Chapter131: Witch's farce

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They were down in the canteen for this time of day. It was a ruckus like usual, it looked more like a school's canteen as the tables spoke among themselves. The only ones isolated from the other table groups are the ninja, but it did not mean that they weren't familiar with the other elemental masters.

Swirling her spoon in the bowl of porridge that was today's meal, Harumi sighed. She halted down at the bland-looking mix and thought to herself. She certainly wasn't paying attention to the topic spoken at her group's table right now.

She was thinking about something else, no, hooded people, the ones she saw the night before.

She hasn't come down to the bottom of this, on who they were and if she was subtle enough.
She lifts the spoon to her lower lip, allowing the porridge to drip back down onto the bowl.
Ah, why must it come to this? Why couldn't she just participate in this tournament peacefully alongside her other friends?


She heard her name, or, was it a trick?

She paid no mind, continuing to zone out.

The canteen soon became a blur for her, she couldn't hear what the other tables were talking about, no, they just blurred.

"Harumi. Seriously."

She didn't see a certain cyan-haired woman walk over, the mischievous witch.

It was only when she saw that woman's lips move to announce something—that she acknowledged the concern sitting right beside her.

"Harumi, snap out of it. Ava Zevada is talking to us." The blonde-haired Lloyd nudged her on the shoulder.

At that, she immediately snapped out of her thoughts, like wanted. She quietly apologized for zoning out for too long and turned her head to face the witch that was now present in the canteen with them.

Ava Zevada, One of Zephyr's little helpers.

The ninjas kept an eye at her smiling form. Something about her being here was unpleasant, way too unpleasant for their own liking.

"The next event you will all be participating in is one of my personal favourites," the witch laughed, walking from side to side. "It is simply called Tower of Hell. As its name states, that's entirely what it is!" She exclaimed.

There was silence.

"That's not helpful." Jay whispered to Cole.

As if hearing his thoughts, Ava eyed him down and grinned. "I'm sure you're all thinking, 'what exactly is the Tower of Hell?' Well, I've got a surprise for you all. Why don't I just show you?" She nodded to them and extended a hand forward.

Everyone was confused as to why she suddenly brought her hand to tower over their heads. Ava looked at them all and:

"You'll really like this, really."

Harumi didn't realize the new change of environment, as she was nervous out of her mind. The name of the event didn't seem too promising.
They were inside this cobblestone tower. One peer at the ceiling and the elemental masters were met with colourful moving platforms and ladders. Harumi gulped as where she was is exactly what it seemed to be. She didn't even try to theorize where they might be, they were inside the Tower of Hell.

"The Tower of Hell is an obstacle course built by your dear host. You will have ten minutes to complete it and get out of here. The last three to make will be eliminated of this tournament." Ava Zevada declared with a small smile.

"Wait hold on, you're saying we really have ten minutes to get to the top?—" Kai voiced out his
concerns. There was no way they'd make it to the top in ten minutes.

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