Chapter 137: Your Blood

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About several metres up in the sky,

Peering dully by the side, a curious four-armed man sighed as he noticed his companion wag her tail excitedly as she got her pilot goggles on her ears for the fifth time today after they kept sliding off.

"Are we there yet? It's been an hour since I had to stay in this,, cramped room." Garmadon mentions, sticking his arms out and attempting to get out. The door was half-busted and he didn't have much room inside of there in the first place.

"Shhh, I can't hear a thing. We're so high up." Nix comments, his ears raising as more of the mysterious island became clearer and clearer. Originally, he and Cloud were the ones going alone, however, Garmadon was determined to save Harumi as well.

Cloud, amused by the oni's struggle, laughs and turns her head over to the windshield of the helicopter. "We're here." She announces over to the two shortly.

Taking it as a signal that it was safe to leave the compartment he was in, he wipes a sweat bead off his face and quickly joins both dogs. He too, stared at the windshield and noticed Zephyr's island coming into view. He refrained from letting out a snarl at the familiar and dangerous island.

Yes, the fearsome and nightmare of an island, where a tournament that lasted a week, was held. He couldn't think about plotting vengeance to the spellcasters yet though, there were other things he needed to keep in mind. Including,

"Uhh, Cloud?" Nix turned to the white-furred Pomeranian, distress showing up on his face for a split second before he neutralized himself. "Do you even know how to land this thing?"

Of course she wouldn't know, right? She's a dog let alone hadn't had many experiences mid-air before.

The concern returned to Nix's face as he anxiously awaited an answer from her.

Cloud, who was hesitantly using her paws to move the steering wheel from side to side, giggled nervously at his question.

"Well you see, I've been watching Nya whenever she steers the bounty so—" she was interrupted by an uproar coming from Garmadon's direction.

"The bounty and a helicopter aren't the same thing!" The man was scared for his life here.

In a panic, he glanced to the control panel, trying to put some sense into his mind of his but came to no understanding to how it worked. He hurriedly looked back up to Cloud, a glint of the island's ground nearing closer.

"We're gonna crash!" He claimed, backing away from their "pilot". If they were really going to crash land, he didn't want to get anywhere near the windshield, potentially due to the glass shattering and entering his eyes.

The pilot of the helicopter however, didn't even flinch. Instead, she grinned and pressed her paws on the steering wheel even more, applying pressure.

She was holding on and she was thrilled to be landing soon — even if they were,, really just about to dive head first into the ground.

"Relax, we're not! But hold on tight, this'll be a bumpy ride!" She chimed, not warning Garmadon and Nix that she was close to pulling levers to the extra measures. The extra measures that both didn't know about, of course.

Both screaming in fear, Garmadon abandoned Nix and proceeded to confine himself back inside of the small room he was idly waiting inside of for an hour now.

The helicopter continued to dive down, as it shouldn't be doing, however with Cloud who lacked experience, she didn't know to properly land the helicopter.

Though, luckily, the three of them landed the helicopter safe and sound. They landed on Zephyr's island behind one of the palm trees.

Cloud, who was the one responsible for such a landing, was the first one to bark out a comment. She let go of the steering wheel and stretched. "That was kinda easy!" She admitted, surprising the man behind her.

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