Chapter 87: Hit the target

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It has been a pretty hectic week for the resistance including the jade princess. She rested calmly on her bed as another day passed by, more astoundingly painful to deal with than the last. When did things take such a turn? Was it when she met Collin? Or had it been the tension between her and the unspoken green clad ninja?

Ah, she hears tapping by her bedroom window. The girl's eyes fluttered open and her train of thoughts faded in an instant. She hurried out of bed and went to open the window, a small smile forming on her lips as she recognized the newcomer. "Collin," she mouthed behind the closed window. This was the boy that
had been visiting her for awhile now.

She felt like with his presence, she can forget the commotion she's caused to her family, he made her smile in short. Carefully, Harumi opened her window allowing the boy access to her room. The first few times that he's visited her, Collin was reluctant whether or not he should enter a girl's room. However, now they were friends.

"Hey Rumi--sorry, should I not call you that?" Collin was smiling back at her until he had realized his mistake. Harumi shook her head, chuckled and gestured him to come take a seat on her bed. "It's alright, you can call me that whenever you wish." She told him softly. The boy gave an appreciative nod.

"Good, I didn't want things to be awkward between the two of us." He made an excuse. Harumi blushed a little and glanced away for a second. Of course things could have gotten awkward between them after the kiss especially, but that only occurs when one of the two doesn't like the other. Though in Harumi's book, she has taken quite the liking to the boy. She doesn't guarantee that he'll accept her feelings in return but she has come to notice that's he quite friendly towards her.

"What? No, of course not." She responded in a fit of laughter. A small moment of silence occurred between them as Collin dreamily sighed and stared in the girl's eyes.
The room was dimmed out, the window was opened to allow a tiny stream of wind to waft by and the white-furred Pomeranian puppy was napping neatly on her doggy bed. It was a beautiful and peaceful night.

As the two chattered along, a pair of green eyes blinked from the bedroom door. It was half opened and the so called visitor had a defined view of the conversation. The blonde saw Rumi sitting down on the bed with another guy, she was smiling and laughing. It broke his heart a little bit but sadness wasn't the only thing he felt in his bones.

Quite suddenly, Lloyd lunged out from his spot. "What do you think you're doing?!" He growled out, curling his fist a little back before charging straight for the two. Collin blinks as the front door burst open and shrieked as someone intended to attack them both.

The boy immediately ducked, leaving Lloyd's fist to come into collision with Harumi. As much as he wanted to harm the latter...he ended up hurting his own girlfriend.
Harumi let out a pained cry and stumbled to the ground due to impact. His eyes widened at the sound of her piercing scream.
"No wait, hang on a second.." he tried.

Collin shot a glare at Lloyd as he stood back up from crouching, he instantly rushed over to Harumi, whose back was now pressed against the bed. "Can't you see what you've done? Who even are you anyways?" Collin angrily scolded Lloyd upon seeing Harumi's weakened state. The green ninja growled, shaking his head in opposition.

"I didn't mean to hit her! I wanted to hit you!" He argued, stepping a bit closer. No, such a mistake cannot be repaid anymore, it seems. Too soon, had Collin shook his head and dismissed the boy. Too soon had Lloyd felt so pathetic and lost after a single blow. Too soon, had he been punished. Time seemed to stop when the four other ninjas ran inside the girl's room.

"What happened here? We heard screaming and-" Kai was the first to speak but promptly silenced himself when seeing Collin beside Harumi and placing a finger near her eye. The Fire ninja crossed his arms and glanced at Lloyd. "What happened?" He asked again, this time more serious.

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