Chapter106: a warlord's search, part two: where could they have gone?

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Garmadon rubs his head, wondering if he was seeing things, and the resistance were. He raised an eyebrow, and searched around the white haired girl's room for clues. He rummaged through his desk, that could be considered an invasion of privacy but then again, he was trying to find and save her, wherever she was. He continues going through her things to try and find something that could help him find her. He groaned, as he took off his helmet with one of his four hands before he used another to stroke his hair, this was all frustrating, he left them alone for three days and suddenly they went missing.

Although being a oni, and not understanding human emotions, he didn't understand what was going on here. He walked around the bounty searching for clues, but didn't see anything. He sighned, as he decided to leave the bounty so he could continue his search, he sighed, as he looked around the busy streets, cars zooming by, as innocent people went about their normal lives despite the oni invasion, that was happening. Garmadon wasn't sure what was going to happen, and when the onis reign would be over, and who would be the one to end it. He wasn't sure, but he really didn't need to focus on that right now, he needed to find the resistance.

He continues his search under the light of the moon, under the stars, as he held his hands behind his back, and breathed a sigh. A few days ago he had lost cloud's paw tracks, and couldn't get a scent, after losing it, that was most disappointing. He had no idea how he was going to find her now, but now he didn't just need to find the white furred Pomeranian, needed to find, the white haired girl, and the rest of the resistance.

Garmadon was used to when he walked among the streets people screaming in fear, or just standing still, or just trying to hide, many people were afraid of him, and he didn't mind. 'Humans are just simple minded creatures who let fear cloud their minds, and let it take over' he told himself.

As he continues to walk, when suddenly he looked down, and saw a green cloth, but it wasn't a fully green cloth, only half was green, and the other half was white, with a reddish orange lotus flower the same one that could be seen on The front of the white haired girl's blouse.

He knelt down to observe the cloth, picking it up with his fingers, it was definitely from Harumi's blouse he was sure of it. He looked around, for any sight of where the white haired girl could be, before he noticed scratches on the road. He pondered what they could be from, before he was pulled out of his thought, and headed towards Borg tower, After a noise that could possibly be the white haired girl.

at least he hopes so
Hello everyone, Jdizzle here, i hope you enjoyed that chapter, When writing this chapter, i had to look up harumi in her green outfit, and Couldn't tell what the lotus flower color was so i went with the color i thought it was, if you know please let us know in the comments. But thats my chapter I hope you enjoyed, and i'll see you all in two weeks, BYE JDIZZLE sighing out peace!

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