Chapter 187: Halloween Special: Part one: Zephry's Plan

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Everything seemed perfect, and grand and it seemed everything was leading up to be the perfect Halloween despite Zephyr's invasion. Yes they still roamed the streets during the take over, But the people of the fair city weren't gonna let some sorcerers ruin their halloween fun. Among the streets, along the houses, with the sidewalks, and all the houses big and small lined up beside each other. All The citizens were preparing for Halloween To come. The autumn air was cool and crisp, as the leaves blowing around in the wind never breaking formation. They all were, Happy as They prepared For the Fun Night, They all carved pumpkins inside their homes, and Parents inside said homes were helping their children with their halloween costumes. There were Some kids who did normal costumes, a Cat, a Fireman, and other types of costumes that a typical child would wear. But there were some kids who strived to be different, and Didn't have the typical costumes, That other kids would wear. The sounds of laughing Could be heard, as The children, Ran out of their homes, excited to go trick or treating and get those sugary Treats, That On Halloween Night. They would get a surplus Of. Everything seemed normal, and seemed perfectly correct?  Although There was something That not everyone was Quite Aware of, They had no Idea Of the plan, that Zephyr, and his gang of villains, and minions were cooking up, and for sure they were gonna be quite shocked when they found out, What exactly The evil Sorcerer was planning.

On the other side of the city, where Lloyd, and Harumi once gave out food to the poor, was an old abandoned Building. It was quite old, it was a tall gray building, It had windows on the side but, you couldn't see inside for they were cracked, and not to mention way too high up, near where the roof almost was  for anyone for anyone to see inside, there was green vines coming up the side of the building there was some leaves, but It seemed They withered away. From an outside standpoint. You could wonder what's inside the building, and what was the purpose of the building and what  people were trying to hide, or keep in. But that however was a long time ago, way before Harumi, Lloyd, Or even Wu or Garmadon's time. As if right now because of the invasion, There was no one around the building, no one lived around there, and no one felt the need to, Especially with the stories that surrounded that building. Even The poor, Wouldn't go Near that building. Even if it was the coldest night in the winter, or the hottest day In the summer. It was strictly forbidden, even for those who were just passing by to even go near That building.

Some say it's the oldest building in ninjago's history. There were even some rumors on, That old building being the first to ever be built in ninjago city. Everyone wondered what exactly the building was being used for, but no one exactly knew what it was. Everyone, Had different theories, and observations. But most of them did not make sense, and every theory or whatever someone came up with was crazier than the last. There was even a rumor that those who went inside the building never came out, and people would often make up halloween stories, and tales. Some stories involved, the story Of Kids would be kidnapped and held there, until the parents paid random, other stories weren't to be told in a particular setting. Even so there was even a person who claimed, the  Great Minded scientist The great, Great, Great grandfather of cyrus borg, Who no one knew the name of, since those who worked for him, worked inside, and never were allowed to leave, and they were never allowed to see the daylight again. There were rumors that inside he was working on a machine, one that No one knew exactly what it did. There were different people saying different things, About what the machine did, because It was all speculation and rumors because No One was allowed Inside the building Beside the workers, and The scientist Himself. Some say it opened a portal To other worlds, and brought along some of the scariest things in the world. In short , they say It brings Your nightmares to life.

Others have Different opinions, and don't quite agree. "Brining fears to life!" That's crazy some would say not believing that to be the truth. Others say, The machine inside the old building, Would Turn Halloween, real, and if you're not sure what I mean, well , I will elaborate. Monsters would become real, those who wore costumes would become what they wore, and Zombies would rise from the ground, Werewolves would be allowed to roam the streets. Witches, and vampires would be allowed to fly within the sky, and all monsters would be allowed to roam free, getting free will to do whatever they wanted. Rumor has it, the way to start the machine, and have the monsters be allowed to roam free, would be You would need A child's fear To start the machine, But it would have to be a large amount of fear, a small amount of fear wouldn't do at all.

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