Chapter36: Time

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It was now the afternoon when the resistance decided to think of a clever plan of attack against the current emperor. It surprised not only the members, but the green ninja as well, after hearing that last battle didn't really affect his reign on the city much. Talk about quick recovery. That's why, they had to think of something smart enough to trap the one lord in vulnerability until they resort to fixing the city and choosing a proper ruler for Ninjago city. Inside the planning room, everyone was huddled inside. Thankfully, there was room for everyone. The water ninja was relieved that the considerable small ship had room for everyone as well. It was strange though, usually planning rooms were small in size due to the fact that it wasn't really a room used much by the ninja since Master Wu would give them reports about any villain activity beforehand.

Nya put down her glass of water after taking a sip. It has been an hour and the team still didn't find a reasonable plan. Well, half of the time was nothing but the, idling their granted time and the rest was them talking about Garmadon's in general and how convenient it would be to have four arms, Much to Lloyd's dislike. The green ninja would have freaked out in that case. For example, trying to get a plate from the kitchen cabinets. If they accidentally use the wrong hand to grab the plate? And it ends up breaking into pieces on the ground. That's not only an expensive shattered plate, but also adds more fear for them.
"Well? We should be a little more serious about this." She concluded, glancing around the room to hopefully catch some people who were slacking off.

"Easier said than done! We are dealing with a Garmadon, who not only has four arms but elemental powers as well!" Jay pointed out. Kai shifted slightly at the mention of their opponent's elemental powers. "Not to mention, tehy'ee dangerously powerful. Have you seen what they've done to Skylor?" He showed concern for the orange-clad elemental master. She still hasn't awoken from her poisonous trance. The raven haired girl looked down, realizing her brother's worry. "I know that Kai. We all know." She showed a tad of sadness. No, she shouldn't be sad now, they can't afford that. They needed to be strong.
"That's why for Skylor's sake, we need to bring him down once and for all!" Nya spoke up, new determination appearing in her tone. The five ninja all directed their eyes on her, not to mention, the rest of the resistance had their eyes on her as well. No worries, no pressure was building up just now.

"Alright, if you guys have any ideas on what we should do to weaken our enemy's forces, please suggest them. Don't feel bad if the idea isn't exactly good." The green ninja turned to the rest of his team, giving Nya some time to think of what to say next. From that sentence, the resistance began thinking on their plan of attack. They had to think wisely, they wouldn't want another plan of theirs backfiring for any...unwanted reasons. "We can try blackmailing him?" Ultra Violet huffed, stepping in. Ofcourse, that's a very 'Ultra Violet' thing to say. That woman has proven to be quite reckless. It surprised the gang at first that she came up with such an idea, until their shock was reduced to neutrality.
This was Garmadon they were talking about, they bet that Garmadon already blackmailed Lloyd and Harumi several times in the past.

That idea, however, displeased Misako. "I think secrets- especially family secrets are not tolerable." The grey-haired woman denied her idea. Only to have Ultra jab at her with a smug look. "Oh come on, the guy can't handle a petty secret? Won't he feel bad when he gets reminded that people miss him or something?" She tried not to snap at Garmadon's wife, it was hard not to though. What was embarrassing was that the white haired girl had to step in, she gently pulled Ultra Violet out of the planning room with an apologetic look towards everyone. "We'll sit around here for a few minutes." She apologized to the team and proceeded to bring Ultra Violet onto deck.
Once on the deck, Harumi glanced around, making sure there wouldn't be any eavesdroppers anywhere here. Ultra Violet looked at her with an outraged expression, she eventually calmed herself down with a loud sigh. "Why'd you have to bring me out here? Seriously Harumi, I know how to calm down by myself." She reminded ungratefully. But that wasn't the main reason the former quiet one brought the reckless cyclist out here. Finding enough silence and courage to speak, Harumi began to explain the reason. "I know you can. I'm not your mother after all." She joked afterwards, hoping to reassure Ultra from her tense state.

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