her eyes widened he gasped as started looking around to see if she was just hiding.

He then blinked and thought: "Wait I didn't hear anything from nix Today" He started running down the hallways back to his room, and then he saw Nix was no where to be seen. "Nix?" He called. As he heard no answer. He called out again.

"Nix! Here boy!" He called, as he still got no answer, he started to get scared. Where the heck was Nix? He looked around but he then didn't see him, he started running all around the bounty but couldn't find Nix, Or Cloud" he soon stopped snd stratcyed his head.

"Ok, maybe my father knows where he was. '' Lloyd walked and knocked on the door, and when he received no answer, he opened the door and saw it was a blank room. And garmadon was nowhere to be found.

"Ok, so We're not only missing Harumi, we are also missing Cloud, Nix, and Garmadon" he muttered. He sighed, "Welp, this is gonna be a problem". He started to head towards his room, and despite the situation he to remain calm continued humming.

"Just saying this Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you" he sat in his chair, as he waited to get the Go to leave with the other ninja, he put his hands in his pockets and was trying not to freak, out he was keeping these thought inside he was so nervous.

"Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you But in your dreams whatever they beDream a little dream of me Stars fading but I linger on, dear" he smiled, as he started to gain somewhat of confidence he wanted more then anything to see his girlfriend safe and sound, and he breathed a sigh. "She's fine she has to be"

"Still craving your kiss I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear Just saying this Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you" he looked, and saw there was something that fell onto the floor something shiny, he walked over when suddenly the door opened.

He turned, as saw it was Kai standing in the doorway, and it seemed he had grabbed a dagger for Harumi, when they found her. "Hey, we're about to leave" he said as he went and headed back into the darkness of the hallway. Lloyd sighed. "Let's do this"

"Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you But in your dreams whatever they be". He headed out of the room, but before he was about to close the door, he sighs:"
Dream a little dream of me".
before they knew it the boys were on the island, and kai looked at Lloyd. "Do we go out, or Stay in the shadows?" He asked Lloyd looked around and then nods slightly. "Full Ninja mode, we can't risk being spotted and risk the mission"

The other ninja nodded as they went and headed toward the arena, and looked around for some clues so they could find out how to find harumi. Jay looked around when suddenly he leaned against a lever and it opened a trap door.

They all looked at Jay who laughed sheepishly. "Hehe sorry" he said. As Lloyd shook his head. "It's alright, Jay I think you just found an entrance". They all smiled as they all hopped down one by One into the unknown unaware of what they were gonna find

When finally getting to where they needed to be, they got view of zephyrs lair, it was covered in a cavern like place, rocks were all around, and they made out, a building of what looked like something big was happening. He saw the throne room, and among other things but what caught Lloyds attention was the cell block.

"Guys! Look I think Harumi could be there!" He whispered and shouted. They all went to where Lloyd was at the edge of the cliff, and saw the cells,they all smiled at each other. "Alright guys, come on" Jay said as he saw everything was clear.

Lloyd stopped him. "We can't just rush in without a plan, we need to think" Kai sighed as he tapped his foot. "Yeah, but what good ever comes with waiting?" He asked as he crossed his arms. The blonde sighed as he looked at Eveyone then he nodded.

"Come on" he said as he started sneakily heading towards the cell block the other following behind him, as they went past doing some parkour to get past some minions, and Past Matias, who was sleeping but was woken up from moment.

Lloyd took the lead from the pact, and soon Lloyd saw white hair, he gasped, as he ran up to the bars. "Rumi?" He called. The girl turned and was faced with Lloyd she smiled and ran to Lloyd. "Oh Lloyd you came!"

The boy smiled, as he gave his hand through the bars. "Of course! Did you think we'd leave you?" Harumi smiled, when suddenly she gasped. "Lloyd Look ou—" she was cut off, as she was knocked unconscious along with the rest of the group.

Greetings everyone, Jdizzle here, I hope you enjoyed that chapter, I certainly enjoyed writing it, stay tuned for what's gonna happen it's gonna be exciting Alright guys that's enough for now! I'll see you all next time! Bye bye ;) Jdizzle signing out peace

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