Chapter11: meeting the star

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Chapter 11: Meeting the star
For many minutes now, the little ring tournament went on between the so called competitors: "The devil and Ultimate Violet." Loads of violence such as kicking, punching and ground-slamming were included for the audience to watch and as well as enjoy. The green ninja stood there, arms-crossed as he observed the purple coded general make her way around the ring, tackling her opponent carefully and recklessly.
"Ugh, we don't have time for this." He admitted to the others before pushing himself through the crowd. Only to be pulled by the collar by the former quiet one. She shook her head. "I don't think pulling her out of the ring is very polite Lloyd. Just let her enjoy this round, ok?" She inquired. Lloyd grumbled and sighed. "Fine."

The round ended in the late afternoon. As expected, Ultra Violet was victorious. Her firm frontage pulled off a fierce look as she walked among her fans. Cheers and compliments filled her ears as well the underground itself. Then there was the part where she had to make her way to her dressing room, however the resistance was blocking it. Not really taking the time to think, Ultra blurted, thinking that it was more ordinary fans of hers: "Heyyyyy! Sorry to keep y'all waiting. Hi hi! Hi there!" She expressed herself with charisma. Lloyd and Killow crosses their arms. "The heck was that about?" The big man questioned. Ultra Violet opened her eyes to bet met with Lloyd, Killow, Mr. E and as well as Harumi. She gave a displeased look.

"What are you guys doing here? Here to watch me slay?" She inquired, chuckling bitterly afterwards. But to her surprise, all four of them stood there, unphased by her certain question. She sighed and narrowed her eyebrows. Knowing that from here, business was going down. "Ok fine, what is possibly so important that you had to be here?" She said calmly. Lloyd was about to respond before hearing the cries of Ultra-or should he say Ultimate's fans. He knew eyes were on them. That wasn't a good sight. Therefore, he suggested: "We'll explain ourselves. But can we possibly talk in your dressing room?" He questioned. Earning a cackle from the wrestler dressed in a black tank top and purple pants. "Why? Scared to talk among my pupil?" She lifted a brow at his pathetic and cowardice suggestion. Harumi took over from there.

"No it's not that. We just think that it's private matters. Only to be discussed secretly." She narrowed her own eyebrows and made her way to the dressing room. Expecting that Ultra Violet would follow her orders, she forgot the fact that she wasn't in her usual SOG attire. The one reminding the members of how griefful this white haired girl was. She stopped when she didn't hear extra footsteps. Ultra had her hands on her hips and mocked: "Ha! You think I take orders from a girl?! It seems to me you resigned from your position, Harumi." She pointed out, seeing the familiar quiet one enveloped in green fabric. The white haired girl didn't have much of patience about these kind of retorts. She said clearly: "If you don't follow along, I'll expose to your 'loving and precious' fans, what you really did. How you rocked havoc to this city." She threatened. But Ultra saw it coming and responded with a similar threat.
"Oh please. Have you seen yourself? You're practically the reason the city is ruined. I think people should be upset with you than me." She shot back, earning a grin from Harumi. "The people are already aware of what I've done. But honestly? Due to all the pain I've felt throughout my childhood, them knowing my crimes will simply be a paper cut." She smiled. It was almost disturbing in the former female general's eyes.

She stammered on her words and growled lowly. "Gr....f-fine! Whatever. Just follow me." She gestured the group to follow her to her dressing room where she dismissed the two guards by the door. While walking there, Lloyd wrapped an arm around the white haired girl's waist. "Hey, you didn't have to do that. I would have easily intervened." He told her a bit concerned on her small uncalled for burst. However, like the topic was not at all sensitive for her, Harumi replied. "It's no problem. She should know her spot." She said simply before entering the small room.
The room was quite small, expected since it was dug through the underground. The walls were painted purple to the request of the wrestler, though a few parts missed due to the cracks in the earth. There was a black coloured vanity, displaying her makeup products and cosmetics. As well as a fluffy black stool. Harumi chuckled yo herself as this room reminded her of Ultra Violet's room back at Borg Tower. Yep, still the same old Violet. She was relieved she didn't completely change despite becoming a wrestler. "Spill." The black haired girl sat down on the stool and waited for the explanation. Lloyd decided to talk: "Alright hear us out. I'm sure Harumi already told you the details but we need your help to stop Garmadon. What he's doing to this city isn't right." He started. The wrestler glanced in another direction. "Yeah, I'm aware he's ruining this city bit by bit." She commented and let him continue.

"So I wanted to ask if you could join our small alliance for now." He proposed. Ultra Violet stirred around her chair and cackled. She turned to Harumi who gave a low laugh as she realized where this was going. "Pretty low of you to turn to the ninja for help." She mocked. The white haired girl rolled her eyes. "He was our last resort and knew Garmadon more than anyone else. Except his brother and wife Ofcourse," She paused to let Lloyd talk. He nodded at her signal and continued. "So please, Ultra-" he was about to continue until the purple dressed wrestler interrupted him with a hand shake. "Refer me as Ultimate Violet." She corrected and shut her eyes, taking in the expected mutters of praise. Instead, she received a comment from Killow.
"I'm surprised you're that egoistic." He mentioned in which she hissed.

"Shut it, Killow." She demanded and glanced away in another direction. The big man laughed and turned to Harumi who had a small smile on her lips. She walked closer to the grey-skinned girl. However, she only reopened her eyes went the white haired girl tapped on her shoulder. "It's these memories that are keeping you intact. Ultra Violet, I know that you want to fight for what's right. You want to keep this city living because if it fell, you'll lose all of those memories." She admitted. The grey skinned wrestler looked at Harumi for a second with a tad of consideration but pushed it away when she saw Lloyd. "I'm still mad at you because of your obstinance. " she huffed, trying not to look too touched. But it was true, she needed to fight for her city, for her friends, for herself to say the very least.

Harumi groaned. "I know, I'm sorry! I won't do something like that again. I'll make it up to you! But for now. If you want me to pay you back for that, we need to save a city. What do you say?" She offered the task to her one more time, with a huff of jokingly annoyance. For the first time in this whole day, Ultra chuckled genuinely. Her blackneed pupils looking so vivid as she chimed: "Oh yeah! Now that's a deal. But I'm only risking my life for your word! You better keep it!" She informed Harumi. The white haired girl nodded and just threw herself in her best friend's arms. She let out a happy giggle at her enthusiastic and still Ultra Violet self. Now, more confidence rose in the small resistance. All three generals along with the quiet one to top it off. Let's not forget the green ninja for he is in this too. What an ultimate team.
A/N Heyo! LillaSmolBean here! And thank you for reading chapter 11 of Reconciled hearts! If you enjoyed, please leave a vote and tell us down in the comments below, what you think about the storyline so far. We'd love to hear your predictions, thoughts and comments in general! Now while we're here and I'll assume people actually read these, i can talk about my own thoughts on the chapter? Well let's see, if I had to be honest, this chapter was actually not that long to write. I finished it in approximately 2 hours. Since I started writing this in school and such and finished when I came back. Yes, it's Thursday as I write this. I really enjoyed the middle part of the chapter but felt like the reconciliation scene between Ultra and Harumi was rushed. But I don't really know. I'll let you guys decide. Alright, that's all! Cya in chapter 13!

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