Chapter 85: Collision

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An eternity, that's what it felt like in her mind. But as the white haired girl was pleased and satisfied this fine morning, with the ethereal events that happened yesterday, she felt a small figure jump onto her arm and licked her on the cheek. It was too surreal what happened hours ago, yet it felt like a wonderland. Perhaps her relationship with Lloyd was too good to be true, look at him now, not paying attention to her nor refused to forgive her when everyone was practically worried for her the night she was kidnapped by Collin himself.

"Good morning, Cloud." Her train of thoughts fled away and focused on the white ball of fur currently laying on her arm and licking her face. Harumi giggled and yawned, gently nudging the puppy aside so that she can push away the bedsheets from her legs.

The puppy barked happily and jumped off from the bed, rushing over a wooden basket, it was filled with all of her favourite toys. Harumi's eyes glistened and widened as Cloud leaped into the small basket to allow her paws to dig through a pile of other toys, only to return to the surface with a small green ball.
"Oh silly Cloud, do you wanna play?" Harumi rolled down the sleeves of her pyjamas prior to walking over to Cloud.

Overjoyed with her owner accepting to play with her, the Pomeranian puppy brought the ball over to Harumi and with prompted barks, she wished to play fetch.
However, grabbing the small ball from her puppy's jaw, the white haired girl let out a helpless sigh. She twirled the ball around her fingers, even being so bold to crouch down to the ground and lay on her stomach. "A simple kiss, who would have knew..." she started with a big smile.

Ah yes, it had been on her mind. The kiss, that is. She couldn't stop thinking about it. Not even did she gave herself some peace in her mind and refraining to think about it in her sleep. No, it wasn't that easy. Harumi ended up playing around with the ball herself, she examined the toy and screeched quietly. She threw the ball to the wall and Cloud reluctantly ran over to capture the ball. "You saw him, right? Collin, he's so..." she couldn't find the right words.

Cloud brought the ball back over and tilted her head in confusion. Harumi grabbed the toy and fixed her position to a sitting one. "I don't know, there's something about him that makes me want to know more about him. I want to get to know him more, he's a really really good guy." She finally broke out her current impressions of the boy out to her puppy.
She threw the ball in the exact spot, only a few inches closer to the door and watched peacefully as the puppy went to go fetch it.

The puppy brought the ball over and this time, the animal already pieced together Harumi's actual impression on him, she seemed too helpless enough and she was giggling—Cloud had seen the blush on her cheeks that night and currently. The puppy softly growled at her owner in which Harumi shook her head with a small laugh. "Oh stop that, Cloud. You've never been kissed before nor been in love." She replied in more as a protest to defend herself. Yet she said it so carefree.

Had she just admitted it? Was she really admitting out to not only Cloud but herself too that she had fallen in love for Collin? After one mere kiss too, surely it couldn't have affected her opinion that badly- She only liked the idea of him being around to support her and fill in the empty void that Lloyd is currently giving out, she felt safe with him....Harumi placed her hands on her burning hot cheeks and she giggled.
"Oh that's the exact definition of love, isn't it? Oh I really am in love with Collin." She finished her string of thoughts.

The puppy rolled her eyes, even daring to bark back at Harumi for saying such things—for betraying Lloyd like this. "But he betrayed me first! He hasn't forgiven me until now so I can only assume he doesn't want to continue on our relationship!" She retorted. Yet again, the puppy growled and her fur stiffened as she pushed the ball away with a single paw.

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