Chapter 49: Oni mask plan activated

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Lloyd was sitting on his bed, thinking about the talk he had with his friends. He sighed sadly as he looked at his window, he wondered what would happen next. It felt like hours when actually it was only a few seconds when a knock was heard and there stood the white haired girl standing in the doorway. Lloyd didn't notice harumi coming in, since he was so in his thoughts. The two were silent until harumi walked over sitting on the boy's bed. She saw Lloyd was looking out his window. "Hey Lloyd is everything okay?" Harumi asked concerned. Lloyd finally looked away from the window and at the girl. "I'm fine harumi, I promise." he told her.

Harumi sighed, knowing it was bad since usually he called her by her nickname and not Rumi. She placed a hand on his shoulder and the blonde haired boy looked at him. He sighed, knowing he wasn't going to be able to get out of this conversation. That was until Kai came into the room. "Hey! Are you two coming? It's time for breakfast and Zane is cooking." Lloyd smiled. "We will be right out." he told the brunette who nodded and went out of the room. Harumi looked at him. "Is Zane's cooking good?" She asked confused. Lloyd nodded. "Trust me you'll love it!" He promised the girl.

Harumi smiled. "Alright let's go eat and see." she told the blonde, who smiled back. They headed towards the dining room. Where everyone was already waiting for them. "Hey glad you could finally make it." flintlock joked. The two blondes laughed a little as they took their seats. "So what's on the agenda today?" Kai asked lloyd, who was sitting across from him. He shrugged, "I don't think we have anything to do today." he answered. Everyone was silent until Zane came out carrying food. After he served everyone, he took a seat at his spot, "enjoy." he told them. The resistance took a bite of their food. Zane smiled, "I missed cooking, it's good to be back from that horrible realm." Kai nodded, "I can agree. Iron Baron was such a tyrant who only wanted power and forced people to do his dirty work for him." Lloyd let out a little chuckle. "Does that remind you guys of anyone?" He asked. Harumi nodded, "Yeah, garmadon, I guess it's like they were the same person."

Lloyd nodded, "But anyway, speaking of people. Kai,Cole,Jay, Nya? Do you know where your parents are?" The four shook their heads. "My parents must be back at the junkyard." Jay told the blond haired boy. "My father is probably with his singing group, practicing for a performance." Cole answered. "Our parents might be back at our old village, they probably have no idea what's happening to the city." Kai told him. Lloyd sighed. "Hmmm, at least they're far away from the city, they should be safe." The four nodded. "Wait Zane, what about your parents? don't you have any?" Harumi asked. The Nindroid shook his head, "No my father died after the overlord was defeated in the ultimate battle." The room fell silent.

"I'm sorry for asking." she apologized to Zane. Zane smiled. "It is alright, loss is a part of life and it's inedible but does anyone think it's funny how after the time twins were defeated, we changed our appearances?" He asked. Lloyd nodded. "It's actually hilarious." He commented. "Wait you didn't always look like this?" Killow asked him. The blonde shook his head. "Here, hang on a second." he runs out of the room and comes back with photos in his arms. The boy laid it onto the table. Everyone's eyes widened, "Woah is this?" Ultra Violet asked as she picked up a photo of young Lloyd and garmadon.

Misako nodded. "Yeah that's Lloyd when he was a kid, when he was with his father." she explained. "He looks so tiny! He looks like a munchkin." she cooed. Lloyd's face went red. "I was a very tiny child." He told them. "Awe, look at that bowl haircut, so cute!" Antonia said as she smiled. Lloyd rolled his eyes. "Oh look at this one!" Nelson said as he looked at a photo where all the ninja, Misako, dareth, Master Wu, and- "Oh my goodness! Is that?" Killow asked pointing to Sensei Garmadon. Misako nodded. "Yes that's garmadon after Lloyd purged the evil out of his father." she explained. When a picture caught the glint of Uv's eyes.

"Wait who are those two?" She asked pointing to a young harumi and Lloyd hugging. Lloyd smiled, "huh I forgot I had this photo. I actually forgot who this girl was all I really remember was I'd sneak away from training to go see her." Harumi's eyes widened, "Lloyd? We knew each other as kids?" She asked. Lloyd was confused, "What do you mean rumi?" He asked. Harumi pulled out a photo from her pocket. It was of her and her real parents, and the girl was in fact harumi.

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