Chapter61: an unhappy day

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The resistance all were in the vehicles heading to who knows where. Everyone was silent not speaking despite the holiday that is coming tomorrow, but they felt like there was no reason to celebrate. They lost two of the greatest fighters not to mention there two friends. Ultra Violet was being the most quiet which was a shock to everyone since she always had something to say. But no one blamed her, she lost her best friend who'd she known since the beginning of the sons of garmadon. The former purple clothed general just stared out the window looking at the building as they passed by. No one tried to make conversation knowing she wouldn't speak at all, and Rather be alone. Kai looked up from where he was sitting he just stared out the window like violet, but he couldn't help but wipe away any tears that came out of his eyes. Lloyd nor rumi would want them to cry, they wouldn't want to be mourned. Kai signed as he looked at the the sign that said: Now leaving new ninjago city, please come back soon. As they passed Kai couldn't help but feel sick. All this time since the beginning of Lloyd's training they told him: "Ninja never quit! And to never give up". But here they were leaving ninjago and giving up. But they had no choice garmadon Won they lost, they had to give up. He looked and saw nya was clutching onto the steering wheel, he could tell she was either angry or upset. Kai promptly got up from the box and walked over to his sister who didn't notice his presence. Kai put a hand on her shoulder Which caused the girl to jump, She breathed before looking up and seeing her older brother looking down at her smiling or at least trying to act happy. When regaining her breath she spoke."What kai?" she asked, it sound as confident as usual it sounded sad and broken. Kai always knew when his sister was down, he basically raised her, like how they all the ninja team raised lloyd. "I wanted to make sure you were okay sis, im worried about you" The raven haired girl only was silent as she saw her reflection in the mirror. Before turning to her brother. "Why wouldn't I be upset? We lost two members of our family, not to mention our little brother who we've basically been with since he was a child". Kai signed before hugging his sister. "I know it hurts nya, I cannot imagine how you and lloyd felt when you thought me, the guys, and master Wu died". Nya nodded her head in understanding. " we all were so torn up, I couldn't stop crying and Lloyd couldn't stop blaming himself;for what happened. Even if we told him it wasn't he still believed it was". She stopped to pee after that before looking at the small group that was in the vehicle. The resistance all had to take separate vehicles since they wouldn't fit all in one. Killow was lost in his thoughts hands on his head probably thinking about harumi mourning over her. Jay was just silent which was a record for the lighting ninja since he almost was never quiet. Cole was Asleep in the corner, probably dreaming about cake and other sweets to distract himself from everything that is going on. Zane was in the corner metatitig, even if he was a nindroid he still felt some emotions, and was trying to cope with losing a teammate. Uv was looking out the window but kai could tell she was trying to keep in her emotions with losing her friend. Kai saw she was clutching her sai's handle very tightly as it was going to break any moment now. Mr.E was silent, They had him go out and scavenge before they left but he came back with nothing, they didn't blame him for it. You were lucky to find anything in this ruined city of ninjago. Nya looked at kai sadly, "It's our fault he's dead" She told her brother who gave her a hug. "No nya it isn't" he reassured her, but nya shook her head. "If we hadn't left the bounty lloyd wouldn't of been so vulnerable on the bounty alone, and the dog wouldn't of attacked and killed him. We would still have lloyd, and we would of found Harumi". Kai looked at her, "Nya this isn't our fault, it is garmadon 's. He was the one who ordered the attack on the bounty. This isn't fully our fault but ill admit it is partially since we left lloyd without leaving a note, that one is on us" he admitted to his little sister who smiled. She hugged her brother in a tight hug. "I love you kai" she told him. Kai smiled back, "I love you too sis" he told her back as he pulled out of the hug. Nya continued to drive everything was silent again before Cole who just woke up asked. "So where are we gonna go now? If we can't go back to new ninjago city" he asked the small group it felt like hours but actually minutes before the blue ninja spoke up. "I already called my parents, they said we can all go there and stay" he suggested. Not having anywhere else to go, Nya radioed the rest of the people and they all headed to the junkyard.

When all the vehicles pulled in ed and edna ran out to see there son. "Jay" his mother cried as she ran forward as she did she saw the sad look on not just his face but on everyone's faces. She stopped for a moment, before looking around and not seeing the green ninja nor the white haired girl. Jay's father looked at his son, "Say son, aren't you missing two people in your group?" he asked his son. No one answered Ed's question not wanting to say, not wanting to cope that the green ninja was actully gone, and they didn't know where the whit haired girl was. Jay finally spoke up looking at his father. "H-he's gone dad" he asked below a whisper. Ed and edna were confused as they look at Jay. "what do you mean gone? Like he had to go on a trip or something? Edna asked him. Jay remained silent so his girlfriend spoke up on his behalf. "No Mrs. Walker, Lord garmadon he sent the Sons of garmadon on lloyd when he was alone on the bounty. They attacked and completely destroyed the bounty, and Lloyd along with it. He's dead" she said the last part quietly. Ed and Edna looked stunned before Ed asked: "Well how about what's that girls name? Where's she?". Kai looked at the walkers sadly as he explained."Harumi was kidnapped from us a day before the bounty was destroyed. We don't know where she is, we assume she's dead" Ed was going to answer when a new voice was heard. "I knew garmadon was brought back but I never thought he'd kill his own blood" Nya knew that voice. "Mom?" She asked as Maya, Ray and Lou came out of the shadows. "Dad?!" Cole asked shocked that his father was here right now. Lou smiled as he looked at his son. "Hello Cole, fancy seeing you here" he greeted his son. Cole smiled before hugging his father kai and Nya did the same soon after. They pulled away Ray then saw a child who was standing by Zane. "Nya who's the child?" He asked his daughter who laughed. "Dad that's master Wu, he was turned into a baby" she explained to his father. Ray was shocked, as he looked at the child. "That's Wu?" He asked not sounding very convinced. Nya nodded at her father question."yes it's Wu. Trust us". Ray nodded knowing his daughter wouldn't lie to her. It was then Lou spoke up to everyone. "So, Lord Garmadon won?" He asked the group. Misako nodded sadly, "we had no other choice but to retreat it's what my son would've wanted" Edna not wanting to keep up the sour mood. Looked at everyone." Come on everyone thanks giving dinner is ready and it's time to eat I'm sure your all very hungry" they all nodded and sat down at the table and ate dinner actually talking and laughing having a great time. Nya was happy to have her family, even if they were missing a two people. They would want them to have fun and not mourn. Because thanksgiving is a Time to be thankful for what you have and what a great family they have.

Hello everybody happy Turkey day or what holiday you celebrate I hope you enjoyed that chapter and be thankful for what you have I'm writting this chapter in my study hall I hope my teacher doesn't catch me lol, anyway have a great day and make sure to comment and share with your friends and I'll see you later! Alright guys bye! Jdizzle sighing out peace!

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