Chapter 164: Meeting Jade And Lilla

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Running, That all what Garmadon Is doing. Running, Running,Running. He didn't know where he was going. But he knew he needed to get away, as fast as He could Before They were caught. Yes them, He had taken his son, Used him as a Baseball bat, and Battering ram during his unconscious state. He almost felt slightly bad, Key word slightly. In his mind he knew it was the only way to escape From Zephry's forces, and Get away, before all of them were captured. He had Left, Mistaké, Opal,Mirage, and Nix to be captured. But why would he care? He needed to look out for himself, and himself almone. He didn't need to care about Anyone, Or anything He was An Oni, He didn't need to care about weak Humans, and Puppies, He was above all them. Besides He was sure, Opal, Mirage, and Mistaké Could handle themselves The three women were Oni, and they most definitely Going to be okay. Nix However, He wasn't So Sure About. But why would he care, They don't mean anything to him. No anything, no Accomplices.

He knew if he was to get attached, it would leave opportunities To lose people. Although he wouldn't ever admit it, He felt saddened when Harumi was killed by Zephyr, he had ended her life So early. She was still, a teenager and had her whole life to live. Yet that didn't matter, when he stabbed her through the chest with a bamboo stick, The poor girl never had a chance. The grass, swayed in the wind, as he ran, The fresh Night air, was cool, with the fresh smell of cut grass. He was already being slowed down, when he carried, His son.

His sons blonde hair, swayed back and forth in the wind, his eyes were shut, leaving him to be in his slumber, after knocking him out a few hours ago. When He almost hurt someone, after he saw Harumi on the Tv. No one knew what to say when they saw her, but while eveyone was hopeful, Garmadon just Knew it wasn't realistic. They had all seen her die, she stabbed. Even with her Oni Powers, she wasn't a full Oni, She was lucky to even get those powers, and it was all because that Stupid Oni Prince bit her back during the Oni Invasion.

If that Oni was still alive. He'd have a few choice words he'd say to him. After all he did to the poor white haired girl. Garmadon clenched his fist, and then opened them again, thinking about everything that happened During the Oni invasion. He seethed, and then tried to calm himself down. It wasn't worth getting upset over, He was dead, he was gone, and he would never be able to Hurt anyone ever again. Especially, the white haired girl, but now Even she was gone. So in the end it seemed like it didn't even matter.

Garmadon then saw the Glint of something in distance. He raised an eyebrow, as he then hurried towards the object. "What could that be?" He asked as he ran over to the object in question. He set Lloyd on the ground. Making sure he did so safely so he wouldn't get cut, or injuried from whatever the thing turned out to be. He let out a small noise, as he then walked around the object. He walked around it, and then took a step forward, and used one of his four hands, to wipe the Mud and grime, away from the object, To reveal Handles. He raised an eyebrow. "Handles?, what time of Thing Has Handl—"

He was about to say, when one of his hands touched a button, and Made a loud noise that didn't make him flitch per say, It just made him more curious. "I Must say this is Very strange" he says. He went forward, and continued to wipe the Mud, and Grime away and, Soon revealed a broken down, rusted, and old Motorcycle. "Huh a motorcycle?" He says, as he continued to observe the motorcycle. "I know, I was the emperor of Emperor of Ninjago City, and Lead a Motorcycle Gang, but I never learned how to ride of these things".

He let out a small noise, as he then scratched his chin. "I could, try to Hotwire this thing, and go From there". He figures that was the best option, Since he: A didn't know how to Drive a motorcycle, and B well technically there was No B, Hotwiring was the only option because of the he didn't know how to drive a motorcycle. But there was no time, he didn't to drive away Now, before Zephyr, and his forces, captured him and Lloyd too.

He then smiled, and cracked his knuckles, and lit up his powers so he can Start to Hotwire the Vehicle, and Use it as a getaway ride. He then started to work, on the vehicle. He hummed, as he then worked on the motorcycle. He hummed a song, sparks started to fly, from his hands as he worked, he didn't know how long this would take, but he hoped it wasn't long. He needed to get back to the city, he needed to assess the damage, and try to see if any of the ninjas Allie's were there, and were able to help. Even better, he could see If his brother, Or even Harumi's ex Generals were still out there. He knew, a plan would need to be in order. Or else they may never get the city back from zephyr.

Soon enough he finished, and The motorcycle Was good to go, and now with a sidecar. He carried Lloyd and placed him down in the side car, and then took a breath. "Am I really gonna be able to do this?Is this safe" asked the Oni lord. He shook his head, he had no time to lose. He revved the motorcycle handles, and then took a breath. "Let's do this!" He cheered himself, as he bucked Lloyd, in making sure he was safe and Secure. Before he then, he took off like a bullet, and towards the open road to the city.

When he got back to the city, he saw fumes coming from the destroyed Houses, and Garmadon swore this looked almost as bad, as when He, and and then Sons of garmadon Took over the city. He breathed, and exhaled from his nose, he almost felt like smoke would come out of his nose like a dinosaur, or even a dragon. He looked around for a safe Place to park when Suddenly he heard Yelling, it sounded like Two people were arguing with each other. He raised an eyebrow: "Are there Thugs going around? or even rival Gangs" He raised an eyebrow, he then decided. To park in an alleyway. He looked around, and then saw the dirty alleyway was trash written, and it wasn't clean at all. But he knew not to touch anything.

After he parked the motorcycle, and made sure to cover it with a nearby Sheet cover, and placed it over the motorcycle, then picked up, his son, and placed him over his shoulder, and headed over to where he first heard the argument. He used his sneaky Skills, and stealthy headed to the Alleyway. When he got over there, he saw a A blonde girl, a raven Haired girl, and a brown haired Girl, in a alleyway. But it didn't seem like they were all arguing, it seemed like only the Blonde, and Brunette was arguing. He placed his son down, on the ground, and Then held his swords towards them. "Who are you!?" He demanded.

Hello everyone, Jdizzle here. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I'm excited for you to see the next few chapters. It seems Garmadon has Finally met, Kaitlyn, Lilla, and Jade. I wonder how this is gonna turn out, I wonder if Garmadon is gonna get along with them or try to fight them. Who knows! All I know is it's gonna be good. Thank you for sticking around and reading this chapter I Greatly appreciate it appreciate it, but this all being wrapped up I only have one thing left to say: I don't know exactly when summer is coming because everyone school gets out on different days but all I have to say is summer is almost here so get ready Wooooo! Alright eveyone Jdizzle sighing out peace! I will see you guys in two weeks Bye! Bye!

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