Chapter 191: I quit

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Chapter 191: I Quit

Matias felt his blood go cold and didn't know what to do. He felt like he was stuck in a hard place, mostly because he was stuck in an alleyway, two of his enemies were there, and they had just exposed him, in front of the girl he liked. However, maybe there was a chance maybe there was a slight chance he could play it off, he could lie, and make them look like the bad guy, and then he could leave with Macey. That was honestly what he wanted to do, he needed to leave and go with her. He loved her, and wanted to be with her. He signed, and looked at the two, he was about to speak to macy but then again he was stopped when Macy spoke up first. "Matias? What are they talking about?" she looked so hard, and he felt his heart hurt at the face he was making. He felt like he had just kicked a puppy, and he didn't like this feeling. He wanted to tell hee, and say to hee it wasn't true with whatever he was going to say but he didn't know what they were gonna say but he knew he needed to defend himself.

Because knowing Garmadon and Harumi they would try and make sure she got away from him but he didn't want taht to happen he wanted to be with Macy and he would never hurt her he wanted to with her. He truly did love her. He saw her, face looked sad and he saw Garmadon and harumi looked at her like they hated him. And he didn't like the look they were giving him because it really seem like they were about to expose him when they had no right to come here and they had no right to expose him like there's not after he was having a great day with Macy, and then they had to come and ruin it. He hated them even more right now, but he knew that soon he would have to tell her, but he just needs to find the words to tell her because he didn't want her to hate her forever, so he just need to figure out a way to figure out how to break the news to her gently.

As he was about to speak the forearm man who is standing near the end of the alleyway, pulled her in me behind him as if he was going to jump out and hurt a little roomie who was literally just standing there and actually wanted to see what was going to happen because that's what little kids like to do they like to see and watch what was going to happen, but it seem like Carmen and wanted to keep her away from that so he pushed her behind him much to her dismay.

"Awe Garmadon! Come on, I wanna see! Don't push me backwards". She told him this, as she tried to push against his arms, which was obviously not going to work, because he was stronger than her, not only because she was a child that because he was an oni Lord and oni had incredible strength, among other abilities that they could use to their advantage during a battle or when something else is going to happen. He shook his head. "You know he is dangerous stay behind me I don't want you getting hurt Lloyd would kill me if something happened to you". mantis went even more pale now they were really trying him to be the bad guy here when she hated because he didn't want to be the bad guy in the first place, and away he was forced into being the bad guy when he was a kid, but he almost just wanted to give up and walk away but something in his heart told him that he couldn't that he couldn't leave Ava.

Not to leave him alone with that evil guy zephyr mean he was evil, considering all the evil deeds he has done in the past, and what he had done to harumi. He had done a lot of awful things to harumi so many awful things that if it wasn't Rumi , a weaker person or not a strong person as her would probably go insane, considering how much she was put through but that didn't matter what mattered was he had to talk to Macy he had to make her understand that he wasn't the bad guy he wasn't trying to be the bad guy he was just it was complicated he never wanted to be a sorcerer but he had no choice.

The girl looked at him and waited for an answer. It seem like they were gonna be waiting here all day, considering he was just trying to bite his time and try and figure out a way to escape and to avoid the question considering he really didn't wanna answer it and ruin his relationship with Macy. But he knew he had to say something. Taking a deep breath, he signed, and bowed his head: " I haven't been completely honest with you Macy". He started a teller, and the girl looked at him like he had stolen her puppy. The girl raise an eyebrow and then looked at him dead in the eye, and asked what he meant and he signed and then told her: the sorcerer's that are going around, town the ones that brought back the evil villains, and terrorizing the city I'm a part of them". He looked down. The girl gasped, and then looked at him. "

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