Chapter 28: Independence

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"Nya! Where she'd go?!" Harumi cried out in panic. She had just managed to almost rip her white hair out only to have her being observed by the blonde beside her. With a neutral expression, the green ninja just stared out of the boat's round windows. His green eyes followed the silouhette seen, who was agilely launching herself off the rooftops of the skyscrapers. If she stopped mid-road, there's a chance that she could get brought down by one measly earthquake. No, she couldn't let that happen.

"This is bad. Really bad. What was she thinking? She could get herself killed!" The white haired girl tried to reason with the green ninja, to her success, he understood the situation perfectly and sympathetically. Hearing the words she wanted to hear since the start, he placed a hand on her shoulder, "We're going after her. Me and you. What do you say?" He offered. Rumi gulped at the situation. Just the both of them? That just increases the chances of the both of them getting killed. She knows that Lloyd's the green ninja, a wise boy who comes up with decent strategies from time to time. "Are you Insane? What if we get hurt from that thing? It's three against a pebble!" She pointed out.

Lloyd stayed silent the first few minutes. Getting impatient, Rumi glanced towards the opened door of the current room they were in. "You didn't tell the others yet, right?" She asked with a lifted brow. That's when the boy decided to respond with a slight gesture. He shook his head and clenched his fist. That's when he made his decision for the incoming invasion. "Tell you what. Tell the others that we're off to help Nya. In the meantime, I'll get us armour." He made a compromise with the girl. The white haired girl wasn't sure at first, "But what if the others end up infuriated for this?" and told him this.

Lloyd was already picking weapons off the wall as she said this. Wrapping two sword-holders on his back and sliding in two iron swords simultaneously, "Tell them that I'll owe them for that." He replied, waiting for the girl to head out already. In which she did, understanding his impatient expression on his face. She ran through the halls and crashed inside the meeting room where everyone was held. Out of breath, she raised a finger to get everyone's attention. "What happened? Did the SOG break in again?" Pythor was the first to slither his way into the matters at hand. Harumi debunked his prediction with a short: "Not at all."
When she finally regained her breath, she lifted her upper body up and faced the crowds, that were now surrounding her. "I know you guys will mostly disagree with this but it's for our own good. Well- for a member of this team's own good." She started. Many eyebrows were raised at this exact moment, "Yarr Go on? I don't get yer be playing at." Captain Soto inquired. Harumi glanced at the window. The dark clouds made her flinch. "You see, Nya went off to fight the colossi all by herself-" She was about to continue before being stopped by Ultra Violet. "That Water Lily went all by herself?!" She exclaimed in full ridicule. Harumi grew flustered that she couldn't just deliver her speech without feeling tension grow inside of her.

Without a warning, "Yes all by herself! So me and Lloyd are going out, to find her! To help her defeat the colossi once and for all. I don't care what happens, I just want that thing dead so it won't terrorize us any longer- as well as the people living right below its massive rear! It's clear that me and Lloyd will be going out of here without any objections. Right? Though if there are objections, personally ask yourself this: 'Realize that these two beings are sacrificing quite a lot for this resistance team right now. They're doing you a tremendous favour!' She finished, with a clenched fist in the air. The room went quiet, then,

A chair rolled back. Dareth had stood up. "It's too dangerous. If FSM knows what, happens to the three of you, we are practically vulnerable to Garmadon's army. Losing the three strongest fighters. We have Skylor, yes, but she refuses to wake up." He pointed out. That made the girl step back a bit, wanting to just leave the room already. She had to return to Lloyd immediately before he leaves without her. Karloff looked at Dareth and tapped his shoulder. "Oy, what about Karloff, eh? Karloff ain't strong?" He inquired.

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