Chapter 39: Royal reveal

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"Green ninja! Lloyd? Little green dude!" Uv, Killow, Dareth, Kai, and little Nelson called as they searched the temple of resurrection for Lloyd. "Lloyd!"Killow called as they looked around. Nelson headed on top of the cage that Lloyd was once on and climbed to the top. "Do you see him?" Kai called to him. Nelson shook his head sadly. "No I don't, I don't understand where he could be! How could he just disappear! It makes so sense." "Does anything make sense in this city?" Dareth asked him. Nelson smiled at that. "Yeah you're right, in this city nothing makes sense but that's what we love about this city." Killow smiled as well, "it's this city that made us a family and built the resistance against garmadon. I hope we find him I hope he's okay."
" I wonder what happened to him." Kai asked. Dareth walked over.

"Kai it's fine we will find him and whoever took him will pay. We will get him back." Kai smiled, "you're right, you're so very right. I know we get him we just have to believe so. It just sucks! I promised to protect Lloyd, I promised to keep him safe but I failed." he sighed looking down. "Kai, Lloyd loves you as a brother. He missed you so much trust me Kai Dareth told him. Kai sighed. As he looked at the sky, "please be safe Lloyd please I just got you back I can't lose you again."
On the bounty, Antonia, dogshank, Soto, pixel, Zane, and Ronin headed towards the desert to see if Lloyd was dropped there and left to die. As Antonia was driving, everyone else in the group was on the deck. "Do you think? He is here?" Dogshank asked. The four went silent. "We just have to hope in case we don't find him, we have to hope we find him somewhere else." pixel told the group. Zane nodded. "We have to find him, we must have faith, we have to find him. I know we will. On that note, kiddos, we are here in the desert." he told them. As the bounty came down onto the sand,

The five hopped off onto the sand. "Lloyd!" Antonia called as they walked. "Lloyd Montgomery!" Zane called. "Green pajama man!" Soto called. "Where are you?" There was no answer coming from the green clad ninja. She sighed, "I don't think he is here." pixel concluded. Zane looked around and searched for him. "He is not here." he concluded as well. The five sighed as a beep came from a communicator. Antonia picked it up. "Hello?" She asked the caller.

"Antonia, find Lloyd, he isn't at the temple." Nelson said through the communicator, she shook her head, "he isn't here either." Nelson sighed. "Don't worry, we will find him." Antonia told him. "You're right, there's not a doubt in my mind that we won't find him." "Alrighty then let's head back to the city." Antonia told her group, who nodded. Knowing he wasn't there.
In The Lost City of Ouroboros,: Pythor,Skales, Mr.e,Jay and Doubloon searched for their missing friend. "Lloyd!" Skales asked as he looked around. "I don't understand how this happens to him all the time." Jay started as he looked around the city. Pythor shrugged,not seeing Lloyd anywhere. "Pythor, let's look underneath the city." Skales suggested. Pythor nodded, pulling a switch as the circle in the middle came up. "Shall we?" Jay asked. As they all hopped down, "Lloyd?" Pythor called.

His voice echoed through the tunnels. "Lloyd!" Jay asked. They got no answer once again. Jay sighed. "I hope the others are having better luck than we are." he told the group. "I don't understand what happened!" Jay told the two people that were able to talk. Skales nodded. "Nothing makes sense since garmadon took over." he admitted to the ninja. Jay sighed. "We should've never left Lloyd, he wasn't ready for this much responsibility without us." The blue ninja paused with another question. "How was he when we were gone? How did he deal with all of this craziness?" He asked. Pythor slithered over. "Well I can't tell you Jay he fared very well."
With Harumi and Nya, they were going on a vehicle heading towards jay's parents' junkyard. "So do you know these people?" Harumi asked her. Nya nodded. "Yeah, they're Jay's parents. He was born in a junkyard." Harumi's eyes widened at that information she didn't know about. Harumi was pulled out of her thoughts by Nya's voice. "Hey harumi, we are here." she informed. "Huh?" she asked as she saw she was now indeed in the junkyard. "Oh right sorry." she apologized as nya stopped the bike. "So then, let's go talk to Ed and Edna." she said leading the way. And the girl followed behind.

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