Chapter72: In a strange young world

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It has been an hour since she had fled from the tower and the zipline cut a line between the runaway and the grand emperor. Harumi couldn't be more happier. Now, she was almost freezing to death, just helplessly wandering around the snowlands of Ninjago city. Harumi feels as if she had been going circles the entire time, but by Cloud always jumping ahead to sniff the uncrossed paths.

They had reached a a dead end once and both were not at all pleased. "Well Cloud, lets go back to where we came from." Harumi had said and Cloud followed behind her a bit impatiently. They managed to find their way though and the two were now walking through a small street. The snow practically covered the rooftops of each house they passed.

A puff of hot air released into the cold, Harumi sighed and glanced up at the sun, the sun of a miserable afternoon. "You know Cloud, I miss the bounty." She mentioned, addressing to her fluffy companion. Upon feeling the wind's strength decrease, the pup barked as a sign of encouragement. She may not know exactly what her owner is telling her but she got the idea by the look on her face. Dogs weren't heartless.

Harumi chuckled after hearing Cloud's expected response. "Yeah I know, I think you would have loved it there. Skies so high and it gives you the impression that you can actually touch it. She recalled every aspect of the flying boat, it amazed her and honestly, she knew that she would have loved to ride on this boat when she was still a child. But all the fun has been taken away now.

"It should be easy to spot. Usually, Nya parks it above a building of two," she paused mid-sentence. That's right, there was no longer a Nya anymore. Harumi left her to rot in those dungeons. She sighed and shook her head. Nya would want her to stay positive, no doubts no doubts. She's a ninja, she'll manage to escape. "Maybe something happened to them, I don't see the bounty anywhere." She claimed, walking further into the street.
One hour and thirty minutes and Harumi and Cloud left the street only to come across a small plaza. With so much energy being deposed into such an action to keep going, Harumi was getting a little peckish. Same goes for Cloud, now, the dog ended up back again onto her back. "Don't worry Cloud, we'll find food soon." Harumi assured her puppy.

The dog's enthusiastic barks became more dull and unmotivated as they walked further. That is, until to their luck, they spotted a market in the distance. A splash of relief was shown on Harumi's face as she concluded that she could find food. "Cloud, we found something!" Like a new born hope was built in her, Harumi raced towards the market and immediately halted in front of it in excitement. They'd find food after a long walk.

Problem is, the front entrance is locked. She tried to pull it open but it was locked shut, she didn't know who the owner was either. Harumi sighed, she wasn't giving up yet, there should be something that she could use to get in somehow. She released Cloud from her back and gave her the order to look around for objects they could use to get inside. In the meantime, Harumi was helping the dog too.

There wasn't many things that the two could find on this lonely street, she didn't know where the citizens were but she hoped they'd evacuated from the mess she made. There were trash cans, neverending weak snow and, Harumi's eyes glittered. One of the houses she saw had potted plants, large ones in fact. The vases were made out of marble. An idea sprouted in her. She gestured Cloud to follow her.

They made their way the house that had potted plants as decoration and using her strength, she lifted one up. Harumi didn't mind if the sol left a trail as she brought it over, no, she would be using the vase to get in. She held the large cubic marble vase up and even used her knee as support, judging it's heavy, then, she threw the vase through the window. The impact of the throw and heavy object causing a big enough hole for both Cloud and Harumi to get inside.

She smiled, "Sweet, it actually worked!" She exclaimed and bent down to grab her dog. She had to be careful though, there were shards of glass everywhere and the vase didn't create an almost perfect circular circle. No, there were spiky edges all around the hole, she had to crawl in with caution. Crawling inside, she rolled over and inhaled a cold breath of air. Finally, they were inside. Though, they had to block the hole with something sturdy and heavy in order to prevent SOG guards from getting inside. Harumi, instead, used a shelf containing water bottles. She managed to push using all her strength she had within and also with some training techniques Nya used to taught her. Pretty much being blocked now, Harumi sighed.

Well, they still needed to get some food, she couldn't be discouraged now. She stood up from the ground and simply grabbed the first thing that pleased her. There was some dog food for Cloud in the pet aisle and the two ended up eating near the blocked off windows. Harumi bit into a loaf of bread and Cloud sticked her snout into the bag. "You know, I think about Nya and all the other prisoners in Borg tower." She started as a small mumble. Cloud gave a confused look, right the dog was spared from entering the dungeons. But it was a good thing since Harumi couldn't imagine Cloud witnessing the dreadful looks of the barren space. "You know, Since the dungeons had many cells, I wonder if Garmadon had any more prisoners. Probably so?" She questioned.

Cloud could sense the unsettling feeling within her owner, even though she couldn't understand the white haired girl completely, the dog knew she wasn't in a good mood. Cloud barked and whimpered, mainly to get Harumi's attention. Though, the girl just glanced down at the bread she was still eating.
"I feel like I'm not supposed to be here. I feel like I need to save them." Harumi admitted, taking another bite. But, she gave a smile at the small Pomeranian.
"But thank you anyways, Cloud." She appreciated the dog's attempts to cheer her up. The two stayed in the market, continuing to eat.

She didn't intend to stay here though.

We will march through the fire

In a strange, young, world
A/N: Hi guys! Lilla here and thank you for reading chapter 72! Harumi has escaped Borg tower along with Cloud and she managed to find shelter and some food! Do you think that Garmadon will find her though? That man always has the intendancy to find everything! Also, title and ending was a song reference, I find the song really suitable for Harumi and Cloud's situation therefore that was this chapter's inspiration! That'll be my note, haha! Cya guys in the next chapter! Bye!^^

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