Chapter 145: A faint blue glimmer

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No one processed the shattering of glass in this moment. But when they did, they were quick to check things out.

Storming out of the rooms they were all staying in the meantime, they all headed over to the living room, where an agonizing sight was bestowed upon them.

There laid a girl with silky white hair on the top of a half-shattered coffee table, not to mention, it wasn't just some girl, it was Harumi, their family member.

"How did you-?! FSM, Harumi, are you okay?!" The fire ninja ran over to the semi-conscious girl, he inspected her closer and noticed a couple of glass shards sticking from her back.

He winced and quickly pushed the broken shards away from her, being careful not to step on the glass himself.

"She was thrown out of the window." Nya tells the group, walking over to her brother and sadly glancing over to an injured Harumi.

It was all sudden too, from the large living room window, anyone could spot her being thrown in here at full force.

What they had hoped though, however, is being in the room where she would have landed — if one of them just stood here, they could have caught her! and she wouldn't be injured like this...

In this moment, having an injured teammate would be bad for them.

Therefore, Lloyd, calmly approaching the table, had sadly held Harumi from the back and lifted her off the table.

He immediately noticed that blood dripped from his hands and his eyes couldn't help but widen.

There was one thing he wanted to make sure though, her body wasn't cold.

He brought a finger to her neck and sighed, his eyelashes batting over to the rest of the group in a single blink.

"She's still breathing, don't worry.." he looked at the group directly, no smile on his lips whatsoever.

However, he could see from the corner of his eyes how everyone in the room with him had sighed in relief.

Moving closer to the door-frame of the living room with a now massive hole in the window, the fire ninja tapped on their leader's shoulder, asking him for the next command.

"So, what's the move?" Kai had wondered.

Skylor was the one to step up, standing next to Kai, she turned over to Lloyd and Harumi then took a glance at the girl's wounds.

"We need to get her help immediately, maybe we can find meds somewhere?" The master of amber suggested to the team.

That didn't seem half bad.

Sure, it was incredibly risky with the fact that they needed to transport Harumi.

But she needed this, didn't she?

Taking a deep breath, as he figured out their next course of action, "Let's move in that case." Lloyd tells them, beginning to head out of the living room, expecting the whole team to follow his move and leave with him.

They had all stopped at the knock of the door.

No one contemplated answering it.

It could be anyone, the cops, enemies...

The green ninja turned to everyone, he was in front, carrying Harumi, he was looking for advice on what to do.

The wisest choice would be to step back if they'll ever need to kick down the doors, right?

Then, their breaths were held when a scream from the other side of the wall was heard:

"Ninja, I know you're in there, come out here, quickly!"

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