Chapter 22: Aftermath

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After heading out, Harumi, "He's still out. Do you think he'll wake up? I'm getting impatient." headed towards the other members of the resistance. The first one to respond was Nya, who was leaning against the hospital's firm walls. They had a taint of grey-almost being mistaken as solid rock for others, but trust me, it's paint. There was a thick slash of paint being slid against the wall, dipped in a deep turquoise on the bottom part of the wall. It gave off a simple pattern, but atleast this place walls' were as blunt as someone thought. There were chairs placed by every 3 centimetre of the patients' room doors. "Relax Harumi, Lloyd will be fine. Besides, this isn't the first time this happened to him, remember? He gets into all sorts of trouble, these days." She giggled and crossed her arms. The white haired girl sighed.

"Our situation isn't currently looking the best. We'll need to figure out a plan before everything goes to waste. We haven't lost our town yet. But we'll be close if we don't move." Rumi admitted unwillingly. She didn't want to lose her city for the second time. I mean, when that devil serpent attacked, thank FSM, the buildings were able to be repaired. But just by judging at the annihilated state of Ninjago city, everything was beyond repair at this point. She sighed as she didn't receive a response in the first 2 minutes. She, "guys if you just please listen-" tried to speak up again but was stopped by the grey and blue clad- ninja. With a shake of her head, she turned to Lloyd's room door. "Do you really think Lloyd will be fine with us making a plan without him? Usually, he gets the best ideas." She attempted to retort against Rumi's independent decision. To no avail that is, since Misako and Dareth agreed with the white haired girl.

Nya glanced to the side and let out an unsure puff. It was one way for her to cope with her uncertain thoughts. You can't lie that this situation wasn't stressing one bit. Even for someone that had professional training. The mother addressed to her with an eager tone. "Who knows when Lloyd will wake up. It's best that we make a plan right now. I think he would like that too." She admitted and gestured the others to follow her. First thing's first, they needed to retrieve the bounty. Alright, wouldn't be too hard, if Nya remembered well, it was parked-or more anchored down on the roof of a building. "Let's get the bounty. If we go outside, there's a bigger chance that we can spot it." She planned out the first half of this new operation. Since controlling the colossus was a massive mistake.

However, Harumi stopped her in her tracks. "But what about Lloyd? I have an idea. Let's split up in small groups. Half of us remain here while the others fetch our ride." She joked at the end. Misako stepped up and nodded in agreement. "I agree with Harumi. It would be good risky for all of us to all go at once. Besides, who would be here to guard Lloyd?" She made the resistance think for a moment. The serpentine nodded and slithered their way to Nya. "We'll stay here with Dareth, Harumi, Skylor and Misako. You, Mistaké and the elemental masters, get the bounty." Pythor took matters into his hand. But surprisingly, Nya didn't argue back with the order he chose.
"Sounds like a plan." She confirmed the plan and at once, glanced at Mistaké and the elemental masters. The man wearing metallic gloves followed her. "Karlof and the others won't keep you waiting." He confidently spoke before walking to the other end of the hall. Their backs got smaller, the farther they went.

Harumi sighed as she sat down on a nearby bench. The individual seemed really out of it. It was rather noticeable and pretty easy to guess why that was. She let out a sigh, causing the grey haired woman to join her. Beside them, a few meters away from the bench, was Skylor, who was still poisoned. It frightened Harumi to see her in this state, what happened with her? "Hey. Are you alright?" Misako tapped her shoulder to snap her out of her thoughts. It worked like a charm, the girl was brought back from her realm of imagination and chaos. "Sorry, I was thinking about things." Rumi bit her lips as she apologized. Misako shook her head amiably. "No need. But I see you are in deep thought. Anything wrong? or just need confidence in general?" She wondered. Harumi chose the latter.

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