Chapter 135: Winner's prize

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Nix regretted not going with them more than anything. It left him to wonder how dangerous the tournament really is. The dog spent his days on the bounty, mostly napping and making sure no threats were looking for them in Ninjago city.

He remembered that day vividly, when they all gathered and held their letters out to each other, Nix was present when they all made the decision to leave for spellcaster Zephyr's island. He remembered just how low he frowned when he heard Cloud would be going without him.

Ah, maybe he was thinking too much, he was asleep after all, back in Lloyd's bed as he always was for the past couple of days. No, had it been days or weeks till they were away? He cannot remember at a time like this because his routine had gotten so repetitive at this point.

Nix spent his days, bored. Mistaké and Misako didn't need much of his assistance as the women were occupied in their own interests. The ex-generals went off biking around the city, the one time Nix was invited, he found it pretty fun. Most importantly, he had gotten his hopes up when Skylor and Jay returned back early, he was anxious to hear about the stories.

However, was faced with disappointment when they weren't in the mood to talk about it and would much rather return there.

That's when he knew that his family wasn't having a fun time over by that island, hence the origin of his undying regret for not going.

He couldn't sleep anymore, he had tried to brush whatever was bugging him away as he growled and tossed and turned. It wasn't working, it wasn't going away.

His ears perked up at the nuisance and quickly made out to be loud footsteps going down below deck to where the sleeping chambers are. Nix gave an annoyed growl, still focusing on napping.

The footsteps annoyed him much rather than intimidate him, he'd wish that whoever made such noise would be quieter or at least not come straight for the room he was in. Ah but his wishes were crushed when the door to Lloyd's bedroom slid open and Nix abruptly woke up from his ruined nap.

"Seriously?" The husky readied his canines to growl at the lot.

He immediately refrained from doing so. His sulked expression quickly changed into one of surprise and understanding when he acknowledged who came inside of the room.

"Lloyd?" The puppy called at his owner in confusion.

It wasn't just him in the room alone. Whilst the green ninja leaned on the wall of his room, Nix saw that Mirage, Garmadon and Cloud, whom he smiled at when he saw her come in, accompanied him down here.

He takes a moment to sigh, letting steam go loose and mainly calming himself down from his flustered annoyance. He then speaks to the newly arrived family members of his.

"You all just came back?" He asked.

The former oni princess nodded at his question and she too, had let out a sigh.

"Yes, we have. The boat ride was excruciatingly tiring. The island was presented well but the events were a mess."

She began to explain as if Nix would understand what she was visualizing. But the puppy did try to understand.

There was something else he noticed though, as they were the last of the competitors to have made it back and he had already seen the other ninjas on deck earlier, that left him with one concern. He shot a worried glance over to Cloud, who he knew might know about the incoming topic not only that but it concerned her.

"Where's Harumi, is she not with you?"

The puppy was met with dead silence, as he had expected. He watched from the corner of his eyes as Cloud, one of the readable puppies he knew, flinched and turned away.

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