Chapter 34: Fake faces hiding everywhere

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It all happened so quickly. Too much to process, too much to hear, too much to say. This was an unpredictable strike towards the resistance. Not one that would be expected for them to get out of without any casualties though luckily, the team made it out of the problem with only a few tormented minds. As well as old family members. A few chains clasped onto one another. In the darkness of the night, the massive anchor being reeled in could be seen by only those with sharp eyes. "We need to move upwards in the sky, hiding the bounty in the clouds. That way, Garmadon wouldn't find us easily." declared the water ninja as the grappling iron was pulled from the rooftop it dug onto.

The four ninja were leaned onto the boat's railings. "Would he still go after us though? Didn't we show him who's boss when we defeated him?" The fire ninja asked with a smug-victorious look. The nindroid shook his head, "knowing Lord Garmadon, he would still go after us. Not only because he wants to defeat us but because he's still after Lloyd. It's his son after all." and reminded Kai the logic of Ninjago's villains. Nya made her way to the control panel, not forgetting to pay attention to the conversation. "Zane's right, we're still at war." She mentioned before flicking a lever and activating a button. The ninja felt weightless for a second there. For the bounty has been lifted to the stars.

"Upon taking a closer look, now I know why Lloyd likes the stars so much." After making sure that the boat's hull was completely hidden in the mist of white,
the water ninja stepped out on the deck to join her teammates. Hearing her right, Jay tilted his head. "Why's that?" He requested for an explanation, upon glancing at the stars himself. Those shiny dots were just so lovely when painted across the night sky. It was a beautiful sight. The raven haired girl lifted her head to face the stars. It felt like a blanket elegantly floating down onto the ninjas' heads, embracing them from the chilly nights. "They're just so mysterious that they're ironically beautiful." She simply told Jay with a small smile. She let them figure out the hidden message behind that.

The lighting ninja looked over to Cole. "Hey Cole, you put young master Wu to bed right?" The blue-clad ninja just wanted to make sure. He was only a child after all, wouldn't want him getting early insomnia. That would be bad. The earth master nodded at the lighting master's concern. "Yes I did. Why? Wanted to do it yourself?" He grimaced, seeing his friend's expression change. Jay crossed his arms and shook his head, "No no, it's fine if you did it. The important part is really that he's put to bed." He reasoned. Silence washed down on the deck, all of the ninjas' eyes were raised to face the beautiful sparkling dots above them. "We should go to bed soon." Nya whispered.
Nothing really major happened the next morning. The ninjas' woke up back in their shared rooms much to everyone's content, it was nice seeing the team reunited once more. That is, a green-clad figure was walking along the hallway. Kai waved at the familiar face. "Hey Lloyd! Wait up!" He called from behind. The five ninjas all caught up to him. What was remarkable was that Lloyd was frowning before he was called by the fire ninja. Why was that? Was something the matter? Their time to think about this had vanished into thin air as Lloyd turned around with a bright smile on his face. "Hi, Im assuming you're all going to the kitchen for breakfast?" He asked, rather cheerfully.

It confused the ninjas. Wasn't he frowning just a second ago? Or possibly he just bumped into a pole again? For old times' sake? Jay nodded at his inquiry.
"Hey, are you alright? We saw that you seemed down a minute ago." He brought the whole ordeal in, much to the annoyance of Kai. 'Jay, you had to be subtle.' the fire ninja thought mentally. However, Lloyd blinked at them, showing them their confusion. "Down? No not at all. You probably weren't looking right. I'm not feeling down at all." He denied their theories. Being the stubborn one, Jay refused to believe the green ninja's affirmation. He questioned him again, "No no, we have eyes Lloyd. We saw that frown a minute ago. Really, is something wrong?" The blue-clad boy went close to the green ninja.

Lloyd stepped away and rubbed the back of his head. A small chuckle escaped his lips. "Oh really? Uh...I must have not realized that I was frowning in that case. Oh well, it just happens sometimes. Where...I uh...don't realize it..?" He nervously told them. The green ninja was way too shaky. He needed to get out of this situation before he just bursts. He doesn't want that, too many people were worried for him. He just wanted one day, where he could find the determination to lead without any emotions getting in the way. A thought appeared in his mind on the contrary. His ticket out of here?

"Right, I just remembered, I forgot something in my room that was meant to be given to Rumi. I'll be right back, you guys can go ahead." He waved slightly at them before dashing off to his room. A loud thud was heard from behind the ninjas, it was presumingly Lloyd 'shutting the door carefully'. Nya sighed and gestured her teammates to advance forward, the kitchen was a few meters away. "Do you guys wonder what he's gonna give her?" The water ninja attempted to change the subject, a small grin was on her lips. The four ninja were confused by her question before understanding where she was coming from. Cole snickered, entering Nya's game. "Well, possibly a gift for a date of theirs?" He tried. "Like...a rose?"

That only earned a few shakes of heads from Kai. "No no, that isn't romantic at all, what he's really gonna give her is chocolates and a picture of him shirtless!" He joked, being only half-serious. Cole grimaced, "You find that romantic?!" He was hyperventilating at this point on. Probably because of Kai's ridiculous idea of romance. "Well what? Atleast Harumi will be reminded that he will always be by her side with a picture-" he reasoned with the others before being interrupted by Jay. He patted the fire ninja on the shoulder. "You guys are pathetic in romance. The one who really knows what to do on dates and stuff involving love is me, because, unlike you guys, I acquired a girlfriend." He winked at Nya. The water ninja chuckled while the other ninjas just sighed in heartbreak. Right, where are their partners?

"If Lloyd's gonna go on a date with Harumi, he's gotta give her something that she personally likes. Something that makes her happy." He corrected the earth ninja and the fire ninja with a charming smile. That is, until the nindroid stepped in with a half-bewildered half-teasing smirk. " about a book on how to resurrect Lord Garmadon?" He joked. Oh thank FSM both Harumi and Lloyd weren't here at the moment, or else both would have go nuts. It was way too much to take in after all, they had just survived a battle with Garmadon, many injuries were made, mentally and physically. Cole and Jay clicked their tongues in disgust. "Ok yeah Zane, you'll need to work on that." The lightning ninja politely turned down his idea. It only received a chuckle from Zane. "I was only joking!"
"Hey, Where's Lloyd?" The white haired girl asked, setting down freshly made chocolate chip pancakes on the table. Immediately, the four ninjas grabbed one and placed it on their respective plates. Except for Zane, he was a nindroid, he didn't really have to eat. Dareth was leaned on the wall, drinking a cup of coffee. "Yeah, where is Lloyd? Wasn't he coming here to join us?" The brown ninja showed concern on the whereabouts of their friend. Kai took a bite then turned over to Rumi. "He said he wanted to grab something from his room." However, being a respectful friend, he refrained himself from spoiling the surprise.

What surprise though? That was all a lie. It was Lloyd's ticket out of that stressful situation. Finally in his room, the green ninja slid down against his room's door and brought his hands to hug his knees. Tears escaped him accompanied by a few sobs. He tried to keep his volume at a minimum, in case anyone was walking by or anyone would come here to check up on them. Quietly, Lloyd only muttered a single thing. "Father, do you still love me like you kept repeating to me everyday?". Lloyd knew that if he didn't want to be the resistance's concern, he'd have to put up a fake smile every now and then.
A/N Hiya guys! LillaSmolBean with chapter 34 of Reconciled hearts. Though, I'd have to mention, we already reached the 30 chapters mark? I'm impressed, really. I didn't think that me and Jdizzle would make it this far! I'm really loving the story so far and I'm excited to see how you guys would react to the incoming lore we have in mind. It also seems that many of you enjoy this story. Which makes us both really happy to hear that and read your comments on a Reconciled hearts. Anyways moving on, I hope you enjoy this chapter! If you did, please a vote and comment down below your thoughts! It would be mega appreciated! Now onto the overall chapter, so do you think Lloyd would be able to keep his facade up? I mean, the ninjas were already kind of suspicious, however that suspicious was blown away by the mention of Lloyd giving Rumi a present. Wow...this is a long author's note, I'll end it here! Cya guys in chapter 36!

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