Chapter 24: Final days

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A few hours passed before the faintest call was heard coming from the knocked- out blonde ninja. In his view of vision, two girls were seen looking down on him. "Lloyd! Thanks FSM you're doing alright." cried one of them, she had white hair that was elegantly tied in a high bun. Lloyd, being awaken seconds ago, groaned as he found himself staring at the small room's ceiling. "Where am-" he was cut off by another voice. It was without a doubt the other woman with the white haired girl.

"Young Lloyd Garmadon, you're awake." smiled the old woman. The blonde tried to stand but winced as he felt his left arm hurting slightly. He grasped his arm. Impossible that it was asleep, it hurt way too much. "Ugh this is annoying, what happened to my arm?" He wondered only to have Harumi answer him. "You see, we tried to get Garmadon out of the room but may have targeted your left arm. That's why there's a bandage wrapped around it." She pointed out. The boy looked down to his arm. "Dad.." he frowned.

"Listen Lloyd. How are you feeling?" asked Harumi once again. It took several minutes for him to respond to her inquiry. He sighed and laid back down on the pillow. His view was once again, returning to the wooden ceiling. "I think I'm doing fine. Where did you actually send my father to? Did you capture him?" He wondered, a bit worriedly. Harumi and Mistaké looked at eachother before facing back Lloyd. Who changed his expression to a rather mortified one. "You didn't kill-" he was cut off by Mistaké. "I assure you, young master, he's fine." She repeated, raising her tone slightly.

Lloyd sighed in relief. "But here is he?" He questioned again. Ofcourse it was a normal question coming from someone's child to ask something like this. But Mistaké was mostly surprised at the fact that the minute that he woke up, his father was the first thing on his mind. It wasn't unlike Lloyd, but wasn't like him either. It was a little of in-between. "He retreated back at Borg tower. It impresses me that he cherishes that dull place." She replied quietly. When the blonde turned to the side, he noticed a small side table along with a note and a cup. "What's this?" He picked up the note.

It was written: 'I had Mistaké make you a small remedy but you could easily mistake it for tea. That's because it was this substance was made from the finest of leaves around Ninjago city at her disposal. While I write this, the leaves are still melting in the brew's warm temperature. But I don't know if it'll still be there by the time you drink it. With much love, Lloyd. -Harumi.'
The minute he put the note down, he turned to Harumi with a warm smile. The girl on the other hand was a blushing mess. "I wrote that note because I thought you'd wake up in...i don't know! When we would have been out!" She tried to cover up. But Lloyd just giggled, gratefully.

"Well I appreciate the small note Rumi. Thanks for the concern." His fingers intertwined when wrapped against the cup's holder. It was a rather elegant teacup, a but miniature but what could we say about Mistaké's collection of them? FSM knows where she got them so it wants really a valid option to ask.
When he took a sip of the remedy, his eyes widened in surprise and slight confusion at the taste. He pulled the cup away from his lips and swallowed the whole. From there, he critiqued the drink. "I can't tell if it's supposed to be sweet or bitter." admitted the green ninja with an amused smile. As if it was self-embarrassment.

Mistaké corrected him. "Actually. It's a bit of both. So you're not exactly wrong on that one." She replied to him much to Lloyd's surprise. He lifted the teacup and took a view under it. All he saw was the cup's bottom, a soft beige colour was painted all around the cannikin along with small blue dots in particular places. Very fancy, according to Harumi earlier today. After his small examination he placed the cup right under his noise and sniffed the remedy.
"All I feel Is its warmth. No flavour at all." said Lloyd and sipped. Mistaké chuckled at his assumption. "You do a lot of observations?"

The drink was half-way done when Lloyd responded. He put the taste aside and kept one thing in mind: "This is medicine. I won't get cured if I don't drink this. No matter the taste, I want to get better so I won't disappoint father."
"Ofcourse. It's the job of a ninja, no?" He ended it off with a question for the old woman herself. Mistaké gave him wide eyes, showing her confusion and surprise. Lloyd's expression hardened. ' Crap. Did I say something unlike the 'nice' Lloyd?' He thought mentally. But to his relief, she said: "I'm just surprised, young one. It's the first time you really talked about it. I'm almost impressed. But yes you're right, it's very Important to do your observations. Especially around Ninjago city. You'll do a splendid job. I think I should assign you with the: '40 observations of the candle.' task." encouraged the woman.

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