Chapter 57: The resistance never quits?

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The resistance all were in the garbage depot trying to figure out there next course of action since they were all reunited. They all sat at the table the one before the sog ambused them forcing them to flee. "So what is the plan?" Kai asked as they all sat at the long table. Mistaké sipped on her hot jasmine tea soon setting down on the table as she looked at the group. "Garmadon thinks he has us corned and backed into a corner. We must endure and show him we are not afraid". Nya who had woken up a few minutes ago after there mini battle from garmadon. She sat on her chair as she looked over at everyone who was gathered around the table. "I agree Mistaké but Lloyd is the one who usally who comes up with the plans. So since he's not here what should we do?" She asked. The big man leaned on his chair his arms behind his head as he looked at everyone. Ultra Violet sighed. "I don't like just sitting here an doing nothing. We need to get revenge on garmadon for killing Lloyd as soon as possible". Nya shifted. "I understand you want to take down garmadon, but we can't rush into things" she told the former purple general who nodded in displeasure. Misako looked out the window as the rain came down softly little droplets came down softy on the ground. She sighed sadly she missed her son so much. She couldn't belive her son was gone forever and it was all garmadon's fault.

She couldn't understand why garmadon did it, she knew garmadon was soulless but that gave no Exuse to kill Lloyd. She knew garmadon acted like he didn't care at all, but she started to see at time he did care but she felt he just didn't know how to express it with him being who he is. Garmadon loved Lloyd ever since he was born, he would always smile when he saw Lloyd, or got to play with the baby. He loved Lloyd so much to the point he wanted to protect him. She chuckled remembering when Lloyd was first born,and garmadon always dressed him up in cute little animals outfits. His favorite was the dragon. She smiled at the time were the family was happy and before the green ninja thing. She wished things could go back to normal, she missed garmadon, she missed her family being reunited.

But it would never be completed without Lloyd. She sighed sadly, she hoped that Lloyd was happy in the departed realm. She hoped he was okay, at this time it was the water ninja who noticed misako's slience she looked and saw she was looking out the window. "Misako? Are you okay" she asked the women, who turned her attention to the water ninja. "Yes. I'm fine I'm sorry, I was just thinking about Lloyd" Nya put a hand on her shoulder. "It is alright misako, we understand". Misako sighned sadly looking away. "I just don't understand why garmadon would do this. I know he tries to act evil. But he's always loved Lloyd despite having the devour venom". Kai smiled weakly. "No one ever thought garmadon would actually do it. He always threanted to so it but I guess he isn't all talk like we thought he was". Nya nodded at her brothers words. "Garmadon acted tough, but he never did anything like this. We would of never expected him to do this, but that's life it had twists and turns you would never expect". Misako sighned sadly but shook her head out of it. "So what's our next plan of attack against garmadon?" She asked pressing the matter of hand.

Tox shrugged as jay started to freak. "We don't have any! It's hopeless, we have no leader, we are missing our two greatest fighters, as far as we know harumi is dead like Lloyd, and top it all off we have no weapons!". Cole sighned as he looked at everyone. "As much as I hate to admit it, Jay is right. We lost our leader, we lost our home, we lost everything. So what chance do we actually have against garmadon?" He asked everyone. Everyone went slient until Kai stood up his chair fell backwards onto the ground. "We can't just give up! That's not what Lloyd would of wanted!" He yelled. Tox stood up facing the fire ninja. "He's gone Kai! He's never coming back he's dead! We should just leave the city!".

Kai growled at the girl eyes burning with fury. "we can't leave the city! It's our home! It's where Zane defeated the overlord, where Lloyd defeated him in the ultimate battle. We have so many memories, we can't Abandon the city" he yelled back at the girl getting more and more angered. Tox groaned slamming her hands In her face. "We have no other options! We have to leave or else we will meet the same fate as Lloyd!" She told him but Kai wasn't having it and stormed out of the garage depot. Nya sighned looking at the group of people who were looking at the elemental master of poison. "Tox, I know your angry but you can't say things like that. We will get through this we just have to belive" she urged her. The master of poison looked away from nya she huffed and walked away from her. Nya signed.

"I better go find my brother before he gets into trouble, or tries to go after garmadon" she said as she went and walked out of the building and going to find her brother who she couldn't see at first. "Kai?" She called as she walked along the streets Of ninjago, she still couldn't find him. She groaned, but then heard voices. She walked around and soon saw Kai who was watching some sog guards that was talking in the alleyway. She walked over there and layed on the roof beside her brother. "Kai?" She whispered. Kai looked at her then shushed her. Then pointed at the sog who were talking to each other. "So. What's the emperors plan to get rid of the resistance?" The one asked. His companion looked at him. "You didn't hear? His planning to kill the resistance, with his new super weapon he's creating". The twins looked at each other in fear. "Oh well, come on let's go back to the tower" the first said as they got onto their motorcycles and drove away. Nya looked at kai she signed sadly "are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She asked. The fire ninja nodded, "we have to leave the city"
It's been a hour and harumi hadn't stopped crying ever since garmadon actually showed her Lloyd's actually dead body. She hadn't stop crying. There conversation from a hour ago still was in her mind. She couldn't forget those awful words garmadon spoke. She still wished she could wipe that smirk off his face during their conversation he still had the same smirk he's always had. He was so cocky she snarled they took Lloyd's body away from her she didn't know why garmadon told them to do that. Didn't he want her to suffer? She sighed she rested her head on the wall that was so cold. The sound of the door opening caught her attention, her eyes opened and there stood garmadon same smirk as always. "Hello my Jade girl" he greeted walking in arms folded behind his back. Harumi snarled. "I am not yours, I am not your Jade girl and nor will I ever be". Garmadon walked towards harumi kneeling down onto one knee his red eyes piercing into the young girls. Harumi huffed turning away. Garmadon grabbed her chin. "Oh harumi, your all alone the resistance is leaving the city there abandoning you. The people you thought was your family is leaving you for dead, even your old friends are leaving. They don't care about you at all they are leaving you for dead my dearest girl" he told the young girl. "No your wrong!" She screamed at the man. He shook his head. "They are Gone, they never liked you it was all fake. 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
Hello eveyone Jdizzle here, I really hoped you enjoyed that chapter who knows what's going to happen now that garmadon lied to harumi about the resistance leaving her for dead. Garmadon is terrible terrible man, did you like the thing where misako was remembering her past with baby Lloyd? I thought that was adorable but anyway if you enjoyed this chapter please vote comment, and share with your fiends and we will see you in two weeks bye guys! Jdizzle signing out peace!

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