Chapter133: Your nightmares are your only friends

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Four individuals all glanced over to one another, silence filling the space between their circle of four. No one dared to utter a word for a moment in time. That's until,

"So, you've read the room, right?" Lloyd started, intriguing both onis in front of him. No one understood what he was implying. However, the first one to react was the four-armed freak.

"Eh?" interjected a rather confused Garmadon. He didn't understand what the green ninja was getting at, nor did the former Oni princess beside him.

"Harumi's definitely not alright. Don't you think she's stalking Zephyr at this point, geez, she's obsessed with that guy!" Cloud barged in between Garmadon and Lloyd, examining her own points.

Lloyd, Garmadon and Mirage all turned to the Pomeranian puppy. Ah yes, that's right, Cloud had came along too. She was concerned for Harumi and wanted to see if she could help in any way possible.

"She can't be stalking that guy for no reason though, maybe he did something that personally annoyed her?" Mirage suggested, unsure with her own responses.

Garmadon immediately turned down her guess. "Can't be. Harumi's a rather patient person." He reasoned. He knew Harumi for quite some time, even took care of her. He knew what she was like whenever she wasn't holding her facade so close to her.

Lloyd thought for a second. Surely, there's a meaning behind Rumi's behaviour all week so far, right? They just needed to keep thinking and connect the dots — even the littlest of clues can help them in deciphering this puzzle.

"Harumi spoke ill about him the other day. You don't notice anything wrong with him, do you, or am I the only one who really believes Zephyr has done nothing wrong?" The green ninja sighed, rather disappointed he won't be getting any answers to help the white-haired girl.

The group all paused, going deep silent when they realized that they all thought the exact same: No, there was nothing wrong with Zephyr, but rather, something wrong with Harumi. However, no one wanted to voice out that conclusion out loud, they all thought it though.

"So what do you suggest we all do?" Cloud desperately wanted to help her owner, even coming all this way out of the dorms to speak to these three in private. It was way beyond a puppy like her. The hallways were confusing and she often got distracted with the scent of fresh jungle leaves and coconut water.

She had luckily all found them in this tiny room and joined in, showing determination in wanting to help the white haired girl. Now, she was waiting for any suggestions on how to keep a better eye on Harumi.

After the pause, Lloyd was the one to speak. His lips moved, pronouncing words that made Mirage, Garmadon and Cloud look at him a little bizarrely.

"Don't worry about a thing, I'll keep an eye on Zephyr, we'll see if Harumi is lying or not."

The green ninja had offered the strategy he wanted to work with, he was alright with working alone in all honesty. Besides, that simple task wasn't too hard. He had to go undercover many times in the past and they most of the time turned out successful for him.

He wasn't sure if the others would agree with that. Well, Mirage sure didn't. Cloud had given a disapproving shake of head to join in.

"Are you sure? It seems like a lot of responsibility." The former oni princess me mentioned. Cloud nodded at that.

"Mm, frankly I agree." Garmadon stepped in, not caring about contribution in this conversation. He just went along to what he believed was right or wrong, whether it needed speaking up or not.

Lloyd narrowed his eyebrows, his peaceful and reassured smile disappearing for a second.

"I care about Harumi and it's hurting me on the inside to see her like this. But nothing will hurt more than her lying to me."

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