Chapter132: Tail game

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Chapter132: Tail game

The sun was peeking through the horizon, and the remains contestants, were in the dining hall. The colors of the yellow wallpaper, and eveyone was talking and laughing and Rumi was talking to karloff, Nya, mirage, and Lloyd. Harumi as she was talking she sighed as she sipped on some caramel tea, she looked around and she couldn't believe how far she came in this tournament.

But she shook her head she needed to figure out what Zephry was planning. she needed to protect her friends, family and the people living in her city. When she became empress she made a promise to the people, and she intended to keep it. She wondered how this would all end, would she really die? She didn't want it to come to that but if it meant protecting her family's lives she'd gladly die in their place.

She sighed, as she heard someone calling her name, she turned and saw the blonde haired boy was looking at her. He had a face of worried bit also calm his hair looked especially wavy today they were under a air vent so that could be the particular reason on why his hair is wavy.

He smiled at her with his smile, and harumi sighed happily. "What do you think today's event will be?" She asked her comrades who looked at each other before they shrugged. "Who knows this zephyr guy, is unpredictable, be could have any sort of event planned" the green ninja said, as he took a bite of his pancakes. Lloyd beings The boy he is, got confetti pancakes, with whipped cream, and even more sprinkles.

Harumi sighed she didn't know how he can eat that much sugar without crashing, or that he doesn't have any cavities that was almost more mysterious than Zephyr, Harumi chuckled to herself.

Nya looks at the two, as she ate drank her coffee, she was enjoying greatly she took another sip then turned towards them. "Although, I am curious to know what the event will actually be". She looked around ans then looked back at the group, "I mean I think the events have been... interesting to say the least, but who knows! It could be a really fun one next"

Harumi nodded greatly, " I agree with Nya" she said as she took a sip of coffee. "Ooh something tells me it's gonna be really fun, but I have a feeling it's almost gonna he kinda embarrassing" she tells them as she shifted in her seat. Lloyd looked at her with an raised eyebrow. "What do you mean Rumi? What could be embarrassing?"

The girl shrugs, as she looks out a window. "I'm not one hundred percent sure, Lloyd but I kinda just sense it you know?" Lloyd nodded, remembering in that moment that Rumi was Pary oni and had the ability to sense things like the over oni's they knew.

As they continued to laugh and talk not to mention eat their breakfast. Zephyr came walking in along with Ava and Matis; they stood on the steps that led into the dining area. He calls out to The remaining contests who looked at zephyr, as he waved his hand. "Contestants! Please follow me to the arena. The next event is set up, please follow us" They start walking out of the room, the group following behind him.
"Ugh no why!" Groaned a white haired girl from the arena where everyone was getting ready for the event. Rumi was not happy at the moment, for the event was called Tail chase. Where there would be three people wearing tails, ans the others would have to chase them, and go through obstacles, the ones who have the tails at the end will be eliminated.

But since there was only four of them left, Zephyr called in some Reinforcements to come in and be players for the game to make it more challenging for the other players. The first two who had their tails was Harumi, and Nya the two girls.

But harumi wasn't happy. "Why did it have to be a tail? Why couldn't it have been like I dunno a flag" she asked zephry who chuckled. "Oh come now, you look like woodland critters, you look adorable" harumi's face went red she looked at Lloyd who chuckled. "I think it's a good look for you Rumi it makes you more adorable"

Harumi's face went even more red at that comment she looked away. "Lloyd Montgomery!" The boy chuckled, as Zephyr looked at Nya and Harumi. "Alright you two keep your tails as much as possible or you'll be eliminated" the barrier goes down and he nods. "Alright you two have a thirty second head start starting now!

The two girls went off, harumi avoided the mallet and ducked, she ran as much as had could, she looked at nya who looked back at her and nodded. Harumi sighed she had to do whatever she could to stay in their tournament no mater the cost she had to protect her friends ans citizens of ninjago city.

She heard a buzz go off, and she saw the other contestants got let inside the arena, harumi gasped, she saw one of zephyrs reinforcements coming up quickly behind her she gasped, and started to run up the side of the wall wanting to get away from him. She ran as fast as she could as he was gaining speed on her, she gasped.

"How is this guy this fast?!" She muttered. She looked around, for an escape route. When she smiled she ran into the center of the guy following her she ducked under a mallet, sliding under it and breathed a sigh.

The guy who had followed her didn't see the mallet and was launched backwards hitting a wall. Harumi groaned. "That had to hurt" she muttered. Although she didn't see a certain blonde sneaking behind her, and grabbing her tail, suddenly feeling a weight taken off from her back she turned and saw Lloyd running away."Lloyd!"

She looked up at the clock, and saw she had about a minute left, she needed to get that tail back, getting into a lunge she got ready then she took off into a sprint she felt really tired but she couldn't focus on that she needed to get that tail back before something happened to her beloved family, and city.

She ran and ran but she unfortunately couldn't catch up to the green ninja, she sighed but she couldn't give up. "I'm gonna get you Lloyd!" She ran faster, and faster she didn't want to give up, she was starting to breathe heavily she felt tired and wanted to rest but she knew she couldn't.

She stopped for a second, about to give up when she saw Nya who was also slowing down. She sighed, "I'm sorry nya" she looked up and saw there was about their th seconds left. She smirked there was still time she took off in a run, and soon she right behind Nya who tried her best to run away.

As it neared soon to be the last seconds, the white haired girl leaned closer to grab it when the timer went off and harumi looked down, and saw in her hand was the tail. She breathed a sigh of relief. Yes she still a had chance, she could still make it out of here alive.

Greetings everyone, Jdizzle here, I hope you enjoyed that chapter if you enjoyed it. I certainly enjoyed writing it, and this event is based off the fall guys games, the tail game, I don't know why I decided to have that as the event, but the tournament will be ending soon, but don't worry it's not the end, in fact there is some Juicy stuff coming your guys way! So stay tuned for that! Alright guys that's enough for now! I'll see you all next time! Bye bye ;) Jdizzle signing out peace

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